Ramblings and Brain farts

No longer MIA

I just got back from a trip to Baler, Aurora.

I had planned to set up scheduled posting for the past two days but didn’t have time to make them. We didn’t bring any laptop with us to Baler, and we didn’t make any efforts to find an Internet cafe. So I apologize for a few days of silence, and for not returning your visits. Thanks for coming back 🙂

Maxine’s battery ran out this afternoon, right after I took a group photo of everyon with us on the trip. I got a scare just awhile ago because when I checked the new folder I created for our Baler trip, it was empty! WHen I transfer photos, I always tick off the option to delete original from the disk, so I rushed to check if the SD card was already empty. Thank God it was not! I’ll leave transferring the photos for tomorrow. Maybe I’m just super sleepy.

I forgot to call the dermatologist’s clinic to setup an appointment for Monday afternoon. Argghh!!! No, I won’t be going in for a facial, much less an acne treatment.  I consulted the doc for a dewarting session and I was so suprised that the quote given to me was approved (in part) by the HMO!  De-warting c/o Medicard (okay, just 75% of the cost, but that’s good enough for me).

Anyhoo, regular posting will be back Saturday. 🙂

Suspended @ Twitter

I’ve been suspended at Twitter. Ugh. 

I don’t spam, I hardly even update there.  I did post a link yesterday but that was only for the post below, and there certainly is nothing malicious about the link is there?  Ohh, maybe it’s because an ad appears when you click on the ad first, before you get my actual page? Like this, check it out. 


I’ve been cooped up at home since visiting the office on Friday morning. It is just too hot to go outside.  I need to go to the mall though and pick up some stuff:

  1. Sunblock – I need this before we leave for Baler
  2. Lock and Lock for my camera storage.
  3. Maybe get that Crumpler bag I’ve been eyeing too…

I probably should have gone to church with my parents, but I’m way too lazy for even that. How embarrassing to admit. 

I was trying to overhaul my photoblog, but decided to try a real gallery. I didn’t like how it turned out though so I’m going back to the original idea of using WP as my platform.  I think I’ve found a way to make it work the way I want it. Fingers crossed! 🙂

I’ve also joined MyLot, even though I don’t really know what it’s supposed to be.  I’m still not done setting up my myLot User Profile so I haven’t really explored the rest of the service yet. Anyhoo… back to photo blog tweaking/gallery hunting…


I am no longer suspended. That was quick. I wonder what prompted it though?

Anyhoo… Bakerella shared this video of an awesome wedding photographer tandem. I want one for my weddding announcement/prenup!

Meet the Brockintons from ashley brockinton on Vimeo.


When I joined the account last November, I inherited an entire team from another manager who moved to the Billing LOB.  The team name was GRID, after the racing game.  They were a merry mix of mostly non-tenured agents, with a splash of the very tenured.  One thing was obvious – they didn’t have much ownership for the team as a whole.  We’ve come a long way from that time, and we’ve seen a lot of members come and go. We’ve joked about changing our team name (specifically to Viva Piñata), but we never really got down to doing so. 

Yesterday, we finally went out as a team to somewhere farther then Red andG2.  We spent more than 24 hours eating, drinking, singing, swimming, and joking around, at Villa Natalia, Sta. Maria, Bulacan. 

It probably wasn’t the best team building activity that any one of us has been to, but it was our team excursion.  It would also keep them quiet for awhile, until they ask for another outing in two months’ time. Haha 🙂

The team’s being split in two; I’m keeping eleven and most of them are remnants from the original team I took over for 6 months ago.  Of the ten that got transferred, majority joined the team in the last 2-3 months.  I’d still keep tabs on them though, they won’t really be rid of me that easily.

I took pictures, of course. But I’m not ready to share them just yet. I’ll try to write up another post before hitting the sheets. 🙂

Two-week Vacation!

Tonight will be my last night at work and then I’d be on a two-week vacation! Yay!

I’ve got a lot lined up for the next fourteen days (in no particular order):

  • Go swimming for our much anticipated Team Building (happening on Wednesday-Thursday)
  • Meet up with girlfriends (tomorrow it’ll be Anliza, then an EcoPark photo shoot on Sunday with Jo, and hopefully time for my 8/0 UP friends too)
  • Baler, Aurora with the boyfriend (this is for Mom’s outing/meeting for work, but R&R too); this will be for four fun days at the beach! 
  • Register to vote (hopefully by Monday/Tuesday next week)
  • Ship out our package for Pens of Hope. 🙂
  • Sketch out my next (and hopefully last) weightloss plan
  • Draw a plan for our next giving project

These are some of my bloggy goals although I doubt if I’ll actually get to them:

  • Redesign this blog.
  • Overhaul my photoblog (or maybe I should just put up a real gallery?)
  • Explore other online earning channels 

Okay, it doesn’t look like much does it? There’ll be lots of time to slack off too 🙂

I will register to vote!

After the Pacquiao fight, there’s been a lot of talk about a new advocacy that was launched on the same day (right?) – Ako Mismo.  The TVC had appeal, there were some known personalities along with unknowns, but more important than the endorsers – the message was timely and very relevant.

I checked out the website right away but was disappointed (as were many others, I later learned) to see that you had to register before you can read about the campaign.  Why not allow people to see who was behind the campaign, and what they aim to achieve?  I closed the page and went about with my usual Net activities. 

A few days later, I saw Chorva’s post about the same campaign and she posted an excerpt from the site.  Looks legit, not bad at all. I decided to check it out again and sign up too.  I was disappointed yet again because the wall of committments had spam already! Anyway, there’s still buzz about the campaign and I’ve seen a couple of blogs about it, it’s been on the papers too I think. I sincerely hope this isn’t some movement that is actually supporting a specific candidate.

This country needs advocacies like this one. It needs campaigns that actually get people to move their big butts and do what they can to get the society they want for themselves, and their children.  Next year, we’re set to elect a new president.  We need voter education campaigns, I don’t know if Ako Mismo will have that too. So guess what I pledged when I registered on the site? Ako Mismo magrerehistro para makaboto (I myself will register to vote).  Okay, I forgot the exact verbiage but that’s what it was. 

Yes, now I’m admitting a shameful fact in my blog: I am 27 years old but I’ve never cast a vote because I’ve never registered to vote.  And this isn’t out of protest, it’s not even a political statement.  When I turned eighteen, I didn’t know the deadline for registration that year.  Then I just didn’t make any effort. But this year, I will register.  It’s in my list of things to do in my upcoming vacation (that I am so looking forward to).

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