Ramblings and Brain farts

It’s like twits, only longer

All of my Project Wonderful ads have been deleted. As in. In violation of their TOS.  I can’t argue against that, but I really wasn’t aware of the restriction agains sponsored posts. The thing is, sponsored posts have paid me twenty times more than I ever earned from PW so I don’t think I’m dropping that.  And I take pride in posting some blogs that are sponsored without my readers actually noticing it. There’s a lof of fun in writing those.  Haha 🙂

It takes awhile to earn from those anyway, but I still feel a little sad that that income stream is gone.  Oh well.


I subscribe to a newsletter from a business opportunities weblog and today, I read about how huddles or five-minute meetings are good in the workplace.  I totally agree.  I also don’t like meetings because some of them are just a waste of time, but preshift/start of shift huddles are good for making everyone aware of where we’re at and to drive stats or better productivity for the day.  Conducting these pre shift huddles was something we were all doing at work upto maybe a month ago.  Now, we have hour-long performance meetings for team managers, and though I appreciate the accountability it has developed in all of us, it’s not something any of us really look forward to.  I think that we should go back to just having pre-shift huddles, and I’m all for the Tuesday shift knowledge sharing hour.


While surfing through the Entrecard and Adgitize networks, I came acrosse this article about human foods that are deadly for dogs.  It lists Macadamia nuts too. Are regular nuts okay though? My dog eats peanuts sometimes and I hope those are okay.  The others on the list I’m pretty sure are out of reach for him and no one would ever give him chocolate.  I’ve told my nieces and nephews about that too because they are always around here and sometimes with chocolate. I find that whenever Esban is unsure if something’s okay to give to Zune, he’ll stop and ask me first. Good.


For digiscrapaholics, the site DigiscrapAddicts is hosting another round of their So You Think You Can Design contest and there are so many amazing freebie kits available to download in their members only gallery.  I don’t know how many entrants there are, but Flergs and Redju Scrap, whose newsletters I receive in my Inbox are part of the competition. 🙂  I’m trying to find an announcement to post here but can’t find any so far… but here’s a link to the Week 1 gallery, but you’ve got to be registered and signed in to view them (I think): http://digiscrapaddicts.com/products/showgallery.php?cat=556


I have another idea for a blog and I really, really want to do it. BUT I haven’t had much success in my photo blog (I mean, when was the last time I updated?) so I’m not very confident I’d actually do it well if I set this new one up. I’ll keep it under wraps for now.  My blog development priorities should be in this order – redesign this blog, re-evaluate if I want a real gallery versus my photoblog, setup a new one. 🙂

While at the mall on Sunday, I realized that I am not familiar with the Department Store inside the MegaMall at all.  I mean, I can navigate SM Cubao and SM North pretty well, but the department store at Megamall? Not so much.  I guess that whenever we go there (which isn’t a lot as it seems) we skip the SM part of the mall, if you know what I mean.  So there was a three-day (or was it four?) sale over the long weekend and we just had to checkout the racks for men’s pants.  It wasn’t as crowded as I expected, and the cashiers/counters are better structured than the regular ones at the other branches. Haha.

Anyway, there’s always got to be a Health and Beauty section at SM right?  And now that they have Watson’s there, I always feel the need to pass through one when in the mall.  I figured that then was as good a time as any to look for facial wash – I couldn’t find their Pond’s section! What the heck?  I tried the Pond’s Age Miracle microdermabrasion kit and liked it. I wanted to get just a regular Age Miracle cleanser or something but since I couldn’t find any, I ended up making another Body Shop purchase.  I ended up with a Tea Tree Oil with peppermint facial wash. It is so refreshing! I used this line before, because I wanted to get rid of bleshimes.  I liked it. As soon as I used it though, I remembered why I wasn’t so keen on using it again – the tea tree oil smell can be overwhelming. Haha. But it is a wonderful product, so I don’t really mind.

My mom buys Garnier and I like the citrusy smell, and the facial scrub is also refreshing.  Alfred likes it too. There was a Garnier booth at the mall and we approached it thinking we’d pick up a tube for him.  As it turns out, they weren’t offering the facial wash tubes, they were eyebag roll-ons! Seriously! You know how we always think we have dark circles under our eyes and no amount of sleeping can get rid of? Well, Garnier has a new product that pledges to take care of that and instead of applying it on like regular eye cream, you roll it on. Hmm.

Anyway, I did not mean to sound like a promo girl for beauty products, but you should hear us at our room during the Youth Camp last month!  I think it was Ate Chu and Ate Verns (both from PETA theater company) who commented about Joy’s Body Shop products, and then I chimed in because I had my rich pomegranate body butter with me there too.  We sounded like we were trying to convert them to go for Body Shop! We talked about the membership card (which I have), and I even mentioned the company’s ties with NGOs and fair trade organizations. Haha.

Okay, I’ll stop now.

Whew, so much for a quick post. And I thought I had nothing to write about?

April EC Top Droppers

Seems I’ve been spending lesser time online this past week… While I collect my thoughts for a decent post (or two), I’d like to thank my top Entrecard droppers for April. 

Jean sQuared


Wirez and Circuitz

These days when there are people leaving EC because of the Paid Ads, it’s really great to know that there are people sticking around and still dropping. Thanks everyone!


I have been MIA for several days haven’t I?  

On Thursday morning, I went to take a look at the job offer from another company and that took quite awhile – longer than I anticipated.  I fell dead asleep after having lunch on Friday. Stayed until 2pm at work on Saturday, then out with the boyfriend too. Today after work we went out to lunch and a stroll at the mall. Then the usual Sunday afternoon TV viewing, haha. 🙂

If you’re a blog addict like I am, being away from your domain can give you anxiety attacks, haha 🙂 Being hooked on blogging is probably why Delaney gave me this award:


From what I gather, here’s the official description of the award:

The blogger who receives this award believes in the Tao of the zombie chicken – excellence, grace and persistence in all situations, even in the midst of a zombie apocalypse. These amazing bloggers regularly produce content so remarkable that their readers would brave a raving pack of zombie chickens just to be able to read their inspiring words. As a recipient of this world-renowned award, you now have the task of passing it on to at least 5 other worthy bloggers. Do not risk the wrath of the zombie chickens by choosing unwisely or not choosing at all…

You know what I think? This award should be given to bloggers whose writing keep us glued to our screens like zombies, reading through their posts.  Bloggers who, when you first chance upon their blog, get you to spend hours reading through to their first ever post.  In short, these are the bloggers who keep me away from my bed, keeping me awake until I look like a zombie! Haha 🙂

Now, I decided to bestow this gift to bloggers that I super enjoy reading, but I’m more of a stalker in their blogs.  I’m not optimistic they would even notice that I gave them an award, these are very popular bloggers and receive so many comments for each post, but I’d love for you to get to visit them anyway. Oh okay, I’ll add in some super fun ladies who I’ve been stalking for a long time!  So check out my Zombie Chicken Awardees:

  1. The Pioneer Woman
  2. Bakerella
  3. MammaDawg
  4. KimB
  5. and Delaney too! 🙂

Why don’t you go ahead and recommend more Zombie bloggers to me? 


On a very different note… Remember our condo units that have forever been in improvement mode? Well my brother just reminded me that we haven’t heard back whether the kitchen cabinetry installation is finished (and it should already be).  I wonder how the place looks like now?  I haven’t been there since the improvements were made, maybe because I don’t wanna feel bad that we can’t do more to make the space fantastic, or turn it into a big working kitchen filled with baking equipment, a zero radius sinks, Kitchen Aid mixer, oven, and everything else I drool over. Hays.

Nikon Dreaming

It feels to me like it was so long ago when I posted about my Nikon dreams over at my Blogspot, but the date just says Monday.  I have decided to wait until I have real more cash to pay up front for my first Nikon, and it may mean that I get to wait for the D5000’s release in the Philippines.  Seriously, I think that it’s worth the wait.  Just look at it, ain’t it lovely:


Okay, so it doesn’t really look much different from a D60 that I can purchase right now.  But there are reasons that’s really got me convinced to hold off for this one. Click on it and you’ll be taken to the DPreview feature on this baby, Nikon’s latest entry-level DSLR.  I called Columbia Digital, the official Nikon distributor in the Philippines, and all the lady would say was that it’s supposed to be here by end of May, or first week of June.  Now that’s not so far from now is it? And if it ends up too high above what I’m willing (and able) to spend on a camera? Then I’ll make the decision then to opt for the D60 after all, or maybe even a Canon.

[EDIT] Okay, I may have to reconsider here. I just saw that the D5000 retails for 849 USD in Amazon.  It will most probably be sold a few thousand pesos above that here in the Philippines. I might just go for a D60 after all…


Be back soon…

I’ve been staring at this white space… staring and staring and staring…

Thoughts come fleeting into my head, but they never fully form enough to move my fingers to type.  Seriously, I’ve been like this all day (or all night rather).  I think this is what happens whenever I have big decisions to make.  As to what it’s about, I can’t say yet. No, not even on my own blog.  But soon enough, if it is indeed that important, it shall be revealed.

I don’t feel like taking a photo today.  Odd.

Use an AED on me to jumpstart my spirit, maybe that’s what I need to bring me back to life.

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