Ramblings and Brain farts

Photography Classes

Last week, I had a discussion with photographer friend Edsel about getting a developing kit so I could process films at home.  He was so animated about it that I was almost convinced. 🙂 We also got to talking about enrolling in photography classes.  I’d probably go for the most basic ones available while as for him, he’d probably just need a venue to rehash his knowledge.  Then the day after, I was speaking to film photography hobbyist Archie who was also considering buying a DSLR.  Learning more about the art of photography, and getting more intimate with the tools of the trade (aka learning about camera functions and settings) seem to be the most attainable of all the things I want to do at this point. 

Gosh, Archie and I even discussed how easy it is to take out a loan from SSS and that would be perfect seed money for a DSLR.  Since payment for the salary loan is for 2 years, you’d hardly feel the deduction every month.  Ahh tempting.

I spent hours yesterday searching for information on photography workshops and with each page I visit, I become more convinced that this is something I can do.  I was even more inspired when I landed on SirNicolay’s blog.  Checkout his teaser:

I am going to pickout a schedule soon, and I hope I can convince the boyfriend to sign up with me too.  Too bad SirNicolay does not teach film photography, so I’m trying to decide if I’ll use my point and shoot for the class, or finally get a DSLR or borrow a similar built/model as the one I’m buying someday.  Haha. There are other workshops that cater to both film and digital, but it’s much expensive.  Besides I love the small groups that SirNicolay’s classes seem to turn out to be – there’s more of a one-on-one feel.

My interest in photography as a hobby is also something that Jo and I talked about last Sunday.  By the time her wedding rolls over, I should have a DSLR already!  Oh and speaking of her wedding, she has a garden venue in mind already but she’s not quite fully convinced yet (as of last time we spoke).  I was trying to be a good friend and help her find other possibilities but couldn’t find much.  How I wish there was a listing for wedding venues in one place with lots of photos to help you consider which ones to actually visit.  You know, much like the page that could be used to find your ideal Pigeon Forge Tennessee hotel.  Okay, maybe there is such a page for Pinays preparing for their weddings, I just haven’t found it, haahaha.

Skin test – Negative!

I finally made it to the Medicard clinic at St.Luke’s late afternoon yesterday.  Another physician attended to me but it was okay becuase they had my record from last week’s visit.  The skin test just showed that I didn’t have whatever they tested me for, I wonder if it was for TB?  Parang I heard the Doc ask me if it was the PPT or whatever?  I remember hearing something that sounds like PPT (I swear I don’t know what I’m saying here, haha) for testing TB from an episode of House, MD. 🙂  Anyway the important thing is that whatever it is, I don’t have it.  The chest X-ray was clear too.

So why do I still have colds? Good thing it’s not as bad as a week ago, but I still have it.  So tomorrow, I need to head back to the hospital for a pulmonary test – spirometric test?  Has my asthma recurred from my childhood? I hope not.  But what do colds have to do with asthma?

Anyway, remember how I was so disappointed about not having a camera with me to the hospital last week?  Well I had one with me yesterday, but I forgot all about it! Haha.  By the time I remembered, I was walking away from the hospital and I just didn’t see a good shot anymore.  

While I was waiting for my turn at the Medicard clinic, I overheard a couple arguing with the nurses/attendants.  The gist of it is that Medicard was no longer approving a set of treatments that the wife needed.  I’m not sure if it was because the policy didn’t cover it or because the card was good for only until noon of yesterday.  Anyway, they were there when I arrived, and they weren’t done when I finished.  I hope it turned out well for everyone, otherwise they need to review medical insurance quotes to find one that would better suit their need.

One thing that I truly appreciate about working at NCO is that not only am I covered with an excellent plan with a solid HMO, but I get to give one for my mom for free.  Seriously, my mom’s been enrolled as my dependent for the past three years and we didn’t have to pay for anything.  It’s a big help.  I know some employees who have families who also love this company benefit, because with us, you could enrol upto three dependents.  In other companies, like Alfred’s current one, he will have to pay for his dependents’ card if he has any.  His parents are beyond the covered age for dependents though so he didn’t really get to enjoy that benefit while he was with NCO.

On other work-related news… They announced this morning that they were opening another apprenticeship post for the Operations Manager position. There are currently three team managers who have been elevated to that position, but we apparently need one more.  I do not have any intention to be an OM, but when it was announced at the GA this morning, I must admit that it got me to thinking.  Though I’m not aspiring to be an actual OM, it may be a good experience to go through the apprenticeship.  It might just give me a glimpse of what is their to aspire for after all.  If I really don’t see myself as thriving in that position, I can always just not move up after the apprenticeship is over.  I’ll do my best to perform of course, but if I don’t see my happiness in that path, I could refuse the promotion if it is given to me (though I seriously doubt it would be, haha). 

We were given a few hours to think about it, and then let our OMs know.  I left the office without talking to them about it though.  I don’t want to go into anything half-baked.

It was Esban’s 7th birthday yesterday, and also her big sister Dalnes’ gradeschool graduation, so there was a big gathering here at dinnertime.  I have very few photos from last night, but I’d share them tomorrow probably.  I’m feeling sleepy already, and I’ve decided to listen to my body for a change. 🙂

I’d like to leave you with one photo though:


Photo was taken on Monday, as Zune and I were at the backseat of my brother’s car en route to the vet.  I didn’t want to hold him on my lap (as I usually do on car rides) because he still has poo particles on his hind side and I didn’t want them going on to kuya’s seats either.  So he had to get used to sitting on the floor.  He didn’t seem to mind though but you could see he was ready to jump out of the car when the door finally opened.  He was thrilled to jump back in too when we found out the vet was out on a house call.  

I remember a similar photo of our previous dog iPod.  That feisty dude, on the other hand, would still bark at whatever he sees through the window. So unlike my sweet little Zune here.


On tonight’s (Monday night, I mean) episode  of ABS-CBN’s Kalye, Atom Araullo featured Bingo and it’s seeming role in society.

It reminded me of Bingo nights here at home.  I know, gambling isn’t supposed to be good, but… Haha 🙂

At first I didn’t want to join in and spend my money but it looked so much fun so I eventually got hooked too.  Besides, how much do we bet? Probably nothing more than five pesos per game.  More than the Bingo itself, and how you’d never know when you’d win, it was the chatter that I liked most about those nights.  Sometimes my grandma would sit with us and join in, most nights Auntie Leesah would be there too.  We each had our favorite set of cards that we’d use night after night.  

Aside from my cousins, there’d be women from across the creek too who come over just to Bingo.

I don’t think any one of us actually play because we believed we’d win big.  Mostly, we just looked forward to getting enough to pay for a snack, or everyone’s snack.  I had winning streaks, and losing ones.  But those are not what I remember most about Bingo nights.  It was the stories each one brought to the table, and the laughter everyone shared in.  Those were long nights too. Nights when you’d find yourself fast asleep as soon as your head hits the pillow. 

These probably happened around the year we played Bingo for Christmas.  That was for free of course, but there were real prizes.  People donated prizes, including my mom.  It was so much fun. I think it was Auntie Leesah who won the grand prize, and Lola too. 

We should have regular Bingo nights again, not as often as we used to (which was every night), but a monthly or quarterly thing.  I’m not sure if my cousins would be up for it, but if we can organize it maybe they would be interested.

Must see two doctors

Don’t you just hate it when you’ve imagined what you’re day’s gonna be like, and then the day passes without it happening that way?

I was supposed to be in a meeting again today, the second meeting in preparation to the youth camp we’re having this weekend.  I had to skip that because I needed to take Zune to the vet this morning.  He had diarrhea all weekend, you see, and we just want to make sure he’s okay.  But when we got to the vet’s it was closed; the doctor was on a house call. 

After lunch, I was supposed to see my own doctor to follow up on my case.  I don’t think this one’s going to happen today though – I may not have enough time left in the afternoon.  I fell asleep you see. 

From the time we got back from the vet’s at around 1130am, until my brother got home from shopping at 230pm, I did nothing but sleep. Okay, I also tried to blog and I did successfully install McAfee on my PC.  But I was suddenly sleepy, which is a surprise because I had a long sleep last night.  I tried having ice cream to keep me awake, but it was of no help.  So… instead of heading to my doctor at 1pm so I could still have enough time to take Zune to the vet again, I’d have to choose one task.  So we’re going to see Zune’s doctor and maybe not mine.  

I haven’t even had lunch yet. Ugh.

Deal or No Deal – no more

Bongga yung dance number/entrance ng 26k girls for today’s show.  Apparently, it’s their last.  It’s our local Deal or No Deal’s last airing, how many seasons did they run?  Lately, it’s been really nice watching how Kris has been more comfortable and enjoying her time – dancing with the 26k or with her contestants.  

We’ve been hearing about the new show (Bingo?) that’s coming soon, but I thought that DND surely will be back  in a few months.  But as today’s show progresses, it looks like they won’t.  The other Kapamilya game show hosts are today’s contestants – Game Ka Na Ba’s Edu Manzano, and the Singing Bee’s Cesar Montano.  They’re playing for a community of aetas in Tarlac, who were affected by the Mt. Pinatubo eruption that happened a decade ago, but continues to cause challenges for so many families and communities.


There was a fire drill at ABS-CBN this morning, and well, Mother Ignacia was blocked off because there really were fire trucks (or maybe just one) for the drill.  My dad was picking me up and I had to meet him at the ELJ drive entrance instead.  Received a message from one of my agents saying he’s stranded outside the building until the fire drill is finished. Ugh. Had to call Workforce to let them know. 

When I finally got home, I realized that not only was Inday here for ironing day, there was Milo and his crew outside working on the roofing for our back porch.  I had anticipated some noise that will keep me up, but surprisingly, I fell asleep again on the couch without any effort. Another welcome surprise is that it wasn’t so hot this afternoon, definitely due to the rainshowers. 

We’ve had roofing installed on our doorstep and over the steps leading up to it, and then at our porch.  But after all these improvements we’ve not thought to finally put railings on the stairs. I guess it’s not that important now since mom’s potter plants serve to block any of the kids from getting too close to the edge.  Good thing I was blogging this because I just remembered that we’ve been meaning to have Zune’s fence properly made.  I’ve just asked dad now to ask Milo tomorrow how much it would cost to include fence installation this week.  Maybe we can finally give the makeshift fence some rest after two  years of service.  Besides, it’s high time we get something that people can open and shut conveniently when they need to pass, rather than step over like we do now. Haha.

I was at a leadership training all day at work, and I didn’t expect to, but I totally appreciated the theme of that particular training program.  If things like these are made available to more employees, NCO will really be loved better by it’s people. All day I was thinking about how I was going to blog about the experience, but too bad I didn’t take note of my thoughts and now I just can’t remember what they were! Haha. 🙂

Oh I did take a photo of my name tent. One thing that NCO invests in is an ongoing learning and development program for it’s managers and employees.  I’ve attended a lot of these trainings and everytime, without fail, we are asked to make name tents.  It’s become a tradition that starts from Accent/Foundation training.  I would write my name in so many different names, and include doodles. Today though, just a simple smiley was enough.


Mom is home from her work trip in Hong Kong.  But you know what?  I was more excited about having the camera back than the shirts she bought for us. LOL!

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