Ramblings and Brain farts

Missed Photo Opps

I was at the hospital this afternoon to finally have my coughs and colds be checked by a doctor.  I ended up having a chest xray done, and a skin test.  I won’t know the results until Monday though, when I see the doctor again.

While there, I realized how many photos I could have taken.  I left my phone at home and felt impaired (like leaving one arm behind)!  There were so many photos I could have taken.

The door to the X-Ray room with the red light above the doorway, that lights up only when there is an ongoing, what do you call it – session?

There was also the blue adhesive mats right outside the door to a room that was being renovated.  It was interesting because it serves like a door mat.  The men who leave the room step on the mat, leave tons of dirt behind, before they step on the floor of the hospital halls.  I guess it’s a good way to at least minimize the dirt that the renovation would have caused in their halls.

I’d have loved to take a photo of the hand sanitary liquid dispensers on the hallway too, hehe.  Those things are all around the hospital and I’ve always loved the scent – better than store bought hand sanitizers I tell you.

Anyway… I’d love to say more but I’m sleepy and I need to go to bed now…

Fun decided not to show up this weekend

After being away from the boyfriend for the week, I was really looking forward to this weekend being a fun one. Well, it wasn’t. 

First, my nose is dripping like crazy. Sorry. But it’s true.  I still have colds, and it’s like they wanted to punish me for taking all of those Sinutab ES that the doctor prescribed last weekend. On Saturday morning, I had a really bad headache but I had to finish the ton of work I had allowed to pile up on me, and leave the pining until I could go home.  I woke Alfred up by calling him so many times on his phone, and he came over to pick me up and take me to lunch.  We ended up taking a long cab ride to Greenhills because the driver wasn’t thinking about Saturday noontime traffic at EDSA when he decided that’s the route we were going to take.  The ride didn’t do much to make me feel better.

Lunch was fantastic though – The House of Minis.  I was craving for steak, you see.

But guess what?  Just so we could go out for lunch (and because I needed something to pick me up), I had taken some work home.  BUT because of the time it took to get us to Greenhills, we wouldn’t make it back home for me to meet my 3PM deadline.  So we had to stop by an Internet place so I could make it.  And I did. 

We decided to stroll around the shops for awhile, and we got to stop at the Dollar Store, and Daiso too. I took pictures (that I wouldn’t be able to show off because Mom has the camera with her and she’s off to Hong Kong)!  I must have been looking really crappy already because Alfred was the one who insisted on heading home. It really should have been me since I did have to go to work pa that night.

Saturday night wasn’t any better. To make matters worse, calls were coming in like there was no tomorrow.  And there were these issues that we just weren’t able to track right away.  And someone got the flack for it. Though I am happy it wasn’t me, I felt bad that it had to be her too. Something’s gotta change about our processes, seriously.  But I was going through the whole shift in a daze.  One minute I’d be sitting, staring at my monitor, the next I’d just feel snot dripping off my nose down to my shirt! Really yucky stuff I tell you.  Good thing my seatmate comes in 5 hours into my shift already.  

Alfred has been craving for another meal at Mister Kebab, and Sunday morning was supposed to be the perfect time for it.  Well guess what, I couldn’t wake him up.  I had waited and waited.  By the time he responded, I was outside the office ready to go home.  I called my dad and there was lunch at home already and I didn’t want that to go to waste so I asked Dad (with Esban) to pick me up instead.  After eating, I dozed off on the couch right in front of the TV while Alfred gave Zune a bath.  We went to sleep (at least I did) because I was feeling too warm and my head was just chasing my pillows.  We intended to go out around 6pm.  I needed to pay my bills, and Alfred needs a new wallet.  Well guess what? We didn’t go anywhere.  And I have the feeling that he’s blaming me for it.  

And that’s just not fair.  I was ready to stand up, take a bath, get dressed and leave for the mall.  But he decided it was his time to sleep.  Then he wakes me up at 9PM because he’s hungry for dinner.  Then he goes and finishes his dinner so fast and stands up right behind his chair and stands there next to me with his hands on his hips. When I asked him what on earth he was doing standing there, he made a move to go up and back to our room. What the heck?  Why couldn’t he at least wait for me to finish eating? So then he goes back and sits next to me. But what’s the point already? So I told him to go on ahead, which he does, but not without saying he just didn’t get it.  Well that was a revelation! Yes, he just doesn’t get it!

Sorry for the rant. Yes this was a rant.

Because after dinner, I didn’t join him up there. I stayed downstairs and slept again on the couch until the ABS-CBN station ID woke me up, just before the Philippine Anthem video was played and the station signed off for the night.  And in a few hours, he’ll leave for work and I won’t see him again until Friday night. That sucks.  

And I’m still sick. 

What a weekend.

Why I don’t get things done…

I realized just now that the reason why I don’t get as many things done (as in finished/completed) as I want to, is that I do them all at the same time.

While I ponder on what to blog…

  • …I go through one of my MSN emails to clear out unread mail.
  • …I go through my domain email, which doesn’t have as much stuff as my MSN emails.
  • …I logon to EC and go card dropping
  • …I surf through EasyHits.
  • Today, I also tried to edit some of our team videoke photos (too dark)
  • And I also surfed through the Adgitize network (first time)
  • Some days I also browse through digital scrapbooking sites and blogs
  • While I try to scrap a page

These are things I can think of at the moment.  I would call it multi-tasking, but it can also be called – spreading myself too thin. Haha.

Oh, and I do all these when I really should be sleeping.

Drive thru

Sometimes I really wish I had a car.  Having one would allow me to go on weekend day (or night) trips – something that I’ve really wanted to do.  Something my mom and dad used to do a lot (they would drive through Rizal, or Laguna, or even up to as far as Bicol!).

Last Sunday at the SM North, there were cars on display with low downpayment schemes.  For awhile there, Alfred and I imagined bringing home any one of those vehicles – small cars, all of them so they wouldn’t be gas guzzling machines.  It was a bit funny too, because imagine two huge beings like us  alighting from such minute cars! Haha 🙂  Sadly, we can’t really afford the monthly payments.  Maybe when someone already rents the condo so it can pay for itself (and give me some pocket money too), and if I regularly receive my BOE again (incentive program at work), then Alfred and I will be able to pay the monthly fees and take care of our other needs at the same time.

For the time being, I will rely on my brother and my dad to drive me to places.  I will continue looking at dad’s miniature cars, like these Carrera slot cars that look like a million dollars.  Imagine driving in life size versions of those miniatures?  That would be so cool! 🙂

Tuesday, not my favorite day

Every week it’s all the same.  I wake up on a Tuesday morning and think about the many reasons why I don’t want to go to work.  Work isn’t until tonight, but my mind is filled with things I’d rather do than sleep in the afternoon to wake up in the evening and report for my first day at work for the week. Ugh. 

I am so tired of complaining. So tired of just going through the motions.  Yet every week (or is it everyday?), I complain.  Yet every week I also resolve to stop complaining, and to give my job my very best.  I do give my 98% to the job, but I still can’t help complaining about a regular job keeping my away from other things I’d rather do.  I know everyone has those kind of days, but for me it’s an everyday thing. A constant struggle.  And it’s just not healthy.

And today, Alfred isn’t around to cheer me up. He isn’t here to tell me why I should go to work.  Or, why I shouldn’t.  

Yesterday, while reading PS I Love You, I remembered something that Alfred said awhile back.  He doesn’t want to grow old.  He’s not afraid of getting old, he just doesn’t want to reach the stage where someone will have to take care of him full time.  He doesn’t want to grow old enough to be needing incontinence supplies, if you know what I mean.  


I saw an ad on the papers yesterday about a short course on baking in one of the culinary schools here.  I forgot to read up on it yesterday so I just did today.  My heart fell when I saw the tag price – 38000 pesos.  I don’t have that money and I don’t want to ask for a loan from my parents because I have an outstanding loan with my brother for the condo improvements.  A loan that I have currently no means to pay for.  Ugh.  I hope they schedule another batch for that class a few months from now.  Maybe by then I’d be able to put together some money.

Speaking of money…

I’ve noticed that money’s been tight for me lately.  It doesn’t have anything to do with the financial crunch that the whole world is experiencing.  At work, team managers receive an incentive based on their team performance and we look forward to this every month.  Since I moved accounts though, it’s like I’ve been robbed of that incentive.  With my former account, I always get it and it was more than enough to reward my top agents and cover the payment for my housing loan.  Now, it’s barely enough to buy treats for my team.  That sucks.  If I was still getting that incentive every month, I’d be so confident to ask my dad to loan me the money for the baking class and to promise to pay it back within the year.  But I don’t.

Okay, this has really turned out to be a very negative post so let me end with something different…

Earth Hour is happening again on March 28th, 8:30 PM local time.

I’ll make sure we do this at home.  And I’ll talk to my cousins and my grandpa so they’ll switch off their lights too.

I just don’t know how feasible this is going to be at work.  Our peak hours are at night, and I am not sure management will agree to switch off the main floor lights even for just an hour.  Our PC monitors will still be running anyway, and that generates enough light for me. Haha.


I also uploaded some pictures at DigitalMe, go check ’em out 🙂 I wonder when I’ll be able to catch up posting for my Project 365 at the rate I’m going. haha

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