Ramblings and Brain farts

RIP FrancisM

By now, the whole country (if not the whole world) knows about the passing of one of our generation’s icons – Francis Magalona. He battled with Leukemia (the AML type, the same one my grandmother had) for several months, but it was a big surprise for many outside his close circle of family and friends that he passed so soon. Most of us were thinking that he was on the road to recovery, specially after watching him perform live on Eat Bulaga with his good friend Ely Buendia in October last year (yep, I don’t always watch EB but for some reason, we were tuned in that day).

Everyone who lived through the 80s and the 90s probably have their own memories of the Master Rapper. I remember seeing him perform live and in person at an Eat Bulaga! show. They were still at ABS-CBN then, and he was a guest. It was on our grade 3 (or was it grade 4) field trip and EB was one of our stops. I don’t remember what song he performed that day, probably Mga Kababayan because that was the year it was released, but I could be wrong. Teka, was he really there or am I just associating another memory with it? Basta, that’s how I remember.

I was in highschool when Kaleidoscope World came out. I remember having a friend write down the lyrics on a page in my binder, uso sa ‘min yun nun eh, we really had the lyrics of our favorite songs in our binders right along with our school notes. Tapos pa-bonggahan ng lettering for the titles. 

After shift on Friday at around 12 noon, my team went out for a few rounds of drinks and videoke at this bar along Mother Ignacia.  As soon as we were ushered into the room, of course I took the remote control for the videoke. Haha. I randomly punched a number and guess what came out? FrancisM’s version of SuperProxy. I am not kidding. We didn’t know that he had died already. We started receiving messages about the news only about two and a half hours later. The boyfriend was the first person I SMSd about it, he hadn’t heard, and he replied back that that wasn’t a very good joke. He’s a fan, you see. As our own tribute, we looked through the song book for Kaleidoscope World and all sang together.

Some time ago, I had read somewhere that he was into photography. I searched online for his photos and that was the first time I landed on his Multiply page. Today was the only other time I checked it out and I spent the last hour or so going through his posts. He lived a full life, that much I can see. And he enabled others to do so too. He wasn’t just passionate about his music, he had the same dedication for his photography, and also for his clothing line (which is a mere reflection of his love for his country). Last night, walking away from the MOA concert grounds, the boyfriend and I were talking about how much the Man from Manila has accomplished in his 44 years of life.

Until around Christmas last year, we didn’t know that the three stars and a sun shirts were FrancisM labels. Seriously. We’ve all seen them around and am sure everyone wants one. Then while shopping for gifts at Greenhills, we saw a guy wearing a shirt and I don’t know how we knew, but it was from FrancisM Clothing Company! We searched through Greenhills for a store where we could buy from the original brand – we didn’t find it. Now I know where the stores are. I’ll be looking for the Cancer shirt (both the Philippine Cancer one and the Leukemia one) because that holds significance for us too. Alfred wants the one with FM’s silhouette, the one with the mic.

FM. I remember when I decided to name my Frankie after FrancisM. He was a good photographer, a good storyteller. I hope to tell more stories through my photos too, be it with Frankie’s help (I have neglected her so much) or with another camera.

He leaves behind his wife, and their 8 children, many many friends and millions of fans.

Rest in Peace FrancisM, Master Rapper, the Man from Manila.

Thank you February Top Entrecard Visitors

I haven’t done this in a while, and since it’s the beginning of a new month, it’s fitting that I say thank you to my top EC droppers in February:

cestlavie starcasm dreamingjpg cafeteen vanilla nico broken cen sweet walking 

It is interesting to see how different the current list is to the EC thank you list I had several months ago. Please do help me show my appreciation for these bloggers by visiting them too 🙂 This here is a merry mix of orientations, reflective of my diverse interests too, if I may add. 🙂

Thank you again everyone!

Ebola, E-heads, & Everything Else

Today, they started work on getting rid of about 6000 pigs infected by the Ebola Reston Virus in a farm in Pandi, Bulacan. They targeted to stun and then burn about 500 pigs today but only managed 300. It’s being done to prevent the spread of the virus to other pig farms in the region, but more importantly, to prevent human transmission. One farm worker has already tested positive for antibodies for the virus, indicating that he had contracted the virus some time ago. He is healthy though, which probably reinforces the message that the virus is not deadly to humans.

I pity the farm owners, surely they are losing so much of their livelihood because of this outbreak. I wonder if the government will be able to help them out in some way?

All this talk about Ebola found in pork is not stopping Alfred from eating a lot of pork, or so his mom says. Hehe. They had invited me for lunch, and so from work I took the MRT (something I hadn’t done on my own in a long time) from Quezon Avenue, all the way to the last station at Taft. Alfred met me at the station and we walked over to their house where a hefty lunch was waiting. I had a bit of a chat with Alfred’s mom before we left.


I have slept a total of two hours since last night. Haha. I figured I’d sleep at night for a change, so I’d probably turn in some time after midnight. I only have one day off then it’s back to work Monday night. Not something I was forced to do, mind you. I had asked for this so I could take another night off on Saturday, to see the Eraserheads concert. Yes, you read that right, I am finally going to see them at what possibly would be their last big gig! Alfred let me persuade him to it and I bought the tickets online this afternoon.

I’ve been singing along to their songs from grade school all the way through college. The last time I probably saw them perform was at a UP Fair, but I’m not so sure anymore. In highschool, Pare Ko was the first ever song my kuya taught me to play on the guitar (I’m sure I’ve mentioned that at least once in this blog before).

When the Eheads tribute album came out a few years after they disbanded, I got my hands on that too! When I missed the first reunion concert in August, I was super disappointed. Last week, I was frustrated that I had no one who would go with me to the final set. Today, I am so happy because I know that I will be going. And I know I will have fun. Even if I dread the transportation nightmare we probably will encounter after the show, I am not letting that ruin the evening. Haha. 🙂

You know, sometimes when I think about concerts, I remember the ones I went to with my friends at UP. Concert tickets that don’t cost an arm and a leg. There was always something interesting to see. And sometimes I think about not being a part of organizations who sponsored such concerts, not having experienced helping put one together, you know? I don’t regret it really, I just sometimes think about what experiences like that give you. I’ve always found it exhilarating to organize trainings, specially back when we were doing it in our YP office at the ECPAT office’s aquarium, and then later when I was working at Asia ACTs. There’s just something about figuring out the logistics, getting in touch with people, mobilizing participants, making sure you’ll have everything you need. Finding venues, haggling over prices, heck, even budgeting and tallying the accounts after the event! Sounds crazy, but I miss doing stuff like that too.

Sometimes when I am reminded of my University days, I also think about the many twists of fate that have happened since. I took up a BA in Psychology. At some point it was intended as a pre-law course, until I realized I did not want to stay up to read all the materials they are required to finish in a day. Then I also thought about pursuing a career in Psychology or maybe special education. The idea of combining my passion then as a child rights advocate and what I was studying was very exciting. I had imagined being involved in healing and reintegrating child victim/survivors of commercial sexual exploitation. I had seen myself helping out in educating (or even just entertaining) children with special abilities. I thought about being part of case conferences for a child living with cerebral palsy or a survivor of abuse. Because really, whether they have a developmental condition, or they lived in vulnerable/difficult circumstances, these children deserve extra special care.

But you know what, remiscing about these things is just that – a nice trip down memory lane. Even if my life is a lot different from what I thought it would be like back then, there are no regrets. So okay, maybe I really wish I had taken business courses, or maybe computer graphics/web design classes. Haha. But even those I could take now, so there. I had lived a full life, and I’m going through some stuff now that do make me think if I’m still in the right career, still I don’t ever regret having done this you know? It may mean that I have some serious thinking to do and then make a choice – to hunker down and commit to love my job and give it my all, or to drop it and find something I can be more passionate about for the long term. I can’t drop this and do something that I’m gonna get tired of again in the next three years. Ugh. But where has this post taken me to? Talk about big time rambling…

Not much to say?


Maybe it’s because I didn’t have much sleep before I went to work last night. 

Or because I am a little sleepy now but my mind won’t let me sleep just yet.

But I think it’s actually because I want to work on something that doesn’t involve the computer. I actually want to go back to plotting a fortnightly budget to help me get on track with saving money. So maybe that’s what I should do.

Do you have a system that seems to work when it comes to budgeting and sticking to it? Do share.

There’s another project that I really hope I can start this March 1st, and commit to for the long term. Thanks for the inspiration from The Daily Digi Files #1:


To be honest, when I first saw this featured in the site while the 1st pack was up for grabs at the TDD (click the image to take you to the post featuring Jen Caputo, the designer), I didn’t give it much thought and even considered that it was probably the one thing I would never use in the pack. But when I opened up the packages, er unzipped the files I should say, this was the first pack I looked into. Just going through the instructions for the journal sparked something in me. I hope God actually gives me the strength to go through this undertaking. Seeing as I only have a few days before the new month starts, I have to act fast before the inspiration leaves me. 

But first, I must budget. Then the weightloss plan follows. Thanks TDD! 😉

I got mail: BestBuy Gift Card!


I took a nap around noontime amidst the scorching heat and then woke up to see that mail was delivered while I was knocked out on the couch. As soon as I saw the envelope I knew it was mine and I knew what was in it!

Like a kid on Christmas eve, I excitedly opened the envelope, gave Dette’s note a quick read (thanks dear, I did read it first, promise 🙂 ), and turned all my attention to 1/3 of my first ever online winnings.

This travelled many many miles and had to take an airplane to reach me. Mammadawg sent it all the way from her corner of the world.

I checked out the Best Buy online store and was a bit disappointed that they don’t have international shipping, but that has never stopped me from doing any shopping has it? I don’t know what to do with the card yet, but will probably purchase something for a gift to send to a friend/relative in the US or purchase something downloadable. The possibilities are exciting. Haha. 🙂

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