Was it the modem?
As a direct result of yesterday’s call to tech support, PLDT myDSL sent us Mike. He called early this morning and spoke to my dad, who probably wasn’t very forthcoming because he wouldn’t really know how to troubleshoot.
I got home and found the PC up and running – minus the Internet. I tinkered around with it and was able to go online eventually. Mike called back around 10. I told him I was connected, but that I wasn’t 30 minutes before the call. He said that the Makati office probably just reactivated the line. I told him how it happens everyday, and that I hoped it wouldn’t happen again.
He asked me what kind of modem we had, and then immediately offered to come over and just change it altogether. They were just after lunch, plugged in the new modem, tested if we could connect, and then left. Apparently, there was a known issue with the old modem we had. Bummer.
So we ran a speed test and it showed a download speed of 222 kbps. Good enough.
But then it started to go slow again in the next 20 minutes.
So I’m not really sure if I want to be happy about this new modem or not.
Alfred has already left to take Frankie to Mang Romy’s. I called Kodak this morning and found out my test shots were unsuccessful. I must have put the film in incorrectly – they said that the film was unused. Aargh!
Zune was given a bath and groomed before Alfred took off. He always looks so cute with his newly brushed hair I couldn’t resist taking photos. I wish it was Frankie capturing the images (click on the image to see the other shots on my Multiply page):