Like a curtain has lifted

My mood has changed! I feel great! πŸ™‚

I don’t know if it’s just because of the weekend, or something has really changed. Yesterday (the 19th), the busiest day of this most crucial week at work, was when I started feeling better.

I was in the office for more than 12 hours on Wednesday but save for my feet hurting a bit, I didn’t feel tired. I came home bearing these swags:

That’s an ID lace/lanyard, and a customizable mug.

In a few hours, I will drag Alfred from bed and insist that we go to Hidalgo Street at Quiapo so I can finally buy a camera! No, it won’t be a Digital SLR just yet, I am going manual! I have been thinking about lomography for a long time and yesterday, I decided I will really get a camera. But it was so hard to choose from the many toy cameras available.

My TM buddy Archie is into old school photography and he encouraged me to learn the basics by going manual. I told him that I had already decided to buy a toy camera, and we started talking about the costs. Then he told me more and more and how cameras were very affordable (cheaper than the lomo cameras I was initially eyeing). Β He has given me other tips too and he is totally willing to teach me the basics! I’m sure Edsel would be more than willing to help out too, I’d just have to ask.

When we head out to Hidalgo, I’ll be specifically looking for a Nikon FM2. Archie says I should be able to find one for less than 3k or about that amount but with a lens to boot.

I’d still save up for a DSLR, Alfred really wants one. I’m just really in no rush to get one.

Lastly, have you seen the new Gmail themes? Go to Settings > Themes and then test the default themes they have. Some of them are even location-specific. They say that the theme will change from night to day depending on the location set.

In a Slump :(

I haven’t been feeling too well lately. And I don’t think it’s got anything to do with health or the physical. Yeah, I’ve still been coughing, still have the sniffles, and I had a nagging headache all night at work – but those are not what got me in a slump.

I just feel completely lost at work, you know? But it’s more me than them not letting me in on a clue. They’re being really nice and all that. I guess it’s just really bad timing. What with big things happening this week.

It’s really funny how I feel so stressed despite the fact that I am not doing much. Funny. I guess I’m just not used to not knowing much.

I feel so drained.


Window shopping

Pardon the quality of the photo. This was taken with my phone camera, with a very unsteady hand. 

For the first time in a long time, I hung out with my friend Vanette at work this morning, before I went home. She had mentioned that the bazaar space was now being occupied by an appliance store so we went to check it out. We admired these 20 inch Sony LCD/HD TV’s that can also be used with a PC.

These would actually look perfect in my room! 

They are pricey, just as all LCD TVs are. There was this flat screen TV whose front looks like it’s a Plasma TV but it isn’t. Hehe. I’m going to drag Alfred over there tomorrow morning to show him. He’s been telling me that we should get a TV in the room for the longest time. Ours is the only room in the house that doesn’t have a TV. 

Vanette and I are in the same account again , but she does the schedules for those in the Clark site. So though we’re in the same family, we won’t really be dealing with each other professionally. She told me something today though, something that doesn’t make me particularly happy. I’m not at the liberty to share what it was about, but I will say that at this point, things are getting bleaker and bleaker. πŸ™


The other day I was watching How do I look? which is a makeover show where they would throw away the old “hideous” clothes of the target, and then three  accomplices would each shop for three different sets of outfits that the target would then choose from. There were these ankle boots that looked so beautiful off the woman, and looked even more surprisingly great on her. 

I’ve never worn boots in all my life. Not even wellingtons, haha. Sometimes when we’re out shopping, I admire beautiful boots but the boyfriend always steers me away from them. Yeah, they’re not exactly like me, not for my lifestyle and personality. But that shouldn’t stop me from trying one on should it?

In a ‘bind’

I was so disappointed at the bookstore on Saturday, because I couldn’t find a 6×6 binder that I could use for Stories in Hand. I didn’t want to make myself one because I knew that would take me more time to accomplish, and it would just be pushing the project too far back as it is.

So I was so happy to have found this at the Duty Free Shop:

It looks bigger in the picture than it really is, it’s more the size of a regular notebook. It is bigger than what s specified for the project, but I bet that this is the closest that I would get. I’m starting to think that I probably should have bought more – this could be used for so many other purposes. Anyhow, only God knows when I would actually work on the cover and then the rest of the activities for the class but at least I’m a step closer now, right? πŸ˜‰

So I survived my first night on the floor. I still have mixed emotions about this – still can’t say it’s a happy place, but I know I’m not miserable. There was this one girl who turned to me for help and I regret not having given her the answer my gut was telling me to – because it turned out to be correct. I hate being at this stage of any transition – the uncertainty and self-doubt.Β 

Good news is I’ve met about half of my team already and they seemed okay. No one looked as if they were measuring me up and I am looking forward to getting to know them more. I also had to iron out one guy’s schedule because he’s been coming in for the wrong shift for the past two days. It’s fixed now though, with not too much effort. I wish everything else that I would have to deal with would be as easy.Β 

Tomorrow (or tonight, depending on how you look at it) I’ll already have a Duty Manager (DM) schedule. The DM is responsible for what happens during his hours – this mostly applies for keeping service levels afloat, and taking note of possible spikes in volume. I already told my buddy that he’d basically have to cover that whole time that I’m on DM. He understands because I don’t have all the tools yet to make sure that I can handle it all on my own.Β 

I didn’t actually do much at work but I also did not feel sleepy. I guess something was pumping me up and keeping me awake…

I’ve actually got more to say, but now I really am sleepy. I am falling asleep on my keyboard!

Saturday Shopping Marathon

Wow – Saturday shopping marathon. My feet hurt! πŸ˜€

With only a few hours’ sleep, I went out with Alfred to spend some of his money. He’s been wanting to get a new pair of Adidas since last month but things got in the way. Yesterday, we were finally successful. πŸ™‚ And I actually like the pair he got this time. It’s black, with a shell toe. I wish I knew what model it is (Superstar 2, is it?) but I don’t. I’d have dug up a photo on the Net just to show you. Maybe I could convince to take a photo of him wearing it. Hehe.

I got to buy a couple of polo shirts for myself. Two more colors that I don’t have yet. I totally see myself wearing more jeans and shirts again at work. I was actually looking for a yellow shirt to wear to work on Thursday because we have a color coding theme week going on for this busy busy week that’s coming for us. I never wear yellow so I knew I gotta look for a shirt. Good thing Alfred remembered that my new sweater is actually yellow gold. That should do perfectly. πŸ˜‰

Alfred was supposed to treat me out to lunch or dinner because he’s ranked number for the last pay period (Yay Baby! So proud of you! :)), but we were so hungry when we woke up, we ended up eating before leaving home. And because we only had a few hours’ sleep, our energies were so low, we got tired easily. We decided to cut short our shopping spree and just head back home.Β 

Now since Ma had just come back from Bangkok, she and dad had plans to shop at the Duty Free Mall and I told them I wanted to come too. When Alfred and I got home, Dad was already dressed while Mom was prepping to go. I got to steal a few minutes of sleep before we left. Alfred got at least a full hour of sleep by staying home – he had to go to work at 8PM. I was so uncomfortable in the car – weird. It didn’t stop me from dozing off though, almost all the way to Duty Free.

There were so many people there shopping because they’ve got a big sale ongoing and the shops were open until midnight. We didn’t buy too much, but I did pick up a bottle of Bailey’s in mint chocolate and two packs of mini Reese cups! These seem to be my favorite items to stock on whenever we go there. Haha. As usual, we picked up some perfume too and this time we got cute freebie cosmetic bags – and I like the one from Esprit!

We didn’t go to the grocery section anymore because Dad was already hungry, and my feet already hurt. Besides, we were sure the lines at the register would be long again, what with the number of people shopping there. It was almost ten o’clock when we got to sit down for dinner. I was so full it got me even more sleepy. I was out the whole drive home. I had thought I’d be up looking at the city lights and Christmas decor along Roxas Blvd, but no, I bet I was snoring my way through them all! πŸ™‚

So there went my Saturday. The sun is up now and another day has dawned. In a few hours I will feel my nerves frazzled again after a long time of having been very relaxed. I am dreading my first day on my new floor (at work). Bless me!

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