January 2014–A Reflection
I am borrowing this monthly review template from Life Less Bullshit.
Thinking back over the month of January, and looking ahead to February, I am…
proud of: consistently delivering on my commitment to drinking green smoothies daily. And prouder still of having influenced colleagues to do the same. I now make 2 to 3 batches of green smoothies and lug them to work for others to enjoy.
grateful for: the opportunity to teach and develop people. There are things to hate about my job, about any job really, but teaching and mentoring is one thing I am so grateful for. The results aren’t automatic, and a lot of times you’ll have to wait to see your investment bear fruit, but it’s all worth it.
letting go of: hmm. This is a tough one. Ahhh. Before December ended, the boyfriend brought out bags of stuff from our room so that I could sort through them and throw out anything that were no longer needed. I only did that last week and kept maybe less than 5% of that stuff. I let go of notebooks and readings from college. I kept a few of my papers that I’d like to publish on the blog someday, but I also let go of outdated textbooks and exam blue books (even the ones with 1 and 1.5 in them). It’s been a decade since I last went to school.
obsessed with: lists. I haven’t always been a list maker but I enjoy listing to-do stuff and ticking them off. Haha.
excited about: taking this healthy kick up a notch. I’m looking forward to even better smoothies, maybe a cleanse, and moving more!
committing to: documenting my life better. Blogging still hasn’t improved in the past month, even with an all-improved Internet connection. In the past, even when my scrapbooking goals never materialized, I’d always be able to look back at what happened through my blog. So let’s make it happen this February!
Action Steps & Thought-Provoking Questions
1. Review upcoming social plans for February – Hmm. I actually don’t have anything planned this month but I probably should consider hooking up with my BFF before she migrates to Australia next weekend.
2. Write and send one gratitude note by email or snail mail
3. Create my budget for February – Almost done. I already created a monthly budget and I just need to reproduce my monthly tracker on Google docs. I hope to share more about my own system soon. I admit though that I have overspent for January, but I don’t think this will set me back too much on my financial goals.
4. Plan something sweet that I will do for a loved one in February – I just gave my boyfriend a handwritten note. Can that count already? Haha.
5. Review the big goals I mapped out at the beginning of the year – I actually didn’t really map out big goals at the beginning of 2014. But getting healthier, and saving up for a big event later this year are definitely still a good fit for me.
6. Reflect honestly on whether or not my current habits support my goals – sleeping on the couch is definitely helping, so I gotta cut that habit. I’m sooo lazy to go up and down the steps to the bedroom, that’s why!