Cake Mania 3 – stuck at Day 11, Egypt
I cannot get past this level in Cake Mania 3! See that Anubis to the left? When he appears, he changes everyone in the queue to mummys, and their orders change too! So I get stuck with cakes that no one wants anymore 🙁 I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve retried the level and yet, all I see is this:
See how sad Jill looks? That’s exactly how I look right now. Waaaahhhh!
I’ve had Cake Mania 3 from Real Arcade Games for awhile now but I’ve only recently attempted to play. I am done with two other ‘worlds’ so this is the third and I am stuck so far. I’ve tried all the tricks I’ve kept up my sleeves, every tactic I learned from playing previous versions of Cake Mania, and I have so far failed to progress from this. I will get you you Anubis you!
January 31, 2009 @ 2:17 am
I hate it when that happens! I don’t like to do the same thing over and over so I get bored quick (and frustrated) and switch to a different game. You have more stick-to-it-ness than I have. Go Vera!
January 31, 2009 @ 5:21 pm
I get frustrated actually! I haven’t tried it again yet today, but I will in a few minutes. Hehe 🙂
February 15, 2016 @ 2:00 am
Don’t take orders before the customers become mummies. First take Anubis’s order to get him out of the shop, then take the other customers orders. If they become impatient give them whatever you give them to increase their patience