Watching ASAP ’09 on Sunday, this song really caught my attention: ย R. Kelly’s I believe. If I’m not mistaken, it seems to be a tribute to Obama who is being sworn in to office today. Now DanceCool is a segment in ASAP, a local Sunday noontime musical show, where they teach dance moves. ย They featured a lyrical dance this week. I found the music very inspiring, and the moves were a wonderful interpretation of the message contained in this song.
Good thing YouTube is very reliable for finding videos like this. This isn’t the best quality I know, but it loads nicely, no long wait for the buffering ๐
Happy inauguration day to US President Obama! He’s got a huge challenge ahead of him and I am sure there are those out there just waiting for his first big slip up. I hope he disappoints them.
This feels weird. I finally have a new permanent home for my blog and yet…ย
I find no mojo. I know there are a lot I want to write about but they’re just not flowing out of me. I was thinking about reposting all my Project 365 photos but I haven’t even started editing them yet. I wanted to write about our 9th anniversary yesterday (yes, Alfred and I have been together for 9 years!) but I want that post to be special and it isn’t something you’d want to write while you have a nagging headache.
Yes, I’m having another spell. I already popped a pill and that has helped, but I still feel quite heavy. I have errands to run today and we should have actually left this morning but I postponed it to this afternoon until I feel better. But go we must. This was supposed to have been done yesterday but neither Alfred nor I were up to it. Remember the San Benissa unit improvement? Well we have to claim our keys first before they can start that. To get the keys, we need to pay the move-in fee. That fee can only be paid at their head office. Normally, my brother takes care of things like this but his work schedule is a bit crazy this week so he can’t.
Before we leave, I’ll probably just import the posts I made on Blogger during the time that my site was down, or tinker with a new theme that’ll give my blog a more home-y feel ๐ I’ll also be adding a Dreamhost button that certifies as GREEN! Yes, learn more about that when you see the button go up on my sidebar.
I’ve been thinking too much about my work lately and that has also scared away my muse a bit. There have been times when it’s still work that floods my mind even when I’m already home – and even on my rest days. That’s not good. I moved to this job because I don’t want to be that way anymore. I guess I’m still just feeling very stressed about work. I want to stop thinking about handle time and QOS.ย
So anyway, I’ll go make myself busy with other things while I also wait for my muse to come back to me.
If you were trying to visit my and found an error page or something, please do not blame Philhosting. This time, it isn’t their fault but mine.ย I’ve decided to move my blog to a new server, but the new DNS propagated sooner than I could setup over there, hence the site not rendering.
Yep, totally my fault. I’m working on getting it restored REALLY soon. Fingers crossed.
I am back in business! I have managed to transfer my database backup, and also uploaded all of my site files – I am officially hosted by Dreamhost now! Woot woot!
Did you notice? My lost posts are back, my siggy has reverted to the new one too! ๐ And something you won’t notice – I’m back to WP 2.7!
Several days ago, Philhosting support emailed to tell me they will restore my backup. I gave them my username/password but didn’t really pin my hopes on it. Two days later, voila! Granted, reverting to the back up erased my January posts, that’s no big deal since I had backups of my own already ๐
Does this mean I’ll stay put with Philhosting? No. I’m just not ready to move everything to Dreamhost yet.
Speaking of Dreamhost… Alfred’s blog is all setup! I hope you go scoot on over there and wave hi! He needs bloggy friends too ๐ Visit
Day 9: Project 365
That’sย a photo of the window to my left at work; I look out this window everyday, several times of the day. On this night, there were fireworks! Too bad I couldn’t capture a better photo, but it’s there somewhere in the middle ๐ One other thing that’s good about this window? I have a big mirror! Haha! It’s not too good though when all it shows is my love handles. Hehe ๐
Anyway, I have more Project 365 photos to post but I am already sleepy. Time to don lingerieย and have some beauty sleep. Wait, it’s too cold for lingerie…