About verabear


Posts by verabear:

My Only U

myonlyuWhen we first heard about the movie coming out – oh, okay, when we first saw the standees of the movie around ABS-CBN – we knew we wanted to see this one. Remember that Alfred and I have much jologs in each of us (more in him than in me ;)), and that one of our guilty pleasures is to watch Tagalog movies on Cinema One. But for one reason or another, we didn’t see it in the cinema. We waited for it to come out on DVD instead, and finally got to see the movie last week.


Starring Toni Gonzaga and Vhong Navarro, this romantic-comedy was about a young woman who believed that she would die young because no one in her family survived the age of 25. Her neighbor and best friend (who was also the handyman/landlord in the apartment complex) did everything to protect her, and prolong her life.

Her only plan in her young life was to work until she could, to earn and save money for her blind father. She sang with her dad’s string quartet (or was it a trio) in restaurants and events, and also did solo acts at lounges/bars on weekends. Beyond working hard, caring for her father, and saving up for an electric guitar, she had no other plans.

I won’t ruin the turnout of the movie for those who still intend to see it. I will say though that it didn’t exactly end the way I pictured it would – or should have. The humor was clean and they did make us laugh – something we’ve come to expect from a Vhong/Toni matchup. But there were also sad moments in the movie that would make one cry.

I can’t imagine how great it probably feels to have someone care for you the way that Vhong’s character did for Toni’s. It was like his whole world revolved around her, and in making sure she would get as much chance in life as she could. I guess that’s what really happens when you know you only have limited time with someone – you tend to make the most out of every single moment. But with or without an illness or a curse, don’t we all have a very limited time here with each other? The knowledge that death comes for everyone eventually should be enough for everyone to cherish moments.

The community they lived in, the apartment complex or tenement as Toni once referred to, looks like a great place to live in. The units themselves leave something to be desired, so it’s not the structure I like, but the layout of the complex and the nice, genial environment they had there.

Toni sure looked beautiful in the movie, she should seriously consider cutting her hair short for real. She had short hair in one of her movies with Sam Milby and she looked great there too. It was also nice to see Vhong not overacting like Jim Carrey in some of his movies.

On other news

I was out visiting blogs again earlier today and I must’ve clicked on an ad somewhere because I found myself looking at a site for Rackmount lcd and related products. I couldn’t understand what the product really is, are these laptops or custom LCD monitors for computers or something? The monitors looked super thin though, reminds me of LCD TV monitors that both Alfred and I admire at the malls. Those are the only kinds of TVs that would fit in our very small room. Hehe. :)

Windows Live Writer

Let’s see if this will work.


I’ve tried Windows Live Writer before and blogged a few posts to my Blogger blog some time last year. I read somewhere that there’s a plugin for WLW that will allow me to backup recent blogs? I’m not so sure about that yet, but that would really come in handy when it comes to real-time backups.

Anyway, I’ve been meaning to work on my Project 365 posts, but other things online have distracted me from the task. Hence, I only have this one ready to post:


That’s Day 8’s photo right there, taken while both Alfred and I were on our way to work. This was one of those rare occasions when our shifts started at the same time so we left home together. I was walking fast behind him to capture this image. On the first try I hadn’t enabled night mode on the camera so it was too dark. This one though brighter, my hand wasn’t so steady hence the shaky effect. Haha.

I am up-to-date with the photos, and I am happy about that. I really hope that somewhere in the next few weeks I’ll see significant improvement in the quality of my photos.

Okay, it didn’t work too well. It posted, but the formatting was so far from perfect and I had to edit it on my Admin panel. :(

Making the most out of it

I know I had no intention to post here anymore until Philhosting fixes the problem, or until I’ve moved over to a new host. But what the heck, use it while it’s there, right? 

If I have any readers left, well then, I appeal to you! If you know how I can retrieve some of my December posts, please let me know. I’ve tried Google and picked up some posts on their cached pages, but there are still some that are missing. Technorati only carries blurbs and not the full posts. Feedburner feeds for this blog have updated to reflect the posts that are currently displayed :(

On a different topic…

My mom bought this nice coat from Debenhams at Trinoma yesterday. She also picked up a pair of ankle boots from Confetti. She’s preparing for a trip to London in a few days. It’s winter so she needs to stock up on appropriate clothing. I can’t imagine what luggage she will need to use to have all her essentials packed up for a short trip. Her bags aren’t exactly Rimowa.  Actually, now I’m wondering which bags she’s taking. It’s a trip for work and she’s going alone. We don’t really know anyone in London so she isn’t planning to extend her stay for an excursion. Too bad.

Recovering lost posts

I’ve decided to give up on Philhosting. I will keep the cheap hosting package indefinitely. I probably won’t be setting up verabear.net yet on my new Dreamhost account, I’ll need time to think things through properly.

What’s getting to me is that I still haven’t recovered all the posts I’ve written from December 7th to around the 28th. I got some from Google’s cache, but not everything’s showing there anymore. There are blurbs at Technorati, but that only shows the partial posts. Checking my feeds came to me only a few hours ago, and by then it was too late! The feeds have also updated to what’s currently available on the server. The lost posts are gone from Feedburner too. Sadly, I don’t think that I actually have subscribers whom I can ask to check if they received my posts in their mails. 🙁 I really should have thought about backing up through the feeds as soon as the problem started.

I guess I’ve learned an important lesson in everything that’s happened here. A lesson that I thought I already learned when I lost my first blog a long time ago, that is to have a backup for my posts. I wonder if Windows Live Writer has that functionality, you know, for each post you publish through it?

Anyway, if anyone has any idea what I else I can do to recover the posts I lost, please let me know. I would be very greatful.

I’ve actually got ideas for several posts, and I’ve also got photos to put up for Project 365. But this issue with Philhosting has got me so out of the loop that I can’t even just move along right away, you know? Argh.
This post reposted from my blogger blog.

Thank you for nothing, Philhosting

No real fix in sight. 

I do not think Philhosting will ever shape up. Apparently, I wasn’t the only one having problems. I read from one blogger that her database was reverted to a December 6 backup, more or less the same time as mine was reverted to.

And support has not emailed me back.

This has truly caused me undue stress. 

This post reposted from my blogger blog.

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