About verabear


Posts by verabear:

Pray for Zune — UPDATE!

The little puppy with Zune on his picture on the previous post is named Sharpay. We lost her yesterday. Sharpay is Zune’s puppy girlfriend and Esban’s and Dalnes’ pet. It was suspected that she died of the Parvo virus. According to the vet they saw on New Year’s Eve, he has seen to five other dogs who died of it just this past week.

Because we want to be safe, we took Zune to the vet this morning. His regular vet isn’t available, the clinic is closed for the holidays. So we took him to another animal hospital nearby. The doc checked his temperature and he is apparently running a fever. We left him there for further tests and observations. 

We all pray that he is well, and that we can take him home this afternoon.

Please pray for him too. My family would be very thankful for your prayers 🙂


We just got back from the vet’s – Zune tested negative for Parvo! Thank God! 🙂 He’s fever has died down too – that may have just been psychological after all.

He does have worms though so the doc went ahead and dewormed him. He also recommended that I give more multivitamins than we are already giving him daily. Plus cod liver oil for his coat. The woman there this morning is apparently from PAWS, and she was giving me tips too. She recommends that I add in malunggay leaves and virgin coconut oil to Zune’s food. 

I am so relieved! Thank you so much TRACY for the well wishes, I knew I could count on you 🙂

Now I can sleep. I still have work tonight.
This post reposted from my blogger blog.

Happy New Year!

Sadly, New Year’s in the office was just like any other work day. My agents and I looked out the window at the stroke of midnight, watching all the fireworks light up the sky. I looked at the direction of our home, and picked the fireworks that I thought were the ones they had lit up – my Dad SMSd me to say that they were firing them already.

I had planned to leave the office by 7am on the dot. No go. I left about an hour and a half later. I found my cousins Freedah and Candy still up and singing. They’ve always been my buddies for all nighters. So I didn’t totally miss out on videoke – I had breakfast, changed clothes, and ran down to sing with the rest of them until an hour or so ago. 🙂
Alfred’s still in Bicol, probably flat out from drinking too much. Last night he mentioned trying to hitch a ride with his cousins who’ll be heading home today. If he doesn’t fit in their car/s, he’ll ride with his brothers tomorrow. I really do miss him. 
I disabled my blog’s redirect earlier, just to check if it was finally working. Just in case, I thought. But no. Everyone at the web host are really on holidays, such lousy customer service. I wonder if I’m the only Philhosting client whose having these problems? The thing is, I can access my Cpanel, but nothing for my WordPress is accessible.
As a result, I’ve had to contact Entrecard support and they’ll be disabling my EC. I had advertisers lined for the next couple of days, EC will manually return the credits they’ve paid to me. 🙁
Oh well, I am falling asleep on the keyboards already, better get on and have some sleep. 
Happy New Year everyone! Be safe and be blessed!
This post reposted from my blogger blog.

Another random post before the year closes…

*If you arrived here expecting ::where the moon shines::, you have been redirected to my Blogger blog temporarily. My site is experiencing server issues and my host, unfortunately, is out for the holidays. 🙁

After taking a shower this morning, I went ahead and tried to use mom’s hair dryer and see if drying my hair would prevent it from curling up and have more of a finished, salon look. 

It wasn’t effective. Either my hair is just so stubborn or I totally don’t know how to blow dry my hair! It’s probably the latter.
I had no intentions to go out this morning, in fact, I just donned another sun dress (also read nightgown 🙂 ) after showering. I just wanted to time how long blow drying my short hair would take, so I know what to expect if I were to do it before work. So scrap that idea. It won’t really do anything different. 
I will test how long it would take to iron my hair tonight. That shouldn’t take longer than the blowdry did – under 10 minutes.
It’s probably not a good idea to have this next photo in the same post that I show off my short hair, but what the heck. Haha!
The piggy on the left is a cellphone holder – the only Christmas present I received on the 24th. Esban gave it to me. The piggy on the left, with a purple snout, is a wrist rest that one can use for the hand holding your mouse when you’re on your computer. I got one like it, a blue bear, last Christmas from Nonoy (my boss). This one I bought for myself for use here at home. I brought home the blue bear a few weeks ago because I wanted to use one at home. Now I can bring blue bear back to work with me.
Rather than just becoming hung up on the fact that my blog is down, I’ve been bloghopping through EC and also through my Digital Scrapbooking links (which reminds me, Blogrolling still doesn’t seem to be 100% back up). There are so many wonderful freebies out there and I know missed so much more in the month or two that I’ve been laying low on the scrapbooking stuff.
I started downloading some freebie kits from BooLand Designs and my favorite Vicki Parker. And then I suddenly realized I still haven’t gotten myself an online backup solution. So now I’m in the process of downloading Carbonite. I’ll be using their free trial. If it works efficiently, I’ll go ahead and purchase a year’s subscription.
I first heard of Carbonite from Ro of Scrap Girls, through their newsletters. It sounded like a good idea, plus it would take out the effort from having to manually back up every once in a while – what if you forget? And I always forget.
Plus I always have computer problems every couple of months (though I hope it takes another 6 months before I have any issues again) and it takes time to back up, format, and then restore files. That has caused my files to be more disorganized every time we have to do it. With Carbonite, restoring files might just be a little more simple. Hopefully.
I hope my Internet connection supports this automatic back up well. We’ll see how it goes. 
Here’s another photo I’d like to share, taken a week or so back. My Zune, with his girlfriend Sharpay:
This was a rare shot because they’re usually at each other whenever they’re together. Or Sharpay will be eating off Zune’s bowl! Haha. I think Esban took this shot – he’s way better at shots like these than I am.
Mom did a lot of cleaning in the past 24 hours and she unearthed some of the photos we’ve had lying around here. This has prompted my dad to go over our old pictures and take them off the albums to be scanned at a later time. He intends to put them on picture frames too. So 2009 will probably start off with me posting photos from years ago. 
This post reposted from my blogger blog.

You’re not lost…

Well hello there! I had my http://verabear.net redirect to this blog for the time being. My WordPress site is down due to a database error on the server side. And since I found out that my hosting service is on holidays until the 5th, I figured I’d post here or at Bravejournal, and redirect my site’s hits here too.

I don’t want this post to be about how I hate Philhosting right now, that’s what I already did in this post.

So what’s up for the last day of the year 2008? Not much for me. I’d probably sit in front of my PC until it’s time to sleep again. I had one day off (last night) and I’m due back at work tonight. Uhm-hmm, just when everyone would be enveloped in smoke, watching all the fireworks, and singing the Auld Lang Syne come midnight tonight, I’ll be at the office. The next off I’m getting, isn’t until Saturday. Argh.

But spending New Year’s Eve in the office shouldn’t be all that bad right? I mean, we’d be on the 6th floor and that should be a good vantage point to see fireworks from different parts of the city. We could probably even try and get to the rooftop, for an even better view.

I guess the only negative thing about having to be at work tonight is that this will be the first time ever that I wouldn’t be spending New Year’s at home, with all of my family around me. I did request to have tonight off (and originally, my offs are supposed to be tue-wed nights) but they decided to have half of us off on Christmas and I got that. Christmases are fun of course, but welcoming the New Year has just been more fun, you know? 

I wonder how the kids are going to be celebrating tonight? Ton’s around to facilitate the games anyway. Hay, no more all night videoke singing from me. At least they’ll be relieved I’m not around to hog the mics all night long. Haha 🙂
This post reposted from my blogger blog.

Blog Makeover

I don’t know if this will actually take off or how much time and effort I’m going to be able to pour into this, but I’m venturing into doing blog makeovers. My repertoire is limited for now, but I’ll work on it 🙂

Check out this post. 🙂

On an entirely unrelated topic…

Back in the day (sounds like I’m refering to a long time ago don’t it?) I used to stay up in the wee hours of Sunday/Monday morning and watch episodes of the three CSIs (las vegas, miami, and new york). Sometimes I’d get to watch Chuck too. Since the move to the new team, and thereafter the change to weekdays off, I’ve been sleeping off most of my rest days. I’ve also been out shopping a lot instead. Hehe.

I was able to see an episode of CSI Miami the other day though. It must have been old because Speed was still around. Anyway, I used to just pass over DVD sets of CSI  previous seasons when I see those at video stores thinking that CSI episodes are for one-time viewing only. I mean, once you see it, there’s not much point in watching the episodes again. I’ve since changed my mind, I think. I wouldn’t mind getting the boxed sets.

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