About verabear


Posts by verabear:

Scrapbook Saturday #5 : August Girls

(I am cheating again because I changed the post date so it would reflect as if I’m really posting on a Saturday. Shh.)

For a change, I’m scrapping pages for an actual album, albeit a very small one. Hehe. All the pages I’ve scrapped so far stand alone and don’t actually belong to a set. I guess the movie themed pages will end up in one album in the future, but it’s the first of its kind so far.

On Wednesday, Alfred and I went out to see The Mummy 3 at Greenhills. Walking around after the movie, I spied these faux leather card holder with plastic inserts. Perfect for a mini album that a girl can carry around in her purse! Too bad there were only two of them left, for a hundred pesos each. I won’t post a picture yet, I’ll reveal once the album has been put together. 🙂

So what’s going in the album? Pages of my most recent Trinoma adventure with the girls of course! I hope to find more of those card holders so I can make copies for all the seven of us (yes, Pauie and Lanie included).

Here’s what I’ve done so far. This first page isn’t even finished yet, I’m still going to add the title.

Don’t forget to visit other Scrapbook Saturday participants, starting with Dette.

Online ventures and Dream Day Wedding

Over the weekend, I landed on a blog that got me interested in a new online venture. Now, I don’t think I will earn big big bucks from this, but who knows. I don’t see myself losing anything anway. Have you heard of Pay to Click sites?

From what I’ve read so far, you register with them at no cost, and they give you links to click on. The links land you on different kinds of pages, or it could just be the same company’s site, but different pages, but there are ads on the site or above it. You wait 30 seconds before you can move on to the next link. One ad viewed could earn you USD0.01. That’s not a lot, but if you spend your time online a lot, like I do. It will add up. You also earn from ad views that your referrals make. To get more referrals, you can BUY referrals from the site too. Anyhoo, checkout these links if you want to learn more:


All these four links are under one network, do sign up for each of them if you want to. You can use the same username/password combination but you’d have to register in each site. Don’t forget verabear for the referrer. If you’re scared about being scammed, I suggest you don’t invest money right away. Get a feel for it first.

There’s a dynamic forum there and you can read up on what the members are talking about, including the proof of payments. The members usually have banners for other PTC sites they are part of, that should direct you to even more sites information and/or opportunities to earn from surfing.

Last night too, I had my first taste of the game Dream Day Wedding. I actually enjoy it. I first tried the sequel Dream Day Wedding in Manhattan (or something like that) and I liked the graphics, specially the flower shop! I have the full version now of the first game, the one for Jenny’s wedding. I don’t know if I’ll get the Manhattan one, but I hope I’d get that one too.

First Computerized Gov’t Elections in the Philippines

The first ever fully automated/computerized elections in the country was held successfully today. It is sad that there are no news stories about it posted on the Internet even as of this writing (midnight of the day after).

There were news stories and features on the television, but I would have loved to read about them before posting any info here.

Seems that the election is overshadowed by other events in the region – the armed conflict in North Cotabato which have displaced hundreds of thousands of residents both Christian and Muslim; and the controversy of the Memorandum of Agreement that the Peace Panel was negotiating and was supposed to have signed.

All these issues in the South has got me to thinking of the ex-MILF commanders-turned-Peace Advocates that we worked with in my old job. I wonder how they are now, and how all these things have affected the work that they have devoted their lives to in recent years?

The conflict really is deeply rooted, and involves so many stakeholders. One document surely won’t magically resolve everything in one day.

Girls Day Out – Iskra has an eye for photos

It was just like any other day after classes – we’d head to the mall and look around, or visit National Bookstore. And stuff our tummies full (with food, of course).

Yup, it was just like the old times. If only Iskra wasn’t in tow.

I had a grand time catching up with girlfriends. In truth, this is the most fun get-together we’ve had in recent years. For me, at least.

Arianne isn’t in the picture above. We’ve got better group pictures from her camera, and Mayeen’s too. Can’t wait to get those. I see several scrap pages coming up from the bazillion photos we (specially Iskra) took. I let 4=year old Iskra try out my camera and she had fun taking pictures. There were funny ones, but most really turned out beautifully. Looks like next week’s SS will be one with an actual layout 🙂

No Layout – Scrapbook Saturday – for the newbie digiscrapper

No layout for Scrapbook Saturday this week. I had it in my mind to feature some digiscrapping celebrity (not that I am close to any one of them) or to post something that will really help out those who are new to digital scrapbooking. I didn’t have time for proper research though so I’m ending up with nothing. But please do visit the SS Headquarters, starting with Dette, and visit other SS participants.

I ran a search for verabear and digital scrapbooking and one of the results led me to my journal archives. This post actually was written when I first found Susan of Raspberry Road. Though Shabby Princess was the first ever designer I downloaded a freebie from, it was actually Susan’s kit that I first used for an actual layout (the one I shared on the first Scrapbook Saturday).

Now, Susan sells her designs on her blog but she still continues to give full kit freebies to her loyal blog readers. And I still go there to visit. Believe it or not, I don’t just go for the freebies, I actually go to oogle over the beautiful designs and layout created by others. (more…)

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