About verabear


Posts by verabear:

November 2012

Not to dampen the Holiday spirit permeating the air right now, but I need to take a moment to breathe and just let out. I just feel a bit frustrated right now. Every once in a while it happens, I fall into a kind of funk. This time just wasn’t expected. Instead, I expected to be revved up and eager to go back to work after a week and a half of resting. I guess things don’t turn out exactly how we envision it, not all the time.

So to lift my spirits up, let’s just go ahead and crunch some bloggy numbers shall we?

For the month of November, Verabear.Net received:

  • 2,296 page loads
  • 1,667 unique visits

As for Between the Covers:

  • 2,143 page views

I guess it’s not a lot, and only a fraction of these visit really make their mark (by leaving comments), but it reminds me that though some people we have in our lives may let us down, there are still a few more out there interested in the little spark of light we bring to this world. There are friends waiting out there to be found and made, they are there. Oh, and thank you, dear friends who take time out of their busy lives for me. Smile

A few more things to be thankful for – November edition:

And, what do you know, I posted my first OOTD (outfit of the day) on Instagram, hah! Some of you would remember me posting about my bucket bag and my blue moonwalk shoes, here they are:


So. Thank you, Universe. I had a good month and December can only be better. Smile

How was your November? What are you looking forward to in December?

Amazon Daily Deal: JBL iPod/iPhone Speaker Dock

Checkout this JBL OnStage IIIP 30-Pin iPod/iPhone Speaker Dock today on Amazon, it’s up for only USD59.99 instead of the regular price of USD169.95.


Product Features

  • Supports most iPhone and iPod models with 30-Pin Dock Connector
  • 3.5-mm mini jack allows connection of other audio devices such as MP3 and CD players, desktop computers, satellite radios, and laptops
  • Odyssey transducers and Slipstream port design provide a full, rich frequency response
  • Includes an RF remote control with full iPod navigation


The deal may only be availble today, December 1, so hurry!

Here’s the link once again: JBL OnStage IIIP 30-Pin iPod/iPhone Speaker Dock

World AIDS Day

My November 30 isn’t really done yet. Haven’t been to bed. It was a good day and I’d love to document it here on the blog. Before I do though, I’d like to draw attention to an important message.

Today, December 1, is World AIDS Day.

The Numbers:

  • Worldwide, 2.5 million [2.2 million–2.8 million] people became newly infected with HIV
    in 2011. 
    25 countries have seen a 50% or greater drop in new HIV infections since 2001.
  • Half of all reductions in new HIV infections in the last two years have been among
    newborn children––showing that elimination of new infections in children is possible.
  • In 2011, 1.7 million [1.5 million–1.9 million] people died from AIDS-related causes
    worldwide—24% fewer deaths than in 2005.
  • In 2011, more than 8 million people living with HIV had access to antiretroviral therapy.
  • However, 7 million people eligible for HIV treatment still do not have access.
    – 72% of children living with HIV who are eligible for treatment do not have access.
  • Of the 54% of people with access to antiretroviral therapy in low- and middle-income
    countries, 68% were women.
  • Women account for 58% of people living with HIV in sub-Saharan Africa.
  • In 26 of 31 countries with generalized epidemics, less than 50% of young women have
    comprehensive and correct knowledge about HIV.

In Asia:

  • Nearly 5 million people were living with HIV in South, South-East and East Asia
    combined in 2011.
  • In South and South-East Asia, new HIV infections declined from 370 000 in 2001 to 280 000 in 2011.
  • In 2011, about 250 000 people died of AIDS-related causes in this sub-region compared to 290 000 in 2005.
  • Country-level progress in reducing new HIV infections varies throughout the Asia
    Pacific region. For example:
    – In Cambodia, India, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Papua New Guinea and Thailand,
    the rate of new HIV infections fell by more than 25% between 2001 and 2011.
    – In Bangladesh, Indonesia, the Philippines and Sri Lanka, the rate of new HIV
    infections increased by more than 25% between 2001 and 2011.
  • HIV epidemics in Asia and the Pacific remain largely concentrated among injecting
    drug users, men who have sex with men and sex workers.

In many countries, stigma and discrimination impeded effective HIV responses

Source: UNAIDS World AIDS Day Report 2012 Global Fact Sheet


Specific to the Philippines, according to this article from Rappler.com:

There’s a 300% increase in the number of (HIV) cases in the last five years and a 25% increase from the last year alone.

In 2000, there was a new report of HIV every three days. Today, one Filipino acquires HIV every 2 hours.

Experts believe that the number of undiagnosed cases is high because of the stigma associated with HIV testing.

AIDS is a preventable disease. Education and access to appropriate health care is key.

I am appalled that while the global trend shows a decrease in new HIV cases, our country reports an increase. We can still change this trend. Let’s start by educating ourselves, and spreading the word. The Philippine National AIDS Council has this page on HIV and AIDS 101. We can also support various charities and NGOs that work in this field.

One of the global campaigns is (RED). Wherever you see this logo, it means that the manufacturer of that product sends a contribution directly to the Global Fund (against AIDS) and 100% of that money is used to finance HIV/AIDS programs in Africa. If you’re buying an iPod Touch this Christmas, choose the (RED) one. And the (RED) cover for your new iPad Mini or iPad 3 or 4.

Large Static Banner - 690x700

As for local NGOs, you may reach out to Lunduyan Foundation via their Facebook page. I’ve worked with them in the past they are very active in the child rights movement, including HIV/AIDS prevention.

Books for Babuyan

A friend from college posted this video on Facebook today. Very timely. It’s the season of giving, and this is an opportunity to give a gift that will continue to give. For a gift that aids in educating young minds can go very far. These children, given the chance, can have the same opportunities as each one of us had. The opportunity to dream, and to make those dreams come true. The opportunity to become active citizens of this country, of the world.


Let the children of Camiguin Norte, Babuyan Islands, be the recipient of your love this Christmas. Smile

Pain, an update

pain medicine

I finished my second round of Physical Therapy sessions over two weeks ago. That meant I have completed 24 sessions of the back strengthening program. Was it successful? Well, it helped me. Definitely. I can stand straight and walk, I sleep better.

About a week or so before I finished with my sessions, the pain started coming back, and more often too. I told my therapist about it, but she couldn’t offer me anything really. I decided to just take it up with the doctor when I see him. Then I remembered that I will need to go see a different doctor; my HMO no longer allowed me to have outpatient services at St. Luke’s QC (the hospital a stone’s throw away from home, and where I was born too).

So seeing the doctor took awhile. I only went in to see the new doctor last week and only because I’d been complaining of the pain more and more lately. My new doctor looks very respectable, and credible. But he made me wait four hours. Today, I waited almost three hours. More reading time for me. So he’s good, I think he is. He asked me if I was ready to have my back opened, I said no. “Of course”, he said, “I think we can try another combination of medicines.”

He gave me what I call Pain Medication v.2. Instead of one tablet of Arcoxia daily, I now take Cerebrex twice daily, with Lyrica. Lyrica, I was told, desensitizes my nerves so I don’t feel pain too easily. If the pain is still a little too much to handle, I get to take Dolcet upto four times a day. So far I’ve only had to take Dolcet twice (just took a pop while typing this). Lyrica also tends to make one drowsy. So I’ve been sleeping a lot, which maybe also tricks me into thinking my back hasn’t been painful, because I’m not awake to feel it. Ha!

His advise also includes losing 30-40 pounds. That would likely allow me to escape the need for an operation. Like it was that easy! Ugh.

I was advised to check myself into the hospital in case the pain persisted until Saturday (first visit was Thursday), otherwise I was to report back to the clinic on Tuesday the 27th. I was also to take an LOA from work for one to two weeks pending treatment. That was the toughest advise, I think. Although I love any excuse to stay home, I just can’t leave work for very long. But I wasn’t about to argue with the doctor; I don’t want my back condition to worsen. 

Saturday came. I wasn’t in too much pain so I decided to stay home. Tuesday came and I headed to the hospital early. 30 mins prior the 10AM clinic opening hour, I was already there. Armed with a book, I waited. Almost three hours later, I met with the Doc again. He obviously read my file already, and he said that it looks like the combo of medicine was good for me. After all, I didn’t rush to the hospital on Saturday. I said yes, it seems the pain level decreased. When I felt pain, I just adjusted my position.

The verdict: keep taking the meds, but I shouldn’t take Cerebrex for more than a month. After a month, I’ll have to rest before taking it again. I should also go back for more PT. After the sessions, the rehab doctor can give a recommendation for fit to work (although I think I’ve already decided to go back after only a week and a half of rest, we’ll see). If after another round of therapy I still am not happy with the results, I am to go back to the Doc with the PT’s assessment.

If after this third round I am not happy, I’d seriously consider an operation. Ugh.

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