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UP Pep Squad–#UAAPCDC2012 champs!

UP PEP SQUAD UAAP CHEERDANCE CHAMPS 2012 Collage by Verabear | Image credits: InterAKTV/Roy Afable and Spin.Ph/Jerome Ascano

Collage by Verabear | Image credits: InterAKTV/Roy Afable and Spin.Ph/Jerome Ascano

The University of the Philippines Pep Squad has defended its championship title for the UAAP Cheerdance Competition held Saturday, 9/22/2012 at the Mall of Asia Arena. They were bold and semi-bald as they executed their routines and stunts in front of a crowd 19,000-strong.

This year, as in years before, UP sets trends. They had moves that no other squad used, showing that they are still a step ahead of their toughest competitors. Last year it was pixie blondes and Madonna; this year, they WOWed us by strutting to the floor with their androgynous look and semi-kalbo hairstyle. From afar, there was no distinguishing between male and female performers.

FREEDOM. The squad’s routine celebrates the freedom we have in the University to be what we want to be, look how we want to look like. Even the freedom to break gender barriers. The Oblation was also a symbol they used: standing tall and proud, free. Truly free, to truly serve.

In 1998 we were Freshman Iskas who screamed our lungs out cheering for the UP Pep Squad. We were so happy then with a 3rd place finish. Of course, they went back to Araneta to claim the top spot the next year, and the year after that… And every year since then, I remained a fan.

You don’t have to be from UP to be a fan. Just look the young men and women of the UP Pep Squad and tell me what you see. Athletes in their own right. Experts. They aren’t just out there to dance and tumble on the floor. They are passionate. They are skilled. This is what sets the UP Pep Squad apart from everyone else. This is also why we, the fans, are so confident that every year they will not disappoint.

So once again, thank you UP Pep Squad for bringing the UP community together (young and old, black and white). Thank you for once again making us proud. What’s next? Smile


I tried posting the video from ANCAlerts of the winning routine, but somehow even copying directly from Youtube renders the Ateneo vid, so here’s the link instead: http://adf.ly/D5H0u

Pure Strength by Human Nature

Finally! Human Heart Nature releases a facial wash that is specially formulated for the Filipino Man!

human nature pure strength ad

The very first product in this range is our 100% Natural Oil-Fighting Face Wash. It’s formulated with the right amounts of premium bamboo carbon to fight dirt and oil build-up as well as deep-cleansing bamboo scrubs for a clean, clear complexion. It also has energizing menthol to leave men’s skin feeling cool and refreshed.

So I guess there will be more products under the Pure Strength range for men. That is exciting to know. The boyfriend has switched from one product to another through the years. Sometimes, he would use whatever scrub or wash I was using at the time. He actually likes the Human Nature Balancing Facial Wash as well. I ordered this for him to try and so far, he has no complaints.

If you’d like to order this for yourself, or for the men in your lives, message me and we can setup delivery or pick up. I may throw in free delivery for orders exceeding 500 pesos in total. Smile

Should you want to order through the Human Heart Nature website, use this link to purchase with a 10% discount courtesy of yours truly: Buy Human Nature!

human nature pure strength

*Images courtesy of Human Heart Nature

New from Human Nature: Powder Fresh Deo

Among the new products launched by Human Heart Nature in September 2012 is a Powder Fresh Scent of its 100% Natural Deo – now with better, longer protection that lasts all day!

human nature powder fresh

Just like the classic deos (I used the Pink Blossom before), this is still 100% fee from harmful chemicals. It is formulated to better keep up with an active lifestyle.

I am ordering this and looking forward to sticking to it. I used the Pink Blossom variant for awhile (went through 2 bottles) but it didn’t give me the 24-hour protection I needed. Meaning, that at some point towards the end of the day, I got to be a bit smelly if I sweated a lot. I didn’t get embarrassed by it or anything, it wasn’t too bad. This happened during summer too so that probably explains why. It was still enough to make me switch back to a commercial brand (Dove) but I will be giving this a try now that there’s a new formulation.

My Mom’s been using the Aloe Fresh scent until now, and she hasn’t complained about it. I guess our bodies respond differently to these products, specially since they are all natural.

Contact me for Human Heart Nature orders. I might throw in free shipping if you order >500 pesos worth of products. Smile

*image courtesy of Human Heart Nature in Facebook – http://www.facebook.com/humanheartnature

Senator Pia Cayetano on Headstart

I missed the Headstart episode on ANC yesterday morning. I could watch it on Iwantv but via Twitter [I follow (and admire) both Karen Davila (@Karen_DaviLa) and Senator Pia (@piacayetano)] I got this link to the transcript so I read on (click image to see the transcript)

Just through the words I can already feel Sen. Pia’s passion about the RH Bill, and getting it discussed and eventually passed. She is right, there is probably much support from legislators, but because it’s nearly election time and it’s a controversial topic, they are not very forthcoming with their position.

What is wrong with us? The RH Bill makes so much sense. It is relevant. Why can’t we get it passed into law? It is true, much of its provisions can be implemented without having to be put into law, but then you leave it to the incumbent ruling party, whoever that may be at any given time, whether or not provide these vital services.

We cannot leave it up to the president, or the next Mayor, or Barangay Captain, to determine the type of reproductive health care assistance women and teenagers receive. Not anymore. The law must provide for it. It is also apparent that the proposed bill does not dictate a specific budget, only that a budget must be approved based on the recommendation of the DOH, based on expert recommendation.

When I worked in children’s rights’ advocacies, Reproductive Health was also a hot topic. Everyone agrees that depending on a child’s evolving capacities, they must receive relevant information on this, specially since their lives may depend on it. We supported RH and respected NGOs that actually gave away condoms to older girls. But we never advocated early sex. It is possible. It is possible to educate children about sexuality without encouraging them to do it before they are responsible enough for the consequences.

Let’s not be hypocrites. I guess in some ways I am. I’ve never been really comfortable talking about sex, specially not my own experiences. But we have to admit that in this age, sex before marriage happens more times than we care to acknowledge. The RH bill seeks the protection of women, married or not, so that they can receive the information and help they need.

Many are prone to be Pro RH Bill as a means for population control. Although that is a valid issue too, Sen. Pia argues that the RH Bill is first foremost a gender and health issue.

Now I realize that I may have readers who are against the RH bill. I respect that. But also think of this: if you have no need for this law, there are thousands and perhaps millions of other Filipino women and girls out there who do. You may not directly benefit from the law, but do not deprive those who desperately need the services that it seeks to put in place.

I am a woman. And I support the RH bill.

The Piano Guys–What Makes you Beautiful

Last night, as I surfed through blogs on my feed, I stopped for awhile to watch this video on LivE Design’s blog:

And I was amazed. Watch it.

And I remembered all the hours I spent learning to play the piano.

I want to play again. Though I will never be this good, nor better.

So add getting a piano to my bucket list. Wait, I don’t even have a bucket list.

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