Health – Losing Weight

Dieting and The Brain

This post is sparked by the TED Talk by Sandra Aamodt: Why Dieting Doesn’t Usually Work. Video is embedded at the end of this musing should you want to listen in too.

At the heart of the talk is the fact that the brain, specifically the hypothalamus, acts as a sort of thermostat that signals hunger, energy, and metabolism. Whether you start out thin or fat, when you lose weight, your brain thinks you’re starving. For self-preservation, you will feel hungry and have less energy available.

Because I have been morbidly obese in the past 10 years or so, my body and my brain may very well have learned to think that this is the normal. Going down to a ‘healthy’ weight in the obesity scales will definitely not be a walk in the park because I am no longer wired for a lower number on the weighing scale.

Realizing that doesn’t give me an excuse to not make an effort. In fact, what she says next only encourages me further to continue with the lifestyle changes I’ve committed to recently.

Sandra points out that there are two types of eaters – intuitive eaters: rely on their hunger, and; controlled eaters: rely on willpower. Looks like I’ve been more of the latter. That explains the endless cycle of starving and then binging. Skipping meals and then going on an all-you-can-eat buffet.

When I was in highschool, my grandmother was against my going on a diet. She argued that I just need to stick to a healthy three full meals a day. Don’t skip, but don’t over indulge. If I had just listened to her then, I may have a chance to be 30 pounds lighter today. By the way, looking at my highschool photos now, I realize now that I wasn’t FAT! But at the time? Geez.

Sandra also talks about mindful eating. Listen to your body and eat when you’re hungry. But listen too when it says that the hunger has been satiated. Now that may take me awhile, so smaller portions will also help.

She then shows a graph of a long-term study across people of various weights and their risk of death based on four healthy habits: eating enough fruits and vegetables, exercising 3x a week, not smoking, and drinking moderately. It looks very similar to this:


Image Source:

The short story is that the more of the 4 habits you have, the lower risk of death – regardless of weight. For the obese (darkest shaded bar on the graph), even just one healthy habit significantly reduces the risk by almost 50%. And when all four healthy habits are present? Then weight doesn’t matter. The person with the normal weight is just as likely or less likely to die prematurely than the obese person. 

So I guess I am on the right track. Except that when I resolved to make a habit of having green smoothies daily I had weight loss in mind. Now, I’m changing my mindset. My goal is no longer to lose weight, but to just be better. I think that can be achieved without necessarily losing all of my excess weight. If I can lose weight while eating more fruits and veggies and adding exercise in my lifestyle, then that’s a bonus.

What are your thoughts on this?


Be Kind to Yourself

I was doing some research for a new post for Between the Covers when this ad was played in YouTube:

How do we really see ourselves? I used to think I had a pretty healthy self image, but then I got more and more into photography and more and more people also got to toting cameras everywhere and I realized that I didn’t want photos of me taken.

Do you remember that shampoo commercial where the girl would hide behind her friends because her hair was less than lustrous? Or those series of commercials for Lesofat, tinatago ang taba?  That’s exactly what I do. I don’t hide behind people though, I normally just take myself out of the photo. I refuse to have any taken. Most of the time.

But I’ve tried to do that less and less. I’ve allowed others to take my photo. I’ve even started taking selfies. And my profile photo on social networking sites is already an actual photo of myself. I am beautiful in whatever shape or size, I know that. I may be trying to lose weight these days, but that is because I have become too heavy for my bones (being bionic now doesn’t guarantee that another slip disc won’t happen). Let that not overshadow the truth that I am beautiful. \

Thanks Dove for reminding women of all shapes and sizes, that we need to be kinder to ourselves.

Coca-Cola and Obesity

This ad isn’t shown in the Philippines, I guess because the program is currently only in the US. But it is of interest to me because I drink Coke and I am obese.

Some time ago (I completely forgot when that was) I signed up at the health site Calorie Count (and I even downloaded the free iPhone app). Although I haven’t fully maximized the abundance of information (and support) available from that community to kick off my own wellness plan, I do pick up on articles they post thru their newsletters. Today, it included a post on Coca-Cola’s Anti-Obesity Ad.

Put on those headphones, and watch this short video:


What do you think?

I think that when big corporations (and don’t forget politicians) spend money (or risk losing some profit) for the greater good – that’s a good thing. And that we shouldn’t be so blind not to see that their special projects could also be self-serving – a PR job, a way to look good for the cameras, or a conscience-cleansing effort. But they still deserve support – or acknowledgment at the very least. After all, when more people join in to fight for a cause, whatever cause it may be, it’s a step closer to the goal.

What I’m saying is, good job Coca-Cola for owning up to your role in making the world obese and taking steps to reduce that – no matter how small the steps. But I’m pretty sure you will not completely take your sugary products off the market. That would be suicide.

On the YouTube page for the ad, there are mixed reactions. Some people talk about other sins of the company. It’s like saying ‘I will not accept nor applaud your help here and right now because I cannot accept your other actions elsewhere.’ It’s like Sting changing the venue of his Philippine concert because the SM MOA Arena is affiliated with tree-cutting SM Baguio. Know what I mean?

So in the end, it’s still up to us to choose the better options. 0 cal or 140 cal? Zero or regular Coke? Soda or water? It’s not just Coke’s fault that I need to lose about ninety to a hundred pounds, but drinking Coke was probably a big contributor. And yes, I have ingested way more calories than I burn. I didn’t need a Coca-Cola ad to tell me that. But knowing that they are putting money into the fight against obesity? Now that’s cool.

But you know what, maybe learning about why other people boycott Coke would help turn me off of it completely. Hah! That would be the day. Happiness nga eh.

From My Reader: The Fat Kid Inside



Celebrity Erwan Heussaf blogs as The Fat Kid Inside. I don’t really know much about him except that he is a trained chef, he’s the Food Editor at Esquire Philippines (I think), he is boyfriend to actress Anne Curtis, and brother to Solenn Heussaff. But he didn’t land on my Reader because of those. I read about his nomination to Nuffnang Asia Pacific’s Blogger Awards last year so I checked out his blog. I wasn’t about to vote for him just because he is Pinoy. I wanted to do so out of real appreciation for his blog.

Yes, I voted for him. I also subscribed to his feeds (are you subscribed to mine?).

Recently, he started what he calls the Skill Shop. He has two posts for this category so far and I’ve Pinned them both.


I love that he shares videos and not just photos of his food/recipes. The focus of his videos is the process, and the food itself. You don’t even see him after his signature opening billboard. He’s got skills, this guy! So far, he has the best blog videos I’ve seen.

The food he shares are mostly healthy. He also talks a lot about exercise and living a balanced life. He trains and runs. That’s how he keeps the fat kid inside, and mister lean and healthy outside.

I kinda half-expect to him to be doing art or music too. I can imagine him with a guitar, or maybe not. Maybe he’s the type who plays the violin, or the piano. A Classical music guy. He just seems like the type. A perfect guy really. Haha.

What I really really like about his blog? His writing style. He’s very easy to read. Not complicated. Doesn’t try to be funny. His topics, very relevant to me who is all fat outside.

People know that I can bake, but I don’t cook. Never really tried. So Erwan’s Skill Shop is something I appreciate, I really hope to learn a trick or two from it. Maybe I’ll try the Perfect Creamy Scrambled Eggs for brunch tomorrow. Maybe. Smile

Doing the JujuCleanse

So long after first hearing about Jujucleanse, we are finally doing the Juju!

I’m on my 3rd bottle now, the Red Giant. I was hungry just in time for this one, but I took in a wee bit of bread. Earlier, it wasn’t so much as being hungry, but wanting to put something in my mouth. So like I said, this is my 3rd bottle for the day, and there are three more to complete the Level 1 (1-day) cleanse.

How am I doing so far?

The Green Bomb (1) tasted a lot like celery stalks, but it wasn’t so difficult to drink it up. The Spicy Limonada (2) was a little harder for me to finish. It was a tad too spicy for my tastes. It has cayenne pepper as an ingredient.

This third one, has beets, pineapple, carrots and ginger. I had expected it to be sweet, but the ginger triumphs over the other tastes. Finish it I will.

It’s recommended to drink lots of water too, and I need no more encouragement than the punishing heat. I am definitely drinking a lot of liquids today.

I am really hoping this cleanse boosts my metabolism, and jumpstarts my body to a healthier journey. Of course it matters what I put into it after cleansing.

Mom and I took advantage of the 10% discount offered by JujuCleanse. Promo ended the other day. It was easy to order, the fastest way is by texting them at 09175763012.

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