Ramblings and Brain farts

Ace Water Spa for only 299!

The Entry Fee at Ace Water Spa is normally priced at 550 pesos per adult, but at CashCashPinoy, they are offering discount coupons so you can get it at only 299 pesos! That is a steal!

The first and last time I was there was in 2008 – a very long time ago. Alfred hasn’t been there at all and the discounted price is a very good reason to make the trip happen. I’ll be buying at least four coupons!

Those will be just for the boyfriend and myself. I think Mom would probably ask for a couple of coupons for them too so she and Dad could take Esban back there at a discounted fee too. πŸ™‚

I think it’s wonderful that sites like this are available in the Philippines now. There’s another one, Ensogo, that I’ve signed up for too. I bought coupons from there but haven’t used them yet. I’m thinking of giving the two coupons for Chef’s Bistro to Mom and Dad as a birthday gift for Dad. Β Alfred and I were supposed to use them for our anniversary dinner the other day but we decided to eat somewhere else. Hmm…

Do you like getting deals like this? Sign up for CashCashPinoy, and also for Ensogo!

Our TiXie V

Last year, we said hello to Alfred’s first DSLR, ViKtor – the Nikon D5000. This year (barely six months later), we bade goodbye to him too. Β It was not an easy decision to make but Alfred decided to sell him in order to build a fund for a better camera. He uses my Deena in his photo shoots anyway, and I don’t really like using ViK so there was no sense keeping them both. He did buy Tixie V from the money he got from selling ViK. So now our second camera is a point and shoot:

But Tixie’s not just any point and shoot. We’ve been eyeing the Sony Cybershot TX5 as a second camera for awhile but almost didn’t get one anymore. Once Alfred entertained the idea of selling ViK he first thought of getting a Sony NEX-5 but that proved to be too expensive and would have cost as much (or more) as a brand new D5000. So we thought about the TX5 again and checked out the prices. We were glad to have found an online store that carried the TX5 at ten thousand pesos less than the mall rates! The decision to buy, and the transaction was very fast: ViK was sold on a Sunday night, we contacted the TX5 seller on Monday night, and got TiXie on Tuesday afternoon. Sweet!

TiXie’s around to help me accomplish one of my 2011 goals – get better at documenting everyday happenings, and significant events too. It isn’t practical to tote Deena around everyday because she tends to get heavy. TiXie packs a punch with cool features in a slim and small body πŸ™‚

So with this purchase, the boyfriend is still able to keep some money from ViK’s sale. I know he would have wanted the new 32gb ipod touch for himself, but he chose Β to get the camera for me. We’ll surely be using her a lot in our Cebu trip in a few weeks.

Bye, Bamboo

Yesterday (or was it the other day?), news broke out about the disbanding of popularΒ rock starΒ band Bamboo. That is one sad news.

From the 2007 NCO Christmas party:

@the NCO Christmas Party – 2007 (taken by me or Vanette)

Bamboo was again the main attraction for the 2009 Christmas party of NCO. I took pictures then too, but I guess I never bothered to upload any.

The Pinoy rock scene would definitely be missing the super-charged performances of this band, but there is no doubt that we will hear from them again soon – perhaps not as one band though.

Read the related article from Yahoo about Bamboo’s disbanding.

On other news… this one’s not ‘breaking’ news though πŸ™‚ I’m sick. I haven’t been feeling well the past three days and last night, I stayed home from work. There’s the feverish feeling, chills, and headaches. On previous nights I still reported for work and consulted at the company clinic. They checked my temperature and it was normal so I was dismissed with a hot water bag, and paracetamol. That seemed to have worked but the feeling just kept coming back. So I decided to sleep in last night.

And boy did I sleep. I woke up around lunch just to eat, and helped a bit to watch and carry Amir. Then it was back to La-la land. Because I slept too much, I wasn’t able to see a doctor. That’s going to be top priority for tomorrow morning then.

Talking about work… Things are still very hectic. Everything is urgent. I can’t even think about the things that I am missing already. There are so many things we need to manage and everyday there’s something new that’s added to the list. Sometimes it feels like we’re always in fire fighting mode and there’s hardly any time to do any thing to prevent more fires from breaking out. You know what I mean?

I haven’t lost faith though. Things will get better. We’ll all pull together and make it better.

Twenty Eleven

We are nine days into twenty eleven and already, I can see how a busy busy year this is going to be. Busy in a very good way though. It’s been customary for most people to start the new year with resolutions. These could be things they resolve to change, or goals they set out to reach for the next 12 months. I’ve made so many lists and so many times over. I don’t always complete them.

This year I hope to soar higher than I did in 2010.

I hope to celebrate my 1st APAC anniversary before the year ends. I stayed five years in NCO, before that three years at AsiaACTs. How long will this company have me? We’ll see. πŸ™‚

We’re also hoping that this is the year for saving. We need to save up for the big event, and we also want to save up for our own car, or maybe an iMac:)

May this year be the year of fittings and tastings, of reunions with family and dear friends. Perhaps I’ll meet up with girlfriends and compare our favorite designs of Mori Lee bridesmaid dresses over cups of coffee.

In 2011 I hope to get back to capturing moments. I hope to scrap pages with my photos too. I will have to make time for it. By the end of this year, I hope to have at least one printed photo book of my pages. πŸ™‚

I’m also looking forward to seeing Amir grow healthier and bigger each day.

There are so many things to look forward to in twenty eleven, I am just thankful that I have lived to see it come, and will live to see more.

What are you looking forward to the most this year?

Some of us bloghop and drop ECs :)

Or for Entrecarders and Adgitizers, some of us bloghop and click ECs and Ads πŸ™‚

Thank you to my Top 10 Entrecard Droppers for December 2010:

I am glad that last months top droppers are real bloggers with real content in their blogs. πŸ™‚

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