Ramblings and Brain farts

Thank you Migraine!

I skipped work today, thanks to migraine. After getting up earlier, I took a bath and the cold water did not have the healing effect I thought it would have on my headache. So I decided to skip work. I’ll be in tomorrow though instead of taking my RD already. There’s an HMO orientation I need to attend with my agents, and I have to finish my monitors too before I can call it a week. That works for me because we’ll have power interruption at 19th street tomorrow, owing to maintenance work on Meralco’s posts. I wouldn’t have to sweat in the heat or get bored without Internet or cable access.

So after sending SMS to people about skipping work, I lay down and fell asleep. Four hours later, I got up, still with remnants of the migraine but thankfully not a full-blown one anymore. I realized a few things:

  • Lack of sleep caught up with me, and it took a looooong time before it did. I haven’t had a lot of sleep in the past three weeks but this is the first migraine attach I’ve had. Thank God for that!
  • I am so glad that I didn’t get a pimple breakout because of the lack of sleep. Yay for not needing pronexin!
  • A good pillow WILL prevent migraine headaches. I need to find one soon.

Ma left the coffee maker on with a cup of brew left. So I had me some coffee and toasted muffins for a late breakfast, sat in front of my PC and found that there’s no Internet connection! I unplugged/replugged connections and all that and still nothing. Bypassed the router, nada. Called Sky, no luck. I resigned to my fate and sat in front of the telly to watch Showtime instead. An hour later, I heard the familiar buzz of my Mozy Unlimited Backup alert and realized my connection’s been restored. Yebah!

Sooo…. I’m in the mood to be thankful this morning:

  • Thank you for another day of waking up (I woke up twice!)
  • Thank you for the job I have now, and the one waiting for me next week 🙂
  • Thank you for the orders that I have to fill for truffles and cake.
  • Thank you for keeping my family and friends in wonderful health.
  • Thank you for this migraine to remind me to sleep well. And thank you for taking it away soon!
  • Thank you that we had enough to afford my Eheads boxed set 🙂

What are you thankful for this morning? There is always reason to say “thanks”!

Sleep Well

Sleep Well. Lately, I haven’t been sleeping well.

I get sooooo sleepy when I’m at work, but when I’m home, I’m awake. When I finally sleep, it’s not a good one. I dream. And sometimes, I even have nightmares. One night, as soon as my head hit the pillow, I felt detached from myself yet feeling everything. The couch was vibrating, and I was being electrocuted! It took a long time before I could scream, but it seemed that I did. In my dream I called out to my mom, willing her to wake up. She did, and she tried to pry me away from the couch but I was stuck! I stood up but I still had something on my back that was causing the electrocution. We couldn’t get it off.

I woke up. I felt bad, it felt heavy. I moved around and tried to sleep again. As soon as I closed my eyes, I felt it happening all over again. I don’t remember how or when it stopped. But only after that scary episode was I able to sleep well. And so I woke up late for work. 🙁

I get those nightmares too where you feel like you’re dying, finding it difficult to breathe. Nothing else is happening, but you can see yourself sleeping and breathing slowly and you cannot move. Nor scream. In those episodes, I talk to myself and say that I will survive. And I pray. I do not wish this on anyone.

Sometimes I consider trying sleeping pills, maybe they’d give me better sleep. But I’ve never tried them.

Tonight, when we all go to bed, I wish for sweet dreams and restful slumber.

New Chrome Theme

We use IE as our default browser at work. In fact, people are not supposed to install/use any other browsers on their workstation. Whenever it crashes, or it’s slow, you would always hear people start talking about what browser they use at home.

As for me, I use Google Chrome. It is way faster and has less hitches than IE. I also prefer it over Mozilla Firefox which I used for awhile a couple of years ago. I find that Chrome is also the choice for a lot of people, specifically those who play/use Facebook apps. 🙂

I changed my Chrome theme today, to this:

It’s a theme designed by Carlos Celdran, an artist who does walking tours of Manila. I’d always wanted to sign up for one of his tours. Looks like it will be raining until the end of this month, so maybe we can check out the schedules for November or December and sign up then. He was on the news recently, for staging a quiet but loud protest during a mass at the Manila Cathedral. It was, I believe, a solo indignation rally against the Catholic Church’s meddling with the affairs of the State: that of the President declaring support for the proposed Reproductive Health Bill.

Anyhoo. Just sharing. 🙂


A couple I know is preparing for their wedding which will happen in four months. I’d already told them, without actually being invited yet, that I probably won’t be able to attend their celebration because the tickets we booked for Cebu that month has us flying back to Manila on the night of the wedding. On the last flight for the day. Of course, plans might still change. I’ll be starting at my new job in a few weeks, which means I’ll still be on probationary status at the time of the wedding. I may not be able to go on vacation to Cebu after all. Oh well.

So the bride-t0-be has been busy. I liked it when she used to tell me about their venue-hunting adventures. When they found the reception venue, I understood why they liked it. Now, she has time to relax, and concentrate on looking pretty for her pre-nup photos. She’s trying to lose some weight too, and we compare notes on top rated diet pills (though neither of us have actually tried them). She’s trying a drink formula now, and I think it’s supposed to suppress your appetite or make you feel full for the most part of the day. She says it does make her feel thirsty though. Next week, I’ll ask her for an update on her experience and then maybe give it a try. 😉

I have two agents also getting married next year. One of them has started preparing already, while the other hasn’t (I think). The first one even gave me an idea for a wonderful and fun giveaway for the wedding. It’s also something that suits us as a couple, I think. If I decide to get those for my own wedding, I’ll definitely share what that is. 😉

Alfred and I had a mild tiff last week, it was also about weddings. He mentioned that he cannot possibly give me a grand wedding in the likes of those that I’ve attended recently. Specifically, he says he can’t afford a big wedding like Mayeen’s. I was really disappointed with that comment. Who asked for a wedding like that? All I want is for all those important to us to witness our union, and to celebrate with us, with good food and entertainment. I know it will still be costly, no matter how simple we intend it to be. It will be expensive for the number of friends and family who will be invited. So I was disappointed not because he said that, but because he thought that I’m only after a big wedding or that I’d go for what my friends had. He just totally missed the point. The conversation started with a comment I made about not seeing him really preparing for it, and I still mean that. Whether it’s a big wedding or a simple one, I just don’t think he’s ready for it. That’s the sad honest truth.

Have you read my post on The Best Day of Someone Else’s Life?

Crush, mix, ball, dip. pack.

Wow. So many thoughts to blog about, but no time to blog.

There’s work, and then there’s work. After my paying job, I spend time making truffles, and sometimes get to bake cakes too. All for the love of money! haha. 🙂 Nah, it’s fun making them, unless I have to make 3oo oreo balls and coat them in chocolate in one night. Haha. But that’s a sign of good business, no? So yeah, I like that part too.

I did take a break last night to with my friend Arianne a happy birthday. It was a short night. Meaning, I would have wanted it to be longer – more time to catch up with Arianne, Mayeen and Gelo, and to interrogate Ar’s Tom. Haha. 🙂 Would have been nice to have Y and Raech there too, but we can’t have it all can we? The good thing is, since leaving UP 7-8 years ago, we’ve seen each other the most number of times in a year this year (I think), so that’s good, no? And Facebook has made it easier to stay in the loop with each other’s lives. So though we don’t get together as often as we’d like, it’s still all good. 🙂

I’ve also been getting a lot of good news lately and I am very thankful for all the blessings that come my way. I think it would be selfish to ask for more, but it won’t hurt 🙂

Soooo, this was really just a quick update to make sure that 1) my blog is still working, and 2) friends are not kept wondering about my absence in the blogging world.

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