Thank you Migraine!
I skipped work today, thanks to migraine. After getting up earlier, I took a bath and the cold water did not have the healing effect I thought it would have on my headache. So I decided to skip work. I’ll be in tomorrow though instead of taking my RD already. There’s an HMO orientation I need to attend with my agents, and I have to finish my monitors too before I can call it a week. That works for me because we’ll have power interruption at 19th street tomorrow, owing to maintenance work on Meralco’s posts. I wouldn’t have to sweat in the heat or get bored without Internet or cable access.
So after sending SMS to people about skipping work, I lay down and fell asleep. Four hours later, I got up, still with remnants of the migraine but thankfully not a full-blown one anymore. I realized a few things:
- Lack of sleep caught up with me, and it took a looooong time before it did. I haven’t had a lot of sleep in the past three weeks but this is the first migraine attach I’ve had. Thank God for that!
- I am so glad that I didn’t get a pimple breakout because of the lack of sleep. Yay for not needing pronexin!
- A good pillow WILL prevent migraine headaches. I need to find one soon.
Ma left the coffee maker on with a cup of brew left. So I had me some coffee and toasted muffins for a late breakfast, sat in front of my PC and found that there’s no Internet connection! I unplugged/replugged connections and all that and still nothing. Bypassed the router, nada. Called Sky, no luck. I resigned to my fate and sat in front of the telly to watch Showtime instead. An hour later, I heard the familiar buzz of my Mozy Unlimited Backup alert and realized my connection’s been restored. Yebah!
Sooo…. I’m in the mood to be thankful this morning:
- Thank you for another day of waking up (I woke up twice!)
- Thank you for the job I have now, and the one waiting for me next week 🙂
- Thank you for the orders that I have to fill for truffles and cake.
- Thank you for keeping my family and friends in wonderful health.
- Thank you for this migraine to remind me to sleep well. And thank you for taking it away soon!
- Thank you that we had enough to afford my Eheads boxed set 🙂
What are you thankful for this morning? There is always reason to say “thanks”!