Entrecard hopping!
Wow, I dropped three hundred Entrecards today. Which means I visited a little over 300 unique sites/blogs too!
It wasn’t much fun though. Because the sun is already up, and I feel sleepy, I didn’t really spend my time on each and every blog I visited for those 300 drops. Which for me, defeats the purpose of blog hopping.
So will I do it again tomorrow? Perhaps not. I’d rather drop a few cards here and there while leisurely reading through posts.
I did find interesting stuff though.
I didn’t know that the Eraserheads reunion concert was actually pushing through on August 30 and tickets are already selling. Because I didn’t know, I probably won’t be able to go see it. 🙁
Bloghopping allows me to see beautiful page layouts and templates. I saw several templates that caught my eye, and some that looks to be easily customizable. I’ll be visiting those sites again to know more.
There were a lot of tips about making money online too.
Entrecard sure has introduced me to so many new digs to visit. If only there were more hours in a day.
Funny how I was able to stay up for five more hours since getting off work when I was already sleepy while I was still there (and just half way through my shift).