Ramblings and Brain farts

Entrecard hopping!

Wow, I dropped three hundred Entrecards today. Which means I visited a little over 300 unique sites/blogs too!

It wasn’t much fun though. Because the sun is already up, and I feel sleepy, I didn’t really spend my time on each and every blog I visited for those 300 drops. Which for me, defeats the purpose of blog hopping.

So will I do it again tomorrow? Perhaps not. I’d rather drop a few cards here and there while leisurely reading through posts.

I did find interesting stuff though.

I didn’t know that the Eraserheads reunion concert was actually pushing through on August 30 and tickets are already selling. Because I didn’t know, I probably won’t be able to go see it. 🙁

Bloghopping allows me to see beautiful page layouts and templates. I saw several templates that caught my eye, and some that looks to be easily customizable. I’ll be visiting those sites again to know more.

There were a lot of tips about making money online too.

Entrecard sure has introduced me to so many new digs to visit. If only there were more hours in a day.

Funny how I was able to stay up for five more hours since getting off work when I was already sleepy while I was still there (and just half way through my shift).

Three times the charm?

This evening , I attempted to fuse plastic. The first one wasn’t good – some parts did not fuse at all.

I stopped, then checked out the tutorial at EtsyLabs again (that I already looked at several times about two months ago). By the looks of it, and as I recalled the video tutorial I also watched last week, I did what the tutorials called for.

An hour later, I tried it again but with just six layers and more flimsy plastic bags. I also turned up the temperature of the iron. This time, it actually looked like it was fusing well, but the iron may have been a little too hot. There were holes, and I actually saw the thing shrink. I managed to cut a piece of it that will be usable for what I intend to make, but on its own I think the material is not as sturdy as what I would have wanted.

That really got me frustrated. I was looking forward to making something this weekend and I really thought it would just be simple.   I’ll leave the third, and hopefully successful attempt for tomorrow.


Did you see the Olympics’ closing ceremony? It was amazing!

Swimmer dog. Cupcakes. Plugins!

I woke up Tuesday to a very cool morning, and the first thing I noticed was the pitter patter of the raindrops. Last thing I remembered before dozing off was the sound of the wind outside. No, it wasn’t a howling wind, but you could definitely hear it.

A friend was supposed to come over before lunch and when he called to ask if the creek had already overflown, I said no without batting an eyelash. A few minutes later, I went down to take out the wet garbage and was shocked to see that I was so wrong. The flood waters had risen calf deep on the street and was just outside our gate. I had to stop my friend from coming over!

While I was chatting with my cousin who was standing watch, this man passed by with his dog. I thought they would surely turn back but they didn’t.

The dog was happily swimming in the flood! They didn’t walk the length of the road though, because it was getting deeper as they went farther from us. The guy led his dog towards the riprap alongside the creek and the mongrel walked from then on.

I’d have taken a picture if I had a camera with me at the time. I hadn’t anticipated a spectacle.

Cupcake charms!

I have new charms for my phone – cupcakes in a muffin pan!

These girls from work sell stuff over at Multiply but this one wasn’t even uploaded to the site yet. Isn’t it cute?

It was supposed to be a pendant but I don’t usually wear necklaces, so the girls offered to customize the chain for whatever purpose I was going to use the charm for.

The shell accessory you see there was from Alfred’s Boracay trip; the tiny purple rubber slipper is a freebie from Havaianas.

Worpress Improvements?

I wasn’t receiving new comment notifications in my WP admin email so I installed a plugin that would do just that. It doesn’t seem to be working though.

Chris, my first official commenter here, suggested a follow up comment notifier plugin so I got one too. But alas, it doesn’t seem to be working yet either.

I don’t have time to work on these anymore though so the improvements have got to wait til tomorrow.

My first ever post on my non-free blog!

Blog number five. Yes, I am the same verabear from Blogger, moon$hyn, the moon shines on me, and vera’s moon.

I am still getting to know my server, and feeling my way through WordPress. I feel like I am on a real-life adventure. I was really excited to post tonight; imagine how downtrodden I felt when, as I got off the cab from work, I realized there was a power outage. I was ecstatic though when the light posts came to life just as I approached our gate!

Having this new exciting thing in my life has had at least one positive effect: I actually did real work in the office on my first day from off. In the last couple of weeks, I’ve always felt like the first day was my petiks or slack-off day. I do work, but nothing substantial. Today, I actually did stuff that would set me off to an awesome pace for the rest of the week.

I’ll keep this short though, and work on some other stuff before I turn in for the night. Tomorrow will be another long day.

New blog: http://verabear.net

Earlier today I pulbished my new blog http://verabear.net/

I have decided to use that as my everyday blog and I hope you’d come over and visit me there too. Soon I will hide my posts here, but keep links to my archives/categories, which are all hosted on my new blog too.

It is still a work in progress, and I am using a pre-made free template rather than one I had hoped to have designed on my own.

See you there!

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