Last night, just before going to bed, I ripped the plastic covering off the book that I bought many months ago. After reading the first few chapters, I went to sleep (not because it was a boring read mind you, but it was really waaaay past bedtime). In the morning, I woke up and picked it right up and devoured it. I read untill well after lunch. I stopped only for a few minutes to pour myself some toasted oats and mueslie with milk for breakfast; and then again for a snack of yoghurt; and finally a Twiggie for lunch. Oh, I had put it down to watch the first E-heads reunion concert in August last year on DVD (the one I didn’t see Live!), while I put some Tea Tree Oil antiseptic on Zune’s insect bites.
But I finished the whole thing. And just like the effect the movie had on me, there were moments that were just heart-wrenching.
I’ve got to say, I don’t know if it’s just Gerard Butler and all his sexiness, but I seem to like the movie version better. But remember, I liked the movie version a lot. So even while I say I liked it better, that by no means translates that I didn’t like the book. I did.
Though the screenplay adaptation was different in many aspects from the original novel, it still remained true to the core messages that Ahern communicates through her pages. Finding your soulmate. Love. Friendship. Loss. Grief. Picking up the pieces.
If the movie focused on the love between Holly and Gerry, and in Holly learning to open herself up for a new love, the book was more about the reality of grieving. How it’s a selfish process, really, even when you don’t mean it to be. Though Gerry’s letters were very much the center of it all, there was also the very important role her friends played in Holly’s road back to living her life without Gerry.
Oh, another difference is that the book is set entirely in Ireland, versus the movie being set in America with the ladies’ vacation having been in the land of the Irish.
I found myself wondering again, what would I do if this happened to me? How would I move on?
I have a confession to make, I’m a little loony this weekend. That’s probably why I haven’t been posting like crazy, and why I finally picked up this book to read. It’s Alfred’s first day at his new job so that meant a break in routine. I usually stay up on Sunday nights and have breakfast with him on Monday morning when he gets home from work. During my rest days, he is always around to worry about what we’ll have for lunch; even if he had to work on those nights, he’d be game if I had wanted to go out. Today was so much different. He wasn’t here. I had talked to him on the phone many times during the course of the day, but it still felt like I was losing something you know? I won’t get to see him everyday anymore, and I would be sleeping alone again for most of the time. There wouldn’t be breakfast or lunch dates at work to look forward to.
I’m crazy, I know. He’s still here and he’s just an hour away, and that’s where he was before he kind of semi-moved in here (we really have an odd living situation) and everything was just fine. But I’ve just been so used to having him around all the time, I don’t want to go back to how it was before. I surprised myself though;after his long day at work and running around to fix his stuff, he called to tell me that he didn’t have to be back at work until 11am tomorrow morning, which means he could actually come over now if I wanted him to. I had given him the choice to decide for himself, and he very well wanted to come. But I pointed out that it’ll be tiring for him, considering he had had to go shuttling around so much today. So there, we decided for him to stay home instead. It was the right thing to do, right?
Sunday afternoons are dedicated to showbiz talk shows, and for some reason, we landed on GMA’s Showbiz Central where Geoff Egeinman was being interviewed. He has left ABS-CBN and is being welcomed by the rival network. I’ve watched his ABS shows – Hiram, then the other one with Heart, and finally Lobo. He’s become a hunk already, and has really improved on his acting although his speech still needs a lot of work (it just doesn’t sound natural when he speaks in Filipino, diba?).
Anyway… why am I so affected? Wala naman. Maybe it’s just because my mind can’t process anything serious this late in the day. It’s almost 6pm, and my day started at 11PM last night.
I have been enjoying taking photos with my digital point and shoot Kodak that I have forgotten Frankie and left her to gather dust. But I was reading The Pioneer Woman’s blog and came acrosee her Photography section, and her series on Aperture. This has prompted me to pickup Frankie once again and test out what I’ve read. Of course I can’t see the results right away, but it helps to put things into perspective.
Today, Archie showed me his Nikon FM2 (loaded with a Fuji Velvia and geared up for a weekend at the beach) and his Nikon F4 – a huge and heavy camera! If there was anything I was looking forward to in the TM team building, it would have been photography with Archie’s manuals, and Edsel’s DSLRs (he recently bought a Nikon D700 that I have yet to see!). Sadly, I really am not just up to a weekend with new friends (not A and E surely, but the other TMs). My colds have been on and off and well, yesterday they decided to come on again. I consulted with the company physician and he prescribed antibiotics and something for allergic rhinitis too. I just don’t feel like jetting off somewhere because the meds are supposed to make me sleepy. Added to the mix is my tummy, well let’s just say that bowel movement hasn’t been quite normal. Ugh.
So there, a weekend of photo opps missed. But I still have tomorrow and Monday to make myself a fun weekend 😉
Unrelated stuff…
Digital Candy has a $1 Sweet Sensations sale and I am tempted to buy this colorful kit, oh and this one too. Hmm… It’s only a dollar each after all…
That’s what my dear boyfriend is – a closet Eraserheads fan!
After hearing him humming Eheads tunes since the concert on Saturday, I’ve been teasing him. He claims it was nothing but LSS (last song syndrome). But he kept at it until yesterday and something in my gut just says it’s more than just the LSS.
And just when I was trying to journey into la-la-land yesterday afternoon, there it was – the admission. He was an E-heads fan way back when. He took it to heart when the band broke up. He just couldn’t accept it. And I don’t know if there’s anyone else like him – but he hasn’t quite forgiven ElyB for calling it quits.
It would be better if he’d blog about it (seeing as his blog has nearly stagnated). It was just so funny to hear him say how he was fighting against singing along with everyone during the concert. And all the while there I was starting to get irritated that he was trying so hard not to enjoy himself. But enjoy he did.
I have been willing myself to write about my Eraserhads : The Final Set experience, but I’ve had so many false starts in the past 48 hours. I had a very good time and I don’t regret the money spent for the Silver tickets. I had enjoyed the experience even though I didn’t see the band up close and had to be content with the big screens setup all over the place. But I also could not help but wish I had the money to spend for VIP passes (@5k each); no matter how much I had been looking forward to this event, I just couldn’t justify the expense. 🙁
I don’t have spectacular photos of the event. I guess I didn’t have the patience to work with my camera to get good shots out of the lighting that was there. Plus, there was no chance to get photos of my idols anyway, so why bother? I did attempt to take some shots of the boyfriend and even of us together, but as usual, I’ve never had much luck in taking my own photos.
We were supposed to meet up earlier on the afternoon of the seventh so we could see a movie and have dinner before the show. But I had spent 14 hours at work (12am to past 2pm of the same day) and I just couldn’t bring myself to leave home so soon after hitting the couch. Besides, there were showbiz programs showing their tribute to The Man from Manila, and I had wanted to see some of those.
So it was already 630PM when I finally met up with the boyfriend at the MRT Taft station. We took a jeepney to MOA (my first jeepney ride in a long time, how sad), and ended up not stopping for dinner. We had anticipated a long queue to enter the concert venue, but there wasn’t any. Most of the people were just milling outside the gates, or were already inside. I secretly wished that Alfred would want to hangout by the VIP gate, not to ogle at celebrities who were sure to be there, but to be on the lookout for any VIP pass doleouts. But being the non-eHeads fan that he was, I was asking for too much. Haha.
There was food inside the venue, but silly me, I had decided to forego any food and drinks. This meant I was famished by the time the show ended, but let’s not talk about the end. Yet. So here’s Alfred, anticipating the start of the show. Press release: he’s not really interested. He was never really into Eraserheads. Even as he adores Sandwich, he didn’t want to see the ‘Heads even just for Raimund. It took so much coaxing on my part before this actually happened.
Was I imagining it or does he look like he was eagerly anticipating the start of the show? 😉 Now here’s a glance at the Silver A crowd, near the middle. We’re very close to the grills separating us from Gold. I must admit, when I saw the screens up front, my heart sank as I realized how far we were from the stage. But it didn’t dampen my spirit that night.
I tried out my camera to see how much I could zoom in to see a glimpse of Ely B. I could go this close in this shot, but when they were actually performing and I was trying to get a few good shots, I was nowhere near:
If this was how far we already were, I couldn’t imagine being at the Bronze section, though I bet that was where the crowd was the happiest! Here’s the rest of the Silver A crowd behind the boyfriend’s (semi)bald head, and a view of the distant screen that the Bronze crowd was possibly watching from:
By the time 8PM rolled by, people were starting to get restless and the appearance of the four MTV VJs (though Kat Alano and Anne Curtis were among them) did not make matters any better. I mean, go ahead and do an intro but that wasn’t what it was. We heard nothing but the list of sponsors mentioned over and over and over again, it wasn’t like the screens and the PA system had just reminded us of those same sponsors during the entire time we were waiting for the show to start. People would probably not mind too much if the concert was a free one and we were completely indebted to the sponsors, but we did pay too right? It’s jus that the four of them up there was nothing but a reminder of the contractual obligations of the show’s organizers to how many times each sponsor’s name would be mentioned for the night. I felt about Anne and the rest when they were being booed at already. I mean, they were so hyper at the beginning and the loss of enthusiasm was so tangible towards the end. It didn’t help their case that none of the girls sounded credible when they were talking about their most favorite E-heads tunes. At least the guy VJ was believable. But the show wasn’t about them…
The show was about a band’s grand gesture of thanks for all it’s fans whose love for them never waivered, through all the years that they have played both together and apart. It was a reunion not just of the band we so loved, but of a generation who felt their songs, who had dreamed their dreams.
The first three albums – Ultraelectromagneticpop, Circus and Cutterpillow – these were the best ones for me. I had played all three over and over and over until I had memorized almost all of the songs. How many times had I been with friends on our front yard strumming these songs on our guitars and singing on the top of our lungs? The year they played at the SJC fair was the year Cutterpillow was released. I was so paranoid that I may not be able to sing along because the album had just been released, haha. But sing along I did. You betcha.
And I was ecstatic to hear the opening riffs to this song that I so so loved (pardon the quality of the sound in the videos I’ll be posting):
(I hope I can upload the vids, their taking so long to upload, I’d probably add them here at a later time.)
And when they played Waiting for the Bus right after? Heaven. Haha. I could have played Name That Tune all night. And I’m pretty confident that I’d have scored really high too 🙂
When Marcus held the spotlight with his reggae-ish arrangement of Wag mo nang itanong, then Raimund performed the songs that was uniquely his in the Eheads repertoire, the deal was sealed for me. I hadn’t yet heard all the songs I loved, but I knew that I was already walking away from the venue a very happy girl. Everything that followed was just a bonus.
The second set – the acoustic one, was priceless. It felt like they were just jamming with a small crowd. Something you’d expect from a set at 70s Bistro. Ely singing Kailan – who wasn’t transported back to their highschool or college days when they were swooning over this rockstar? Seriously, in their heydays I fantasized about getting to know them personally, of jamming with them, and just connecting. In those days, when I still had ideas of the type of person I wanted to end up with, I had thought about a guitar toting guy who could play and sing songs for me (and with me) all day. Just like the ‘heads, he didn’t have to be dashing and beautiful.
We finally heard Pare Ko on this set, their very first single and their biggest hit in my book. It may be Huling El Bimbo that took them to the MTV awards, but it was Pare Ko that propelled the young band to superstardom. And like I’ve said so many times to whoever cared to listen, it was the first ever song I played on the guitar.
There were two Encores for the show. Everyone was expecting the FrancisM tribute, what with him being good friends with the band (not just Ely, but Raimund too). They had sang Minsan, the song that probably identifies them most with the UP crowd, for all college crowds actually. They had sang the chorus of Kaleidoscope World. There was El Bimbo too, and then there were the fireworks. They were saying goodbye. They had said thanks (we are the Eraserheads), bowed and had as close to a group hug as we would get, and finally walked off the stage. Three minutes later, the crowd wasn’t budging.
And then the best part – we heard Raimund’s voice – bitin ba kayo? Bitin ba kami? The real Encore – three for the road.
It’s going to be a long road. No one knows if there will ever be a next time, though the band said it themselves, no one ever thought there’d even be a reunion concert. But The Final Set is enough to feed us for the next seven years.
I can’t wait to get a DVD of the concert so I can finally seat myself on our couch (not very bad for a home theater seating substitute) and see the concert up close while relishing the memories over and over – I was there.
Oh, and I just have to say this – there were this two guys behind us who were so annoying. After the first they were saying that that was exactly what happened when the first reunion concert was cut short back in August. It’s like they were willing this concert to be doomed, and like wishing ill of Ely at the same time. They were even saying, wag naman, sayang ang 1300. Hell, if they were going to be so negative, why didn’t they just opt for the cheapest tickets, or better yet, why didn’t they sit this one out? They were wearing Eheads shirts pa naman. They are not true fans. Eck.
Anyway, read the experience from fellow fans baboyita, and Tiepee.