Thursday Thirteen #18 – Sending you hugs!
Do you pray everyday? I don’t. At least not in a way that I speak to God directly. I’m pretty sure though that I send up one form of prayer or another, on a daily basis.
Like, when I say: Ingat or “take care.” Usually to someone on their way home from work, or to my dad on his way back from a trip. What I think I really mean is – “Lord, take care of him/her.”
I don’t devote a specific time of day to just have conversations with God. I used to pray every night though – just to give thanks mostly and that was a long time ago. I didn’t just decide to stop praying, it just happened.
I belong to this online group where women just chat about anything and everything. It is not strange to have someone talk about an illness she has, or something that a family member is getting treatment for. Even when I don’t pray a lot, I find myself responding to their emails and saying that they’ll be in my prayers. Sometimes I feel bad doing that, because I don’t really pray, so I just say they’ll be in my thoughts.
But then I realize, that when I do read what they say, and when I reply back about sending a quick prayer on their behalf – I actually am praying for them.
The way I see it, whoever God we pray to, He can hear us whenever we call out – in whatever manner.
When blog hopping, I find myself to be more conscious about comments I leave. I rarely say that i will pray for someone because not everyone believes in prayer. So when I read a post and I feel compelled to reach out and just say something – I just leave/send out virtual hugs. I’m not so good with words, you see, and I know that nothing I say will be truly comforting. And somehow I feel that hugs would be better when truly meant. I feel that a hug may mean as much to the giver, as to the receiver.
Here are 13 graphics to give out HUGS (or just to say “I’m here if you need anything”):
What about you, do you leave comments saying you’ll be praying for someone and really do? Oh, do you feel that when a blog friend leaves you hugs, she really means it?
Anyway, if you’re playing TT, leave a link so I can visit you too 🙂
Spread the hugs!
**Checkout my previous TT’s here and here.