Farewell, 2010!
I have mixed emotions about 2010. I can’t decide whether it was a good year for me, or a year I’d rather forget. There were a lot of good times, but there were also some disappointments. Being the optimist that I am, I choose to focus on the good times. So I guess that’s cleared then: 2010 was a wonderful year. 🙂
In January, we celebrated our tenth anniversary with a visit to Enchanted Kingdom. I wish there was a post or an album I could link to, but I realized just now that I don’t have either. What a bummer. It was such a fun day, and a wonderful start for the year that left us hopeful for what was to come in the next 12 months of our lives. Of course I could still go dig up the photos in my harddrive and eventually post them, but much of what made the day such a fun one is buried deeper in my memory and that’s a little harder to get back to.
Reminder for 2011: record and document your good times better.
In February, one of my posts was about losing weight and saving money for the wedding. Well obviously, the wedding didn’t happen hasn’t happened yet. We attended at least five lovely weddings though. As for losing weight – I did, but I’ve gained them all back. For saving money – I did, but I also spent it and am just now recovering from all of it. 2010 was one big and long roller coaster ride. It involves a crisis that got me in a funk, maybe even depression. As a result, I did A LOT OF SHOPPING and a whole lot of SPENDING.
One of the weddings we attended in 2010 was that of my best friend’s. Jo Arni tied the knot with Dom in March. It’s too bad that I had more posts about bags in March, than photos of the wedding. You see, it was in March last year that I started lusting for (and eventually ordered) an Epiphanie bag.
In April, I tried reviving my Project 365 by taking photos of Ann’s lucky plants. Sadly, the attempt didn’t take off and it was yet another start that didn’t have a proper ending. This year, I will complete P365. That’s a declaration if there ever was one. 🙂
2010 is election year and I casted my vote for the first time in May. The elections was a family affair for us. I also got hooked on Glee that month.
June saw the birth of my book blog, Between the Covers. It was also the start of, uhm, the great depression of 2010 for me. Looking at my posts though, one could never have thought that. After June, the year went by like a blur.
On my birthday month, I did the South Beach Diet. I found a retail dress I could fit into and wore it to Mayeen’s wedding.
The Philippines was at the center of the world’s attention in August because of an event we would all rather forget. Rather than blogging about the event itself, I posted about what I was thankful for at the end of the day. I also got Pinky that month.
September was the start of my love affair with the Tres Leches 🙂 I’m looking at my September archives and can’t believe some of those things happened way back then. I mean, I swear I though it only happened last month!
I voted in my first barangay elections in October. The Eraserheads Limited Edition CD boxed set also became mine. I also gave in to my Blackberry envy (and never looked back).
November started with a very brief Staycation, but it will always be etched in the history of my life as the beginning of a new adventure. I was also at another lovely wedding before the month ended.
December. Ah December 2010. It was a crazy month, but everything just stopped for the birth of our Beloved Prince.
Overall, I think 2010 was good to many people. Granted, there are others who would have wanted a better year, I’d say there are many others who have had to adjust their belts tighter than I have had to, there’s still too much to be thankful for to dwell on the negative.  And look at it this way – 2011 offers you so much more. 🙂
Thank you, and farewell, 2010.
Do you have a 2010 roundup?
January 3, 2011 @ 10:23 am
[New Post] Farewell, 2010! – via #twitoaster http://verabear.net/2011/01/farewell-201…
January 4, 2011 @ 8:22 am
we bought viktor last year and i become one of the best photographer in town hahaha
January 4, 2011 @ 6:14 pm
Yes. We bought both Viktor and Deena last year and okay fine you became a good photographer. 🙂