About verabear


Posts by verabear:

Inspiring to Create.

There is so much creativity in the world.

I visited the IkeaHacker on Monday night, and it led to me to this site and then finally to Etsy.
I saw so many handmade products that I wish I had thought of doing, some I would want to buy, and some I would love to learn how to make. But this, well, I KNOW I can’t ever make anything like this (click on the image and visit iPAPERCUT’s shop):

The closest that I would get to anything like this, would be the papercut snowflakes we used to make as kids. πŸ™‚

From ColorMeBella’s blog, what really prompted me to follow the links to Etsy was her attempt at making Marble Glass Bead Magnets. They don’t cost much to purchase and ship and would make awesome whatever presents to friends and family and is okay for both young and old (whatever presents for me means whatever the occasion is). I was contemplating purchasing several sets from different sellers but it would also be neat to try making them myself (if I have the skills required to make them, that is). Trusty Google led me to links that will probably allow to me get this project going. I’d have to find out next if I can source materials easily (so far my chances look bleak). πŸ™

Having taken a break from making truffles has had me thinking about another possible social entrepreneurial project. I am not yet sure if it will actually take off but I hope that it does. I want to keep it with the family for now, since nothing’s been drawn up yet anyway. I will blog about it eventually – when it happens, or when it flops. πŸ˜‰

It’s my mom’s birthday, by the way. Happy Birthday Mom! πŸ™‚

Weekend with Frank (the Typhoon)

After 36 hours of no TV, electric fans, computer and Internet – we are back online. Warning: extremely long post. You gotta give it to me, I itched to post!

Tropical Storm Frank changed course and hit Manila directly on Saturday night/Sunday morning. Alfred and I left work together and were both surprised at the strength of the winds and the rain that welcomed us as the glass doors of the building opened to let us out.

As the cab took a right on our street, it was so dark – there was no electricity in our neighborhood but those living right across the creek from us still had their lights on. Since the typhoon had cooled the house, we didn’t mind not having electricity, we did hope that power would be restored when we awoke. It was not to be.

At 3PM, we went down to eat and then confirmed that not only was power still out, but that my grandpa’s house had already been flooded though the water was already receding. My nephews had spent the day with my mom and dad and they even ate our share of lunch. Their moms and dads were already scrubbing their floors when I went out to check on them and the flood waters were already outside our gates. Our house was only built 6 years ago and the floor was elevated to the highest flood level recorded in this area, so we were safe from the flooding. My brother and his girlfriend got off work in the morning but were not able to come home because it was already flooded. They spent the day at Trinoma and were only able to come home at around 4PM when the water cleared.

Though it was still raining, the wind had died down and it was evident that the worst was over. We had also hoped that it meant that power would be restored very soon.

We had planned on malling because Alfred was on leave for Sunday night. We had not been to the mall since he moved to the night shift, and we were both itching to check out some shops. Off we went as soon as the water receded back to the creek and out of the road. We had to walk on the rip-rap though to avoid the stinky mud that was left by the flood. I had to concentrate on avoiding so much as glancing at the water lest I’d feel like falling into it. Eventually I asked Alfred to walk beside me on the sidewalk instead of behind me just so he could hold my hand. Haha.

Getting a cab was easy and so we were in Cubao in no time. The weather was conducive for a cup of coffee so we had some with muffins before we set off window shopping. When we finally went up to Gateway, we hit the shoe stores first but I didn’t find anything I really wanted. Next stop was Fully Booked – since seeing it in Yummy mag, I’ve wanted to purchase an Envirosax and so I did.
This is how my lovely bag looks like and I am totally bummed out that I can’t show you the pic of Alfred modeling the bag for me last night. After purchasing the bag, I met him at the mall’s lounge and I went in to take a pee, leaving him with the rest of our stuff. When I came out, he had already unfurled the bag and put my purse in it. I also actually used the bag for shopping too. We went back in to Fully Booked and I finally got the sequel to the only Garth Nix book I’ve ever read, Sabriel. This one’s titled Lirael and it’s the first brand new book I’ve bought this year. I’ve just been buying previously owned books, remember? I also refused the Body Shop paper bag for my purchases and just plopped them in my reusable shopping bag. πŸ™‚

Speaking of Body Shop purchases. White Musk is my new favorite scent and I love how the Chiffon Sheer Body Mist is so light – it feels soft, smells pretty, and you won’t feel sticky when you spray it on. Mom had it and I just had to get one for myself too! I also bought a gift box that had small bottles of White Musk Sumptuous Silk Shower Gel and Smooth Satin Body Lotion. Body yum! (the shimmer fragrance in the picture is on my wish list)

I also asked the attendant if they still collected the empty bottles of their products and she mentioned that they still do and they returned them to the factory, but there was no promo for it, meaning I won’t get anything in return if I took the bottles back. I don’t care. Knowing that I returned those plastic bottles for recycling is enough for me.

Alfred has been wanting to checkout the Adidas sale since he heard about at the start of the month, so the Adidas shop right next to Body Shop was one of our stops. He didn’t see any of the shoes he wanted on sale but he did see some jackets that he has been wanting to buy since time immemorial (of course he will only be buying one, if he actually gets to buy any). We’ll probably go to Trinoma next weekend (after payday) because he wants to checkout the stocks there too.

Last stop before having dinner was grocery shopping and of course we came prepared with the reusable canvass bag. I restrained myself from buying anything unnecessary and I really do congratulate myself for it. πŸ™‚ After all our purchases were tallied I found that I had enough receipts to get a ShopWise card and earn points. The system was offline though, probably because of the intermittent power outages.

After dinner, we were confronted with a challenge – transport. There was a long queue waiting for cabs outside the grocery and after waiting in line for about 5 minutes and seeing no taxis, we decided to wait somewhere else. Out came my jacket (with hood) and our big umbrella and we walked towards Gateway. After another 15 minutes of waiting and only one other couple getting a cab we decided to move on to another stop, and then another. When we least expected to get a cab while walking towards the main road to just get public transport, we got one. πŸ™‚

As we approached E.Rodriguez, we were hopeful because there were lights on the street and establishments. As we turned right at Sunny Side Drive and then through the streets of our barangay, there was hope because they too had power. Sadly – our street was still cloaked in darkness. Yes, just our street.

And I could not sleep. It wasn’t hot, it was still raining a bit and it was still quite cool. There were a few mosquitoes buzzing around but they weren’t bothering me – afraid I’d whack them I guess. But while Alfred was sound asleep, I couldn’t. When he woke up, I was just drowsing off. Haha.

I had to call Meralco several times over the evening, early morning, and yes, until this afternoon, to follow up on the reactivation of our service. I swear, between me, my cousins an uncle, I can’t count the number of times we’ve called their customer service hotline 16211. We understand that it’s because of the storm and that they have to address consumers from all over the Metro. But we didn’t even get an explanation for why were the only street that had no power for more than 24 hours already!

What’s worse is that the first time I followed up on my initial report, they said that a crew was sent over and was already at the site – and since my report was specific to this street, naturally that’s where I’d assume they’d be. We waited another hour, then two. Nothing. When we called back, the feedback was that power was restored. Well, duh?! Would we be calling back if it was? So they gave us a new report number. This time, response was not as fast. Up until 3PM all they can say when we called was that we were lined up on queue to be addressed. I asked that they trace whoever it was that reported that power was back in our area because obviously they didn’t go to the actual street that was reported! After I asked for such a report, on the next call, the rep mentioned that the team didn’t actually go to the site, but was just patrolling the area. That’s clear misreporting and mishandling of the report! Ugh.

Anyway, I do not want to continue hating the power company Meralco. There’s no use, right? I was upstairs when their crew finally came and I heard my cousin welcoming them sarcastically. They (including the kids) were singing the Meralco jingle that one would hear when they call the support number (their hold music). Apparently, they had to disconnect our lines yesterday because there was a tree that was in danger of falling due to the winds. They just didn’t come back to fix it right away. Now why didn’t they just note that in our reports and told us that in the first place? At least we’d know that they knew the reason why we didn’t have power!

Please offer prayers for the victims of the tragedy also caused by typhoon Frank.

Anyhoo… I am off to browse and watch TV and DVDs, and charge my phone, and drink cold water, and just show appreciation for our electricity. Haha. πŸ™‚ Oh I do hope I still get to catch a sale or two in the digi world.

Sharing the Love

I am honored to be the recipient of this very heartwarming award.

Thank you Tracy!

The rules of this award are: SHARE THE LOVE!!! Share this award with all those blogs out there that you love. All the people who make you smile. All those that make you laugh. All those that make your day. All those that leave uplifting comments on your blog. **All I ask, is that you include a link to this post with the award and ask your recipient to do the same**

Do read Crystal’s post and learn about the origin of this award, hopefully it raises your awareness on Organ Donation too. Leave her some love while you’re at it. πŸ™‚

I’m sharing the love to the following:

  • Tracy (Lovin’ you back!)
  • KimB – The world would be a happier place if more people were like you πŸ™‚
  • Ganns – Keep making music that get people closer to the Lord.
  • Kris – Thank you for sharing your world.
  • Mec – Hot momma πŸ˜‰
  • You (thank you for visiting, and for leaving your footprints)

Ces Drilon has been freed

*If you don’t like the music, please scroll down to my Juday post and click on the Stop button to turn it off. I can’t make myself take out the embedded music player altogether. hihi.

Broadcast journalist Ces OreΓ±a-Drilon, her camera man Jimmy Encarnacion, and Professor Octavio Dinampo have been freed by the armed group that held them hostage for 9 days. Another member of their crew was released a few days ago. Read the story from Drilon’s network, the ABS-CBN news website.

I heard the radio interview with Senator Loren Legarda, herself a former ABS-CBN broadcaster, as soon as I arrived home at past 12 midnight.

My dad’s work takes him to Mindanao (Davao and Cotabato specifically) and he works with NGOs and peace advocates in the area. He mentioned that he has met the Professor who was with Ces Drilon.


I don’t have any other interesting news today, other than I really pigged out and ordered a full meal, plus a side order of Mashed Potatoes (which turned out to be a full serving) and 2 free buttermilk pancakes. I ate at my boss’ station while he was out, and one of my colleagues had the same idea so we shared the booth. I shared my mashed taters with him too. As it were, I didn’t eat the meal (Eggs Popeye) because I was already full. I brought it home with me and it’s in the fridge. I’ll heat it for brunch later.


What am I saying? No interesting news? But there is!

Just at the stroke of midnight for June 18, I booked 3 roundtrip tickets for Manila-Tagbilaran, Bohol. Yes, we are finally going on the Bohol trip that we thought would never happen. Sadly though, there seems to just three of us going, instead of the 5 that we originally planned for.

The trip was supposed to be this June but we couldn’t afford the airfare. Or we could, but then there would be no money left for food, accommodations, and the land trip. My friend casually mentioned Cebu Pacific’s low fare promo that was ending at midnight (yes I had to beat it) so I logged on and checked for available flights and coordinated with our friends for their availability.

I am still hoping that Joy would be available on the dates we picked (it’s still in September) and that the promo is extended even for just one day so we can get her cheap fare too. Vanette can’t come because she won’t be able to go on a 2-day straight leave. I was kinda hoping we could work that out too…

Still, we are so psyched about it though it’s just me, Alfred, and our friend Tengkie.

This will be my third visit to the province but the first that will be strictly recreational and on my own tab.

We have these, and more, to look forward too (the images are linked to where I got them on the web).


In May, I bought my very first issue of Yummy. I had seen it in stores at least once before but I thought it was an expensive glossy and that it wasn’t local. I didn’t bother to actually go close to the rack it was on to read anything. So anyway, I saw it at the Ministop in our building that one evening I was in the mood to buy magazines.

I had skimmed through its pages but I had to sit down again today and just really read and savor all that was yummy in there. I had already bought the June issue on Saturday but didn’t want to actually start reading that without digesting the previous issue.

I truly enjoyed the magazine and I admit that it has stirred in me some interest in cooking, in a way that no Food Network show has. Haha. In fact, there are a couple of recipes from there that I have resolved to try in the coming months (I can’t bring myself to say weeks because I know I won’t be able to accomplish much if I do):

  1. The Mango Mousse looks simple so maybe I’d give it a try. How do you puree mango? Do you simply put it in a food processor? I wonder if my chopper will do just the thing.
  2. The Berry Trifle by Aileen Anastacio and/or Christine Jacobs’ Chocolate Trifle.
  3. I would definitely want to make the Chicken and Avocado Salad.
  4. Sausage and Baby Potatoes Salad looks like something I would enjoy, and so would Alfred. It’s a must try then.
  5. The Asian Chicken Salad looked yummy too, I’m just not too sure about the chillies. I’ve got to give it a go though.
  6. The Cojunudo is very interesting, if only by the use of quail eggs done sunny style to top everything ala Eggs Benedict.
  7. Alfred mentioned wanting to try stir fry noodles so I am going to suggest he give the Stir Fried Rice Noodles with Pork and Basil a try. Yes, this one’s for him. There’s a Beef Curry recipe in there that he might just want to try, but I will leave it up to him.
  8. I would be in charge of the Coconut Tapioca Pudding with mango and papaya.
  9. I’ve never tried baking bread of any sort here at home but I might just start with the Ensaymada that they featured. Good luck.
  10. The Garlic Adobo Flakes Benedict can be a joint project of ours. Alfred can take care of the chicken adobo.
  11. The Mashed Potates in 3 ways must be tried too. We’ve only had homemade mashed taters a few times because we haven’t perfected it. Maybe it’s in one of the three recipes. My brother will sure enjoy that.

Aside from the food projects, I also picked up interesting stuff from the mag:

  1. Envirosax – Reusable shopping bags/totes that come with lovely designs are now available in select stores here in the Philippines. I gotta check that out. We have canvass totes here at home that can do the job, but they are quite bulky to take with you and would not fit some of my smaller bags. It would be awesome if even big stores would actually allow the use of these alternatives to their own plastic bags. The next wonderful thing that could happen if bags like these were produced locally. It would be even more meaningful because it meant that the bags did not have to use jet fuel just to get here. But they (the makers of the product) are right, it is a step in the right direction.
  2. The Lung Center Sunday Market – It has been featured in the papers before and my parents have gone there once or twice in the past (a very long time ago), but I’ve never gone there myself. Since I get off work at about 2AM on Sunday mornings and Alfred logsout a few hours later, it may be a good idea to go one of these Sundays. I’ll just show him the pictures of what yummy food we can have there and he would probably say Yes!
  3. Lori Baltazar’s food blog Dessert Comes First. She writes beautifully about how she experiences food. I think I should add a different blogroll just for the food blogs I now have on my list.

I can already foresee the glossy mag being worn out over the years (unless my laziness overcomes me) like the recipe books my mom used she used to cook regularly. That’s a mark of a good food magazine, in my opinion.

I am so ready to devour the June issue.

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