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Executive Summary by the NBI on the PDAF complaints filed against Janet Lim-Napoles, et al.

Today, the Official Gazette publishes the NBI’s Executive Summary of their PDAF Complaints Filed against Janet Lim-Napoles, Et Al.

After the conduct of its investigation on the Napoles PDAF Scam, the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) finds sufficient evidence for the filing of complaints for plunder against five (5) lawmakers, and for malversation, direct bribery, and graft and corrupt practices act against three (3) other lawmakers. Also recommended to be charged in the complaints filed by the NBI and Atty. Levito D. Baligod, as private complainant, with the Ombudsman are some of the lawmakers’ chiefs-of-staff or representatives, the heads and other officials of three implementing agencies, and the several presidents of the NGOs set up by Napoles. The lawmakers found to be involved in plunder are the following:

1. Senator Juan Ponce Enrile
2. Senator Ramon Revilla, Jr.
3. Senator Jose “Jinggoy” Ejercito Estrada
4. Former Congresswoman Rizalina Seachon-Lanete (now Governor of Masbate)
5. Former Congressman Edgar Valdez (APEC Party-list)

Those involved in malversation, direct bribery, and other graft and corrupt practices are:

6. Former Congressman Rodolfo Plaza (Lone District, Agusan del Sur)
7. Former Congressman Samuel Dangwa (Lone District, Benguet)
8. Former Congressman Constantino Jaraula (Lone District, Cagayan de Oro)

The chiefs-of-staff or representatives of the lawmakers charged along with their superiors are:

9. Atty. Jessica Lucila Reyes – COS, Enrile
10. Atty. Richard Cambe – Staff, Revilla
11. Ruby Tuason – Representative, Enrile/ Estrada
12. Pauline Labayen – Staff, Estrada
13. Jose Sumalpong – COS, Lanete
14. Jeanette dela Cruz – District Staff, Lanete
15. Erwin Dangwa – COS, Dangwa
16. Carlos Lozada – Staff, Dangwa

The Heads of Agencies charged for either plunder or malversation, bribery and graft and corrupt practices are:

17. Alan Javellana – former President, National Agribusinees Corp. (NABCOR)
18. Gondelina Amata – President, National Livelihood Development Corporation (NLDC)
19. Antonio Ortiz – Former Director General (Technology Resource Corporation (TRC)
20. Dennis Cunanan – Former Deputy Director General (now Director General), TRC
21. Salvador Salacup – former President, ZNAC Rubber Estate Corporation (ZREC) (now Assistant Secretary Department of Agriculture)

The Napoles NGO Presidents also included in the complaint on charges of plunder as well as malversation are:

22. Jocelyn Piorato – Agricultura Para sa Magbubukid Foundation, Inc. (APMFI)
23. Nemesio Pablo – Agri and Economic Program for Farmers Foundation, Inc. (AEPFFI)
24. Mylene Encarnacion – Countrywide Agri and Rural Economic and Development Foundation, Inc. (CARED)
25. John Raymund De Asis – Kaupdanan Para sa Mangunguma Foundation, Inc. (KPMFI)
26. Evelyn Deleon – Philippine Social Development Foundation, Inc. (PSDFI)
27. Ronald John Lim – Ginintuang Alay sa Magsasaka Foundation, Inc. (GAMFI)

Lastly, the implementing agency officials and employees largely involved in plunder or malversation, bribery, or graft and corrupt practices by conspiracy are the following:

28. Victor Cacal – NABCOR
29. Romulo Revelo – NABCOR
30. Ma. Ninez Guanizo – NABCOR
31. Julie Johnson – NABCOR
32. Rodhora Mendoza – NABCOR
33. Alexis Sevidal – NLDC
34. Sofia Cruz – NLDC
35. Chila Jalandoni – NLDC
36. Francisco Figura – TRC
37. Marivic Jover – TRC

Finally, also included in the complaints for plunder, malversation, and corruption of public officials is the owner of the JLN Group of Companies and mastermind of the PDAF Scam operations:

38. Janet Lim-Napoles.


The NBI investigation started with the rescue of Benhur Luy by NBI agents from Reynald Lim at Napoles’ residence in Taguig City. Benhur was apparently being held by Napoles in order to prevent him from coming out and exposing what he knows about the PDAF Scam operation being conducted by Napoles through the JLN Group of companies and fake NGOs. Benhur had knowledge of this operation as a trusted employee and relative of Napoles. Because of Benhur’s revelations, the NBI conducted an investigation on the Napoles PDAF Scam Operations.


The PDF version of the Executive Summary is available for download.

No surprises there. The names that have been coming out these past few weeks are the same names in the complaint. What happens next, is what everyone is waiting for.

Mary Lambert

At work we always have music playing. All day long. The only time it isn’t playing is when there’s a problem with the computer or PA system.

It was a Sunday, I was so amused because we were tuned in to SiriusXM Love and the tunes were from the 80s and the 90s. It was the ultimate throwback. Lol.

It’s always more fun to work while grooving to music you like, and to the chagrin of my seatmates, I sing along to the music a lot.  SmileIt is especially fun when you hear a song you liked from somewhere aired over the radio for the first time – like hearing Same Love over SiriusXM. It’s not like Same Love was my favorite song, and no I don’t play it on YouTube over and over, day after day. But after the first time I heard it, the melody, and the message, got stuck in my head. I knew I actually loved it when I found myself singing along with Mary – She keeps me waaaarm…

The beautiful and talented Mary Lambert sings the chorus to this love song by Macklemore & Ryan Lewis. If I wasn’t browsing through old posts on Cathy Zielske’s blog, I would have missed her post featuring Mary Lambert.

She Keeps Me Warm

Last month, Mary Lambert released her music video She Keeps Me Warm. One can say it’s a spin off Same Love. But it could also be a love song intertwined with another one.

What a wonderful wonderful song. And that voice! I can listen to her the whole weekend and feel relaxed and ready for Monday. You know what I mean? Smile

I’ve bookmarked her EP on iTunes (Letters Don’t Talk) because I’m definitely buying that along with She Keeps Me Warm as soon as I let myself use my credit card again. Maybe sooner, lol!

Her EP includes her spoken word performance on Body Love. Girls of all shapes and sizes should listen to her.

If only I could have a fraction of her talent. She’s is just so amazing! Smile

It’s official: iPhone 5C – For the Colorful

In their September 10, 2013 event, Apple officially released the iPhone 5C, along with the launch of it’s more expensive and sleeker sister – the iPhone 5S. Having upgraded to the iPhone 5 almost nine (9) months ago, I’m not too excited about this launch.

I won’t be missing much by not upgrading this year. Buti na lang.

But that is not to say that I don’t like the new iPhones. Even with all the trash talk around Apple copping out by opting for a plastic build, and the choice of candy colors, I actually like the iPhone 5C.

If I didn’t already own an iPhone 5, I’d consider 5C. Of course, I’d probably end up with a 5S, but I’d consider it. If I had a younger sibling still in school that I owed 16 years of presents for – I’d get it for her in time for Christmas. Good thing I don’t have one.

Why let Apple rob me of my hard earned money?

Critics say that only the dumb-witted would fall for the 5C when there are better Android handsets at the same price range – or cheaper. Well that’s not what I’m looking for – I don’t get excited for every Samsung or HTC launch. I am happy with my iOS handset and only look for upgrades every two years or so. Users of the iPhone 3G/4/4S would likely be happy with this.

Who else would the 5C be good for? My Mom.

But the iPhone 5C is still expensive.

Obviously, C is not for CHEAP. With very similar specs to the iPhone 5 (Yugatech has a comparison table), the 5C is priced at just about $130 dollars lower than the 5S. Therein lies the problem. When targeting ‘emerging’ markets, price points are  just as critical as design. The 5C might be good enough for existing users of older iPhones, but not affordable enough to convince the uninitiated to give iOS a try.   

September’s Here!

We’re done with the roller coaster ride that was August. Welcome, September!

Source: http://weheartit.com/entry/36268323?pgx=OpenMobileApp#


Work was like being in a constant state of flux.

I will be doing things a little more differently for September – or maybe I should say I will be going back to basics – but the challenge will be in making sure I keep at it until the end of the month. This is the month I hope to once again meet my Scorecard goals and get me some additional shopping money in the process.  🙂

The blog wasn’t a flurry of activity last month, but that meant more sleep for me – Yay! Less movies were viewed, compared to the weekly trips to the cinema last July (some weeks we even went to see two movies!). No personal projects or goals were undertaken, although I did decide to do Project 31 Selfies on the very last day of the month.

I got to wear a dress to work for each week in August, I think. I love it and I don’t care if anyone doesn’t, ha! 🙂 I plan on doing the same thing this September – no matter if I have to recycle them dresses already 🙂

Here are a few goals I’m hoping to meet for September 2013:


  1. Weekly 1-1s with my direct reports
  2. Weekly Recognition Day for my business unit (I did three, and missed two for August)
  3. Meet scorecard goal
  4. Start a regular education/personal development session with my team


  1. Edit book collection/audit TBR pile. Will not go to the NBS sale or the MIBF without first doing this.
  2. Budget, budget. Budget!
  3. Finish my Ripple Blanket and start another crochet/knit project
  4. Continue reading
  5. Write more
  6. Map out home organization project
  7. Go to Corregidor
  8. Sleep minimum 5 hours
  9. Get 15 minutes of daily exercise done
  10. Have a 3-day juice fast
  11. Get two facials done

I wonder how many I’ll really keep up with? We’ll see.

How about you? What are your goals for this month?

The World of Lisa Frank

Who doesn’t know Lisa Frank? Saw this video on the Brit List, and it immediately took me back to a younger me. I wanted this huge Lisa Frank binder for school but it was freakishly expensive. Unfortunately.

I think I only ever managed to get stickers out of my allowance.

Was that a young Mila Kunis in the video? Haha!

Hmmm. Like Lisa, I’m still a kid! So maybe it’s not too late to start a collection at my age 🙂

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