About verabear


Posts by verabear:

GrouponPH–Where’s my Magic Bullet?

Heard of the Magic Bullet?

Here, checkout the infomercial:


Amazing product isn’t it? Smoothies! Perfect for summer! And mom could use it to juice vegetables too. So when I saw it at the GrouponPH site, I purchased it.

That was back in March. Purchase date: 03.03.2012

Today is 05.09.2012 and I still don’t have the Magic Bullet. Summer’s ending. We’ve opted for the more expensive JujuCleanse (compared to the price I paid for the Magic Bullet) to do a one-day cleanse with vegetable juice. Still no Magic Bullet.

The voucher said that the product would be available for pickup from 03.09.2012 to 03.23.2012. Orders not picked up would be sent for delivery within five days. I had all intentions to drive all the way to their Makati office to pick it up, but work schedule and color coding didn’t make it possible for me. I waited for the promised free delivery. It hasn’t arrived until now.

They were quick to charge my card, yet two months later I still haven’t seen the product. I followed up via Twitter (@GrouponPH), no response. I called their number, busy tone or no answer. I’ve sent an email, no response.

On 04.17.2012, I did receive a generic email message apologizing for the delay. Shortage in supply, they say. Keep us updated, they say. I followed up on 04.26.2012. Dedma to the world. Silence.


Weeks later, and there’s no news. No subsequent attempts to give an update. Define – nganga. Sad smile

I sent off a tweet again before working on this post, no response yet. I also just fired off an email to support and hopefully they’d finally respond to that.

I had no qualms giving them my money after getting good service from a purchase last Christmas. They helped make Christmas shopping easy for me and delivery was fast. When I thanked them via Twitter for their efficiency, they retweeted and acknowledged right away. I need that efficiency now.

So, where’s my Magic Bullet?

High Chair

While going through my Reader yesterday, I got particularly interested in this piece that was on the Little Green Notebook:

Source: amazon.com via Vera on Pinterest


What is it? Well, it’s a high chair for babies! The seat and the foot rest are fully adjustable so it grows with the baby. I think you can buy a more secure seat to attach here otherwise some sort of harness can be used to ensure that baby doesn’t fall off. On the Amazon page they show a photo of this same chair being used by a male adult.

Amir is growing so fast and perhaps it’s time he sits at the table with everyone else on the dining table. Not that we all actually gather round the table for lunch or dinner. See we now have a small table and we normally eat in pairs, one after the other. Hehe.

Know how most restaurants have a high chair, just in case any one needs it? Well, we had a family lunch last month at Romulo’s and they had none. Minus points. Maybe they don’t expect families to bring toddlers there for lunch/dinner?


I’ve seen other furniture pieces and I think – I want that in my house! Then I look at the price tag and I’m like – okay, maybe someday. Sigh. Like that high chair – click through and buy it in Amazon! Then send it to me Smile

I’d always thought that we would have a family home where there’d be floor-to-ceiling bookshelves. We’d need rolling ladders to access some of our favorite books! Right now I don’t see that happening to this house. If we do get shelves installed, we’d put them high up because floor to ceiling would just mean half the books would be submerged in water should a disaster like Ondoy strike again.

From My Reader: The Fat Kid Inside



Celebrity Erwan Heussaf blogs as The Fat Kid Inside. I don’t really know much about him except that he is a trained chef, he’s the Food Editor at Esquire Philippines (I think), he is boyfriend to actress Anne Curtis, and brother to Solenn Heussaff. But he didn’t land on my Reader because of those. I read about his nomination to Nuffnang Asia Pacific’s Blogger Awards last year so I checked out his blog. I wasn’t about to vote for him just because he is Pinoy. I wanted to do so out of real appreciation for his blog.

Yes, I voted for him. I also subscribed to his feeds (are you subscribed to mine?).

Recently, he started what he calls the Skill Shop. He has two posts for this category so far and I’ve Pinned them both.


I love that he shares videos and not just photos of his food/recipes. The focus of his videos is the process, and the food itself. You don’t even see him after his signature opening billboard. He’s got skills, this guy! So far, he has the best blog videos I’ve seen.

The food he shares are mostly healthy. He also talks a lot about exercise and living a balanced life. He trains and runs. That’s how he keeps the fat kid inside, and mister lean and healthy outside.

I kinda half-expect to him to be doing art or music too. I can imagine him with a guitar, or maybe not. Maybe he’s the type who plays the violin, or the piano. A Classical music guy. He just seems like the type. A perfect guy really. Haha.

What I really really like about his blog? His writing style. He’s very easy to read. Not complicated. Doesn’t try to be funny. His topics, very relevant to me who is all fat outside.

People know that I can bake, but I don’t cook. Never really tried. So Erwan’s Skill Shop is something I appreciate, I really hope to learn a trick or two from it. Maybe I’ll try the Perfect Creamy Scrambled Eggs for brunch tomorrow. Maybe. Smile

Doing the JujuCleanse

So long after first hearing about Jujucleanse, we are finally doing the Juju!

I’m on my 3rd bottle now, the Red Giant. I was hungry just in time for this one, but I took in a wee bit of bread. Earlier, it wasn’t so much as being hungry, but wanting to put something in my mouth. So like I said, this is my 3rd bottle for the day, and there are three more to complete the Level 1 (1-day) cleanse.

How am I doing so far?

The Green Bomb (1) tasted a lot like celery stalks, but it wasn’t so difficult to drink it up. The Spicy Limonada (2) was a little harder for me to finish. It was a tad too spicy for my tastes. It has cayenne pepper as an ingredient.

This third one, has beets, pineapple, carrots and ginger. I had expected it to be sweet, but the ginger triumphs over the other tastes. Finish it I will.

It’s recommended to drink lots of water too, and I need no more encouragement than the punishing heat. I am definitely drinking a lot of liquids today.

I am really hoping this cleanse boosts my metabolism, and jumpstarts my body to a healthier journey. Of course it matters what I put into it after cleansing.

Mom and I took advantage of the 10% discount offered by JujuCleanse. Promo ended the other day. It was easy to order, the fastest way is by texting them at 09175763012.

Pesos and Sense: The Social Cost of Investing

Filipinos are very social. Sikolohiyang Pilipino (Filipino Psychology) identifies kapwa/pakikipagkapwa as our core value. This refers to community, togetherness. We hardly do things alone. Oh we do, but things make much more sense if we do them with others, or if the end result is for others.

That’s probably why Facebook is so popular in this country. They say 9 out of 10 Pinoys have a Facebook account. Not sure how accurate that is, I can’t find exact and accurate figures. FB allows us to keep tabs on our family and friends. Though we don’t even bother to text or call them offline, we can show our seeming concern over their affairs and well-being online. People I haven’t talked to or seen in 10 years are ‘speaking’ to me online.

But being social has its toll. When you see your friends posting photos of their latest gadgets, or photos of their recent getaways, you can’t help but WANT those things too. If you have a job, then you probably can afford it. But do you want to spend on those really?

Pesos and Sense featured this video in one of their episodes, and it was shown in yesterday’s seminar as well:


It’s true, deciding where to use your money can be a tough call. What are your priorities? What do you want for yourself?

Do I buy that electric guitar now and live my rockstar dream (even if just at home), or do I wait a few months or years? Am I good with my four pairs of shoes, or do I really need a red pair for that outfit I might wear at least once this year?

But the video also kinda makes it sound so boring. Can’t wise investors ever have fun? Can’t we have the good things in life right now as well? I think we can. It’s really just all a matter of planning.

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