GrouponPH–Where’s my Magic Bullet?
Heard of the Magic Bullet?
Here, checkout the infomercial:
Amazing product isn’t it? Smoothies! Perfect for summer! And mom could use it to juice vegetables too. So when I saw it at the GrouponPH site, I purchased it.
That was back in March. Purchase date: 03.03.2012
Today is 05.09.2012 and I still don’t have the Magic Bullet. Summer’s ending. We’ve opted for the more expensive JujuCleanse (compared to the price I paid for the Magic Bullet) to do a one-day cleanse with vegetable juice. Still no Magic Bullet.
The voucher said that the product would be available for pickup from 03.09.2012 to 03.23.2012. Orders not picked up would be sent for delivery within five days. I had all intentions to drive all the way to their Makati office to pick it up, but work schedule and color coding didn’t make it possible for me. I waited for the promised free delivery. It hasn’t arrived until now.
They were quick to charge my card, yet two months later I still haven’t seen the product. I followed up via Twitter (@GrouponPH), no response. I called their number, busy tone or no answer. I’ve sent an email, no response.
On 04.17.2012, I did receive a generic email message apologizing for the delay. Shortage in supply, they say. Keep us updated, they say. I followed up on 04.26.2012. Dedma to the world. Silence.
Weeks later, and there’s no news. No subsequent attempts to give an update. Define – nganga.
I sent off a tweet again before working on this post, no response yet. I also just fired off an email to support and hopefully they’d finally respond to that.
I had no qualms giving them my money after getting good service from a purchase last Christmas. They helped make Christmas shopping easy for me and delivery was fast. When I thanked them via Twitter for their efficiency, they retweeted and acknowledged right away. I need that efficiency now.
So, where’s my Magic Bullet?