
Carpool Karaoke with James Corden and Chris Martin

I love James Corden’s Carpool Karaoke! I think the first one I watched was the one with Justin Bieber. More recently, I saw him pick up Adele and that was so fun to watch.

Today, with Super Bowl fever still in the air, I just finished watching the episode with Chris Martin. It is hilarious!

I probably enjoy it because I also love singing in the car. I do the driving, and at a certain point I always end up getting sleepy. Specially if I drive after shift. Long straight roads also tend to bore me and that is always a reason to get sleepy. To wake myself up, I’d play songs I could sing too. That, or I’d have to really get into juicy gossip with whoever’s riding with me.

Awhile back, the husband and I purchased an inexpensive GoPro alternative – the Supremo Action Camera:

Verabear | Supremo Action Camera

Verabear | Supremo Action Camera

It looks just like a GoPro, but I don’t know enough of them to know whether they do the same things. For us though, this is enough. It costs a third of a GoPro. We are photography enthusiasts and have a collection of different types of cameras. It’s like a hobby for me, a collection. I like having different options in capturing moments and preserving memories. We wish we were more outdoorsy but we aren’t. So this Supremo1 is definitely just the right action camera for us.

What does this have to do with Carpool Karaoke? Well, we’ve tried taking videos with the Supremo1 mounted on the dashboard. First it was pointed outside, like regular dashboard cameras. You know, just to record the streets of QC on a regular day. And then on our way back from our short weekend at Nasugbu two weeks ago, we turned the camera on us as we sang whatever song would play on the radio. Sad thing is, as is always the challenge, I have yet to see the photos and videos off the memory stick. Oh well.

So I would love for the husband and I to do something like Carpool Karaoke on a regular basis. Will we share it on Youtube or on the blog? Yes, No, Maybe. It’s just something we thought would be fun to record.

So anyway, without further adieu, checkout Coldplay’s Chris Martin on James Corden’s Carpool Karaoke:

What I really wanted to say is this: Chris Martin is so pogi! And it just seems like so much fun to hang out with him. 🙂

Basic Food Photography Class 2013

I received a mailer from 50 Feasts today announcing their ONLY Basic Food Photography Class for 2013.

Source: via Vera on Pinterest


This information couldn’t have come at a worse time. I don’t think I can set aside the money for the registration, although I’ve been on the fence all year about signing up for this.

If you’ve read my blog for awhile, you probably noticed how I’m a frustrated food photographer. My Shoot. Eat. Blog., and Iphoneography posts are just two where I mention this. Perhaps I’ve taken for granted that 50 Feasts may choose to stop offering this amazing class that I didn’t really get around to saving up specifically for it.

So I’m torn. There are only five slots left for this class of only six students. If I want to take a serious plunge into the wonderful world of food photography, this would be the best time for it. I wish I could say that the class would be an investment, but I can’t honestly treat it as one. Though others who have taken the class probably do so with the intent of going into business as a food photographer, I still am seeing it as a hobby and as a way to enrich myself. Not necessarily looking to it as a career, but it would also be a nice option, if it turns out that I truly have the talent for it. Sigh.

Will I or Won’t I?


I saw these custom pins from and my mind went wild with ideas! It would have been so cool and special to gift unique pins for each person on my gift list this year. But it looks like they have a minimum order of 100. Oh well.

DIY TLR Recesky

I was so happy to see this deal on CashCashPinoy:


In various online camera shops, I’ve been looking at photos of and by this DIY twin lens reflex camera – the Recesky. It was, in fact, in my 2010 Christmas wishlist along with a Fuji Instax and a Polaroid printer. And yes, at PhP799, it’s the cheapest deal I’ve seen so far.

Why DIY?



It’s delivered in a box, unassembled. So there’s the thrill of building it from the million plastic parts. Smile 

Once built, slap on a roll of film, and then wait. Wait until you get the 24 or 36 shots, and wait again until the film is processed before you can finally see the fruits of your labor. Smile 

The deal is still available on CashCashPinoy. They have 3-days priority shipping (free) from the date of payment confirmation. What are you waiting for?

Edit: I received the box a few minutes after publishing this post. The next day, Alfred worked on putting the camera together. He couldn’t sleep until he finished. With this, and putting together the Lego Ferrari, he’s becoming more and more interested in DIY projects, at least those that don’t take too much time and effort. I wonder if he’d be interested in beer making kits too? Winking smile

Picture the Holidays



I signed up for Paper Coterie and Tracey Clark’s Picture the Holidays.

It’s 31 days of prompts to take photos daily this month of thanksgiving and holidays.


The class creed:


My Newbie Photographer blog is broken, but I’d really like to post my photos for this ‘class’ there.  I had another malicious attack and my host disabled it. I have yet to restore the blog, but may have to start from scratch. So. Serves me right for not backing up my post while I had the time.

I choose not to dwell on what losing the blog means. There is truly so much to be grateful for and time is wasted on ranting. 

Today’s prompt is Holding Onto Gratitude. Now what to photograph…

Our TiXie V

Last year, we said hello to Alfred’s first DSLR, ViKtor – the Nikon D5000. This year (barely six months later), we bade goodbye to him too.  It was not an easy decision to make but Alfred decided to sell him in order to build a fund for a better camera. He uses my Deena in his photo shoots anyway, and I don’t really like using ViK so there was no sense keeping them both. He did buy Tixie V from the money he got from selling ViK. So now our second camera is a point and shoot:

But Tixie’s not just any point and shoot. We’ve been eyeing the Sony Cybershot TX5 as a second camera for awhile but almost didn’t get one anymore. Once Alfred entertained the idea of selling ViK he first thought of getting a Sony NEX-5 but that proved to be too expensive and would have cost as much (or more) as a brand new D5000. So we thought about the TX5 again and checked out the prices. We were glad to have found an online store that carried the TX5 at ten thousand pesos less than the mall rates! The decision to buy, and the transaction was very fast: ViK was sold on a Sunday night, we contacted the TX5 seller on Monday night, and got TiXie on Tuesday afternoon. Sweet!

TiXie’s around to help me accomplish one of my 2011 goals – get better at documenting everyday happenings, and significant events too. It isn’t practical to tote Deena around everyday because she tends to get heavy. TiXie packs a punch with cool features in a slim and small body 🙂

So with this purchase, the boyfriend is still able to keep some money from ViK’s sale. I know he would have wanted the new 32gb ipod touch for himself, but he chose  to get the camera for me. We’ll surely be using her a lot in our Cebu trip in a few weeks.

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