Ramblings and Brain farts

Lessons from Ivory Hut

I have had Windows Live Writer up in the past hour, but I’ve been hard put to publish anything. There were about 4 paragraphs of a rant post for how this day just sucked for me, but I figured it wasn’t a good thing to throw out such bad vibes onto the world. So now that I’ve breathed that out, I’ll move on and post something else.

When I’m not in the move for much else, I go to my bookmarks and visit blogs that I’ve saved there. One such blog I visited today, is Ivory Hut’s. She takes awesome photos, cooks amazing food, and she’s a full-blooded Pinay living in the US. I first learned of her via The Pioneer Woman. Last year, Ivory Hut (Erika) and her family lost their home to a fire. They lost everything, but also found so much more. You can read her story on her blog, but I’d like to direct particular attention to her post on Lessons Learned. She’s put together a list that we should all consider.

As for me, I should learn a lesson or two from this afternoon’s episode. I have a feeling that my headaches are also triggered by bad posture, including bad sleeping posture. Part of it is my actual bed, that doesn’t support my back really well, and pillows that don’t support my neck well. I’ve been thinking of consulting a doctor to find out if there could be any truth to my theory.

Anyhoo, do checkout Ivory Hut and be amazed by her. I shall feature another favorite blog shortly. Smile

Easy on a Sunday

One day has meshed onto the next. It’s 720 in the morning of April 10th. I started this day at 11AM of the 9th. Okay, I did sleep last night, from around 9PM or so til just before 2AM. Still, it feels like one whole day.

Maybe it’s because the boyfriend isn’t back yet? He left for a photo shoot at 2PM yesterday. He still ain’t back. In the interim, he missed a nice dinner for Shanti’s graduation thanksgiving and we were not able to go to his aunt’s birthday bash.

But there are my 2 Happy Meals to look forward to when he finally does get back. Those Rio toys are cuties. I don’t mind the kiddie sized meals Smile


Just before 6AM, Dad and I went for a ride. I drove around. Yes! I’m a driver now, albeit a student driver. Smile We took Dale – he’s my old/new Honda Civic – through the route I take to work. Then we went out to EDSA, up the Ortigas flyover and onto the Megamall. We plied through Shaw Boulevard, through Addition Hills, out to Wilson and then Greenhills. From there, it was the familiar route back home. I parked effortlessly at Jollibee, but that’s because there was no car parked to my left. I backed out just fine too, that time with cars on both sides!

It was easy driving, relaxed. I’d like to think my Dad wasn’t the least bit worried. Smile

I’ve had photos of Dale sitting in my phone from since Dad took him home, just couldn’t find the cable to transfer them all in one go. I will make that introduction soon! Smile

Blogging with Windows Live

I mentioned Windows Live Writer here before, and also back when I first tested it with my Blogger platform blog. I’ve been using it a lot again lately, and loving it even more. Smile

When I launched Between the Covers, I didn’t like Blogger’s default post-writing options. Something to do with the formatting that doesn’t jive well with me. So I used WLW and it fixed what I wanted to fix without so much as a fuss. Working on the WP Dashboard is so easy that I never really though about blogging through WLW for my other sites, but that has recently changed as well.

The client downloads your theme settings and works for both Blogger and WordPress. There may be more platforms that are compatible with WLW, but those are the two that I use for my blogs. I found that some WordPress themes may not work well with the client, but the ones I am currently using are working just fine (FireBug and LightBright by Elegant Themes). As you compose your updates, you have an instant preview of how it looks on your published blog. Smile

WLW also makes it so easy to add links, photos, and videos.

Photo sharing on your blog is also made easy by Windows Live Writer. You can edit from within the client, and add watermark too! The recent photos I uploaded here were watermarked using WLW. So you don’t have to save watermarked copies on your hard drive anymore (unless you’re sharing them elsewhere too). Smile

There are also gadgets that can be installed onto WLW. I haven’t explored those much but I have so far downloaded one that Tweets a link to your post as soon as you publish it. I can’t find the link just now but I’m pretty sure I’ll be writing about this blogger’s tool again, I’ll be sharing more links then.

Learn more about Windows Live Writer. And no, this isn’t a sponsored post. Smile

Doodle Defense

In line with my efforts to use the iPad more often, I brought it along when the boyfriend and I went to Gilmore to see what was wrong with the PC. While waiting, I actually learned to play Doodle Defense!


Not only that, I managed to finish the Forest map at Easy 🙂


Today, while we had no cable and Internet service, I finished the same map at the next difficulty level. I’ve also started downloading a few more apps.

I also learned to capture screenshots from here, and to attach photos to my post.

Yay for my iPad! Now, if only I could take and use it in the office…


My PC is going through some downtime. Ma turned the power on but nothing came up on the screen, Alfred tried to fix it – even opened it up, but it didn’t start up. Tomorrow he’ll see what needs to be done. We’ll probably have to replace some parts but I hope it doesn’t cost too much. 🙁

But my overused computer isn’t the only one under the weather – so am I. I’ve had a terrible time for the past 48 hours. It started with a small headache while in the office. I took an Ibuprofen pill right away but it didn’t do anything for me. I figured I was probably PMS’ng, and so decided to put up with it. I trudged through the rest of the day in pain. The only break was while the boyfriend and I had lunch. As soon as I got home though, I went to sleep.

I slept quite fitfully, having to wake up every once in a while and feeling the pain. I also had to adjust and readjust the pillow to find a comfortable spot – I can’t say that I found it.

When I finally had to getup for work, the headache was still there. It was another full day of bearing with the discomfort. But I’m not complaining. I got to have a nice full lunch with Alfred at Uncle Cheffy, and our little prince was home to welcome us back.

The only time I felt really relieved from the headache was when I laid eyes on Davin Amir. I am not exaggerating. When he smiled at me and I played with him, and then later when I held him, I felt painless. Looks like the downtime is over.

He was here while his parents and maternal grandma attended the grade school graduation of Diane’s little sister. They’ve already picked him up. It was such a joy to have him home. He still has a cold but he was not fuzzy at all, as one would expect a baby with colds to be. He’s just a happy little guy with the sunshine on his shoulder. Oh how we all adore you our Beloved Prince!

Anyhoo, I am typing this via the iPad. Yes, I am giving blogging from here another chance. I have yet to try posting with photos from here, but I already found out how it’s done. To be honest, I’d been thinking about selling this because I haven’t maximized it so much. I could sell the iPad and buy an iPod touch. The rest of the money, I’ll save or spend on paid apps.

But then I didn’t really give this gadget a fair chance. So now I’m going to try to use it more often. If i’d still rather sell it after a few weeks, then so be it.

Thanks for reading til the end, though I cant imagine why anyone would. Haha.

How’s everything in your piece of paradise?

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