Ramblings and Brain farts

Skipping Christmas Day

If Christmas Eve was always spent with the Somebangs, then Christmas Day was for the Ocampo side of our family.  In at least two years though, this being the third, I’ve been passing off the one hour road trip to San Fernando, Pampanga, where my Aunt’s family hosts the annual gathering.

Yesterday, it was only Mom and Dad who took the trip. I really had no excuse to skip this year, having the night off work too. But I had asked Alfred if he wanted to come, and he wasn’t up to it. Of course, had I known that he was only coming over by dinner time, then I would probably have gone along with my parents. Or maybe not.

With my paternal cousins also having kids now, gatherings should be noisy and fun and filled with kiddie activities. My kind of thing, you know? But they’re different. I guess it’s just because I don’t ever spend any time with them, and I am not as close with them as I am with my cousins on my mother’s side…

Mom brought with her the puppy pockets and some small stuff to give away as prizes. I don’t think they ever got down to playing any games though. Esban would probably go ballistic when he finds out that Ma gave away those cuties. He was really looking forward to getting them for himself! 🙂

BUT, I do not mean to compare the Christmases I spend with our two families. To do so would be rude. I’m just really trying to psychoanalyze myself: why do I keep skipping Christmas Day when I should really be throwing myself to it?

In a way, I don’t think I know how to treat my nieces and nephews. I don’t know them, so I’m not sure how to make them happy. I guess I’m not sure if they’d dig the same kind of stuff I had my nieces and nephews here do at our parties. But that’s not the kids’ problem, right? It’s mine. It’s not their fault they don’t know me. I’ve been hiding out!

When we were kids, Christmas Day meant a short trip to Caloocan City, to the family home along Maypajo. It’s the home of my grandmother’s family and her younger sister and brother (who both never got married) still live there until now. Of course Lola Binyang (Virginia) would be there, and my dad’s sisters’ families would be too. Sometimes, my lola’s other brother’s and sister’s families would drop by too.

I always remember just waking up already on the couch at Pajo. I easily had motion sickness as a kid, so I always either slept through any trip, or else I’d throw up all the way. The house at Maypajo is an interesting home. My dad used to tell us stories of him hiding under the silong reading comics that his dad didn’t want him reading. Too bad they had to fill the silong, because that area always became flooded. I kind of regret not getting to know the history of the house, you know? Now, it probably looks completely different from how I remember it. Tio Rizal had the place renovated a few years back.

I would also look forward to my grandmother’s gifts. And then there were the crisp bills that would come from the others. The Somebangs don’t give out money and even when Papa and Lola started to, that only happened when we were all grown up and I guess my grandparents didn’t know what to get each of us. Also, the kids never received money as gifts, they always got toys or clothes, or even shoes! So anyway, having that contrast, I’d look forward to the crisp twenties, fifties, or even hundreds, that would come from my other lolo’s, lola’s, aunts and uncles. When Mom and Dad got home last night, I was surprised that Kuya and I still had one red envelope each! Thanks Tita Baby and Tito Ver! 🙂

There was also a time when there were really no plans for Christmas Day, and so we would just go to my Lola’s house at Sangandaan. This would have happened when all us kids were grown up, and none had kids of their own yet. Then when the eldest grandchild Winnie got married, we’d have Christmas lunch at their home too.

Eventually, after grandma died, we became more organized at Christmas. I guess it was one reason to be sure that the family got together though the matriarch had already gone home. I’m not sure if we’ve ever hosted a Christmas, but I’m sure Tito Boy did when they were still here at their Santa Ana home.  Then Christmas Days were spent in Pampanga, hosted by Tita Baby and her family. They’ve got a nice garden and a backyard, ample space for everyone. 🙂 We’d be there for lunch, and stay until late afternoon. There’d be more than enough food for everybody.

Now, I kind of feel bad about not going yesterday. How else would I know what to get the kids for Christmas next year if I spend ZERO time with them?

Maybe next year I’d see more of my Ocampo family. Fingers crossed.

Personalized Starbucks Planner


Christmas is about the only season that I have Starbucks coffee on a regular basis. One reason is the Peppermint Mocha (hot and cold) that’s been my favorite, the other is to complete the stickers for their famous planners. I first used Starbucks planners in 2007. It was a bulky one, with a leather binder. It’s actually reusable. You can just tuck in a new notebook inside. I’m not sure why I didn’t decide to continue using it. It must be the volume of the thing. I loved the 2008 planner even more. The soft leather cover made it lighter. The pages were also just right. 

This season, Starbucks discontinued Peppermint Mocha. That was really disappointing. In a way though, it was a perfect excuse NOT to get a Starbucks everyday 🙂 Another excuse: I don’t really find the 2009 planner all that attractive. It has a hard cover, in three colors: blue, red and black. None appealed to me. The pages looked a lot like this year’s though.


So I decided to just reuse the 2008 soft leather cover. I made new pages for it, using the digital scrapbooking supplies I’ve accumulated over the year. This one wouldn’t have fixed dates/days on the pages themselves. I find that I don’t write for each and everyday. So to save space, and ultimately on paper, I have dateless pages that I will just label on a daily basis.

I still haven’t figured how I’m actually going to print these out, back to back. I’m sure I’ll find a way though. I’ve designed a cover also. I have yet to make the month-view calendar. I also saw these cute date planners at the bookstore this morning, and I’m thinking of adding pages like that and making identical ones for two of my girlfriends. The idea is to set dates for various activities with someone and plot them throughout the year. 


Here are the pages to my personalized Starbucks planner, still a work in progress:



Cover page starbucks2 starbucks

I was so excited to test these out, I went to buy colored printer ink. I came home disappointed though because there was none on stock for my kind of printer. I’ll probably get one of those compatible inks instead, I’ll just have to get the exact cartridge number. Tomorrow, I’ll be putting together the other parts 🙂

I’ll post credits for the stuff I used soon.

Thank you for dropping by!

For the past thirty days, the following Entrecard members have dropped the most cards on my widget. Thank you for the visits! 





I’ve realized that though I may have visited this sites and dropped ECs, I haven’t really spent time reading through their posts. Sad. So that’s what I’m doing now. Visiting, reading, and commenting too. 🙂

Was he that drunk?

So Alfred came home at around 3AM earlier, from having a long night out with his friends. Which set of friends, I’m not really sure of.

He didn’t seem to be all that drunk. He remembered to brush his teeth, and then head back downstairs to check if he left the fridge door ajar.

He did fall asleep easily, after just a few minutes of chatting with me.

Maybe after an hour or so, I felt him get up and open the door. I figured he went to the john. Then the next thing I heard was the stand fan crashing!

I got up and saw him right there at the foot of the bed, on top of our shoe rack and the electric fan!

I pulled the plug on the fan because though it was cracked so many places, it was still working. Thank goodness it didn’t cut off any of his fingers or what! The shoe rack seems damaged too, but I haven’t assessed it yet. I pulled him up – quite a feat – and he went straight back to sleep. I was wondering if he had passed out, I think he just really fell asleep while still standing? I mean, he was snoring!

So I checked on the fan hoping to get it up again, but it wasn’t possible. I left it right there, in the exact state as they were when he fell, so he can see them for himself when he gets up.

I’d take a photo to share but I’m too lazy to go down and get my phone cable so I can transfer the photos to the laptop.

Aye, his been drunk before but this is the first time anything like this has ever happened!

Weekends at Mid-Week

I am determined to make all my weekends count. Specially now that weekend for me actually happens midweek, having Tuesdays-Wednesdays off work.

This morning, I met up with the boyfried at Fully Booked in Gateway. Went there straight from work and I actually lasted until about three in the afternoon. Not bad. I was sleepy by the time I left my desk, but all the energy came back once I stepped foot in the mall. Haha.

Problem is, instead of getting any Christmas shopping done, I bought a couple more things for myself. A Jennifer Weiner title from the second-hand book shop, a top from SM, and chocolates and candies from Marks & Spencers. I also decided on what to put on my wishlist for the exchange gift we’re having at work (tough choice!). To be honest, I didn’t really put much effort into finding stuff to give. I’m not sure why. I also don’t know if I’ll be trying again tomorrow. I do know that we’re going back to San Benissa for the presentation, and I’m really looking forward to that (but I’ve mentioned that before, haven’t I?) 🙂

It’s nighttime now but I have a several things I want to do before going back to bed. Alfred mentioned that he was going to fix our closet and stow away the jackets that are not being used anymore. Having slept on the couch this afternoon, I don’t know if he has actually managed to do that before he left to meet up with his friends tonight. Whether he did or not, I’d like to contribute to that effort so I’ll arrange our other clothes and not all mixed up all over the place like they are now 🙂

I’d also like to leaf through my baking book tonight. Perhaps that will inspire me to bake through this holiday season, like Decembers past. I am still thinking which of these two interesting books I’d order online, maybe you can help me? The images are linked to a review page.

tack_cupcake cookies

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