Ramblings and Brain farts

Thoughts on my 200th post

I made it to Post #200! Yay!

To celebrate this blogging milestone, I’m offering a Quickpage freebie for my digital scrapbooking readers 🙂 For a long time now I have thought about my place in the digital scrapbooking community. I am a silent member, but one of the biggest stalkers of my favorite designers, hehe. For what seems like a long time now, I’ve been spending a lot of time scouring the web with freebies, and filling up my hard drive and EHD with oodles and oodles of supplies. The sad thing about that habit, is that there are a lot of amazing kits that I have not gotten to use because they are still in their zipped state! Haha. 

I am still slowly recovering from the download and stash bug and moving on to the actual unzipping and utilizing part of the addiction – that’s the good news 🙂

I realized earlier on that I lack the vision that great designers have so I will probably never create kits or elements to give back to the community. I am not sure that I will make a very good part of a Creative Team because I don’t scrap layouts regularly. So I am quite happy being a fan and a sometimes paying consumer 🙂

But every once in a while, I make a layout that I am super happy about, and that looks to me like others may like it too. A layout that can be used for different purposes.

The print size for this QP is very small though – about 3 inches by 2.5 inches. That’s because of the size of my mini album. It’s display size is quite large though so it is best for web layouts but just test it out for your own printing if you’d like.

Anyway, I hope you like it and don’t forget to leave me a comment if you download!

Click on the image to download!

Click on the image to download!

The credits for everything I used on this QP are found here, and I have also obtained permission from the designers to give this QP away. I have not, however, received any response from ButterflyHollowDesigns and AlexaB. If any of you know them, please let them know about this. If they object to my giving it away, I will gladly take it down. 

I am truly hoping that this won’t be my first and last freebie offering on this blog. But that all depends on inspiration. 🙂

It’s been a good week so far. I have met my new boss and she seems real nice and those that I’ve asked have nothing but good to speak of her. I am looking forward to working with her. It’s still training for me, and I really have to get used to my new product – I know that will be my biggest challenge. It’s quite easy, but since I don’t use it, it is a little strange to me. I’d love to go into details, but can’t.

Oh, I also added my Bravenet guestbook and figured out how to embed it properly within this blog. Yay me! Check it out through the Guestbook link up top.

Anyway, thanks for stopping by 🙂


Celebrating Life and Family on All Souls’ Day

Sunday was All Souls’ Day.  On this day, as well as November 1st, Filipinos remember the faithfully departed and flock to cemeteries and columbariums to spend the day with their family and friends. 

It has often been wondered why the living seem to always feast during this festival for the dead. Some people don’t understand the need for a celebration. 

In truth, I didn’t fully appreciate it either, until recently. 

Since as far back as I could remember, my family and I would go to Caloocan to my paternal grandmother’s house in on November 1st so my Dad could visit his dad’s grave. The next day, we would all go with the rest of the family on my mom’s side, along with other families in our community, to South Cemetery to pray at my older brother’s grave.

My dad never really brought me to the cemetery where my grandfather was buried – it was always packed full of people and it would have been easy to lose kids amidst the chaos that the cemetery was on November 1st. When his remains were moved to my grandmother’s gravesite, I was already in highschool then, that was the only time that I was really able to say I visited his grave. 

The visits to the South Cemetery were always solemn. Since the plot where my older brother (who died when he was just eleven days old) is buried in is leased by the Church, his neighbors there are also other Church members (some of whom are probably distant relatives of ours). We would always have a priest along with us for those visits. The priest would lead the prayers, and we would sing a hymn or two. Some of the families (and probably my Lola too) would bring cold water/juice and light snacks that we all could partake of before we leave and head back home. 

It was an outing definitely, a commemoration of life. (more…)

Scrapbook Saturday #12 and other Halloween night ramblings

Scrapbook Saturday

Here are two layouts I made earlier this week:

[Photos are clickable for the credits but please leave comments about the layouts in this post ;)]

These are still going into the mini-album of my girlfriends’ day out back in August. Hopefully I’ll be done before Christmas! Haha. 🙂

Don’t forget to check out the rest of the Scrapbook Saturday gang, starting at Mammadawg’s place. Also checkout my previous SS posts here if you haven’t seem them yet 🙂

Oh, it is Digital Scrapbooking Day (DSD) in digital scrapbooking land! Visit digiscrapping sites to get a huge fixing of DSD goodness, there are many links in this page, but not all may have goodies up okay. A good place to start though would be the Sunshine Blog for their Halloween Blog Train.

Halloween Night Ramblings

Last night, I logged on thinking of posting about the Halloween Party we had for the kids in this compound (plus some of their friends).  But no matter how much fun we had at the party – both kids and adults alike – the fun isn’t what’s foremost in my mind to blog about. 


New Header. Melamine Eggs. High-end Faucets.

Before leaving work today, I promised myself I would not turn the computer on. But I noticed that I had stray black pixels on my new header and the knowledge of it just nagged at me – I simply had to get it right.

So I cleaned it up. 

I’d also like to take this opportunity to credit Caneelia for the moon shot/image used for it.


You know how they keep on repeating the headlines at CNN until you just about memorized them? Well, this morning, another form of China Melamine Scare was up – this time, on eggs!

How on earth could eggs get tainted with Melamine? 

It couldn’t be industrial transfer, that’s for sure. And it’s not middlemen adding melamine to up protein content (just how would they do that?). So how does it happen?!


My mom bought the Bathroom Special of this magazine called Condo Living so we can find inspirations for our units that have been waiting for us for months.

Instead of being inspired though, I think it got me depressed! The featured spaces were just so lavishly furnished, and the surroundings so much more beautiful than what we’ve got. The faucet line alone – true steel works of art – made me cringe. They looked so modern and elegant – but most come with a heavy price tag. Oh, I’m sure there’s something there for the budget conscious too. I just can’t wait for the time when I can have the home I would grow old in, with resources enough to not worry about costs. 😉

Fear Factor

So I did not sleep and now I’m regretting it – I am so sleepy! 

I’ve got rice cooking already, and I’ll be working on the rest of our lunch before I wake Alfred up. So, no HSM3 for E today. Looks like he’ll have to wait til Friday. 

I found this WordArt from Bethany over at Elegant WordArt:

Sorry, I didn’t have time to add a background to it seeing as it is black, I’ll try to do that later. But you can go over to her site to download the PNG file and thank her too. Anyway, it appealed to me because Cebu Pacific had their promo on airfare again and Alfred and I were supposed to purchase tickets for another trip in March. When it got right down to deciding where we would go we had to consider what there was to see, and how much we would need to spend.

My suggestion was to go to Cagayan de Oro, famous for white water rafting, the canopy walk, and so many other wonderful things to do. It’s also near the island of Camiguin and we could go on a day trip to the falls at Iligan. 

But Alfred’s not up to it – not a big fan of extreme sports! Haha. I have to show him this WA and then try to convince him again. We won’t be able to avail of the marked down airfare though since the promo ended last night. It would still be a good idea to condition his mind to go for the adventure this early, no matter when we’ll actually be able to go.

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