For the past thirty days, the following Entrecard members have dropped the most cards on my widget. Thank you for the visits!
I’ve realized that though I may have visited this sites and dropped ECs, I haven’t really spent time reading through their posts. Sad. So that’s what I’m doing now. Visiting, reading, and commenting too. 🙂
So Alfred came home at around 3AM earlier, from having a long night out with his friends. Which set of friends, I’m not really sure of.
He didn’t seem to be all that drunk. He remembered to brush his teeth, and then head back downstairs to check if he left the fridge door ajar.
He did fall asleep easily, after just a few minutes of chatting with me.
Maybe after an hour or so, I felt him get up and open the door. I figured he went to the john. Then the next thing I heard was the stand fan crashing!
I got up and saw him right there at the foot of the bed, on top of our shoe rack and the electric fan!
I pulled the plug on the fan because though it was cracked so many places, it was still working. Thank goodness it didn’t cut off any of his fingers or what! The shoe rack seems damaged too, but I haven’t assessed it yet. I pulled him up – quite a feat – and he went straight back to sleep. I was wondering if he had passed out, I think he just really fell asleep while still standing? I mean, he was snoring!
So I checked on the fan hoping to get it up again, but it wasn’t possible. I left it right there, in the exact state as they were when he fell, so he can see them for himself when he gets up.
I’d take a photo to share but I’m too lazy to go down and get my phone cable so I can transfer the photos to the laptop.
Aye, his been drunk before but this is the first time anything like this has ever happened!
I am determined to make all my weekends count. Specially now that weekend for me actually happens midweek, having Tuesdays-Wednesdays off work.
This morning, I met up with the boyfried at Fully Booked in Gateway. Went there straight from work and I actually lasted until about three in the afternoon. Not bad. I was sleepy by the time I left my desk, but all the energy came back once I stepped foot in the mall. Haha.
Problem is, instead of getting any Christmas shopping done, I bought a couple more things for myself. A Jennifer Weiner title from the second-hand book shop, a top from SM, and chocolates and candies from Marks & Spencers. I also decided on what to put on my wishlist for the exchange gift we’re having at work (tough choice!). To be honest, I didn’t really put much effort into finding stuff to give. I’m not sure why. I also don’t know if I’ll be trying again tomorrow. I do know that we’re going back to San Benissa for the presentation, and I’m really looking forward to that (but I’ve mentioned that before, haven’t I?) 🙂
It’s nighttime now but I have a several things I want to do before going back to bed. Alfred mentioned that he was going to fix our closet and stow away the jackets that are not being used anymore. Having slept on the couch this afternoon, I don’t know if he has actually managed to do that before he left to meet up with his friends tonight. Whether he did or not, I’d like to contribute to that effort so I’ll arrange our other clothes and not all mixed up all over the place like they are now 🙂
I’d also like to leaf through my baking book tonight. Perhaps that will inspire me to bake through this holiday season, like Decembers past. I am still thinking which of these two interesting books I’d order online, maybe you can help me? The images are linked to a review page.
I really used to not care so much for page rank and SEO rankings. But it’s been several months already and is still PR0. There must be something wrong. I’ve seen WordPress templates tagged as SEO friendly but I don’t really know what that means. Is there anything I can do, or a plugin I can use that will help me to raise my PR?
I am not losing sleep on this. I still blog mainly for personal reasons, earning from my blogs are only secondary. Still, it wouldn’t hurt to have bragging rights for high PR right?
So I am quite psyched about the unit improvement, can you tell? I’ve like posted about it how many times in the past several days? Hehe 🙂 The sad thing though is that I can’t really own the idea for the design because I will have to take budget into consideration. And I still won’t be living there anyway, so we’ll just have it look ready enough to be rented out.
If I could really have my way about it (or if I was really planning on moving in), I’d choose between having the kitchen area expanded, or just have a home theater feel to the entire unit itself. I mean, there’s got to be space for my oven (which is getting to be farther and farther from my reach), and then ample space for everything else, including a big table. Right? So there’d just be the kitchen, and then the bedroom. If there are guests, there’ll be comfy seating around the dining table.
Or, like I said, we’d take the existing kitchen area but have no dining table; there’d still be a partition for the bedroom, and then the rest of the space would be a home theater. This wouldn’t be my first option because I don’t have money for the equipment anyway. I mean, what’s a home theater without an HDTV LCD/Plasma screen, or projection TV, and bad ass speakers? Ahh. But I saw these home theater sconces that are really quite cute to have. Okay I changed my mind, even if I don’t end up with a home theater, having maybe two sconces like this would create drama for the room wouldn’t it? The contract with the designer includes additional lighting fixtures, maybe we could choose something like this? Although I think what she really meant was lighting fixtures on the ceiling, so I’d probably have to pay extra just to have something like this installed.
The designer said that we can choose the additional fixtures ourselves, I think she actually meant that we’ll have to buy them and then just give it to them for installation. I don’t have a concrete idea of it yet, perhaps we’ll know more on Wednesday. That’s just two days away! She mentioned that she’ll have something for us to take home, the design rendering, to look at. Haha 🙂