Thursday Thirteen #15 – 13 things I’d rather do than go to work
And I’m not just talking about a simple reluctance to get up everything and go to work. No, this isn’t just because I am lazy (because I am lazy). And it isn’t because I hate my job, boss or co-workers either – because I don’t. I enjoy my job too, it’s just that, I’d really rather prefer to stay at home where there are a million and one ways I can be more productive.
Funny how I used to think that I wasn’t that kind of girl. For Twilight fans, you know how Bella thinks she’s not the kind of small town girl to get married right out of highschool? I had thoughts like that too – about not being the kind to stay home while the hubby went out to bring home the bacon. And it’s not just about earning money for the family – it was more of the idea of really doing something that I was passionate about. For a time I fantasized about being a communist rebel (not exactly a glamorous career); then I also dreamed of working in a top corporation and making it big. When my life revolved around working with children’s NGOs, I knew that was my place in the sun.
But as I grew older, things changed and my perceptions changed along with it. I know now that when it came time build my own family, when it was time to have babies, I would not be able to keep myself away from home on a regular basis. Not even for an eight hour shift.
Lately, this idea of just staying at home has been occupying my mind and it isn’t just for when I had babies anymore. Why should I have to wait? Why can’t I just start now?
Thus the theme for this week’s 13: things I’d rather do than go to work.
+ Blog about so many other things that matter to me and the world (sheesh I’m still not done with the Bohol posts) and bloghop like crazy.
+ Watch DVDs
+ Read (I’m down to 11 books from last week’s list, but really there are several more that didn’t go up there)
+ Workout. Swim. Learn Tennis again.
+ Finish my digital Scrapbook project for the girls. Start scrapping our Bohol vacation.
+ Find online freelance article writing opportunities.
+ Fulfill Truffles orders
+ Bake (for family, and also to sell) and/or go to baking school.
+ Spoil my dog (so he would look more to me as his owner/mommy, than to my mom and dad)
+ Spend time with my nephews (read them books, for one, but there are so many other things we’d be happy to get busy with after school)
+ Learn other things – design stuff, like digital signage
or even cards or whatever. I’d love to learn the ins and outs of Photoshop (if only that course I wanted to sign up for wasn’t out of my budget range).
+ Get involved with Sunday School at Church.
+ Find part time involvement with the NGOs I worked with in the past – I’d love to setup a new website for Asia ACTs or write stuff for them. And I’d love to facilitate workshops for ECPAT and the young people.
This seems a merry mix of things and I’m aware it all sounds like stuff I already can do while still working a regular job. The thing is, these are all distractions for me at work and I don’t want to be like that. When I’m at work, I want to be focused. That’s the only way I can be really productive. When I’m at home doing any or all these things – you won’t believe how focused I could get. Hehe.
Or, I really am just lazy. Haha 😉
As always, checkout my previous TT’s here and here. Also don’t forget to sign Mr Linky, and leave a comment so I can go visit you too. 🙂