About verabear


Posts by verabear:

Counting years, counting calories.

Thank you so much for your comments on my UP100 layout. I realized I didn’t post the story behind the photo and the layout, so here goes.

When we first walked the streets of Diliman as freshmen students, and gone up the steps of Palma Hall and its Annex – our beloved PHAn – the University of the Philippines was just celebrating it’s 90th foundation anniversary. Now, it’s Centennial year. 

Ten years, that’s how long we’ve known each other. Ten years of friendship. 🙂

Because our paths crossed in UP, the UP will always be part of us when we celebrate our friendship. There’s seven of us in the group but only three in that picture: Arianne, Yrish and Mayeen. 

This Centennial year, there are a lot of ways that the UP community is celebrating – this includes the release of memorabilias. And what are UP girls to do with all those collectables? Why, grab ’em of course! That’s Mayeen showing the rest of us her piece of the limited edition hundred peso notes that were released this week. I have one myself but I don’t bring it with me anymore. I used to have two crumpled pieces in my purse but I accidentally gave one to a taxi driver when I was paying in a hurry. When I got a better looking piece, I parted with the last crumpled one. Haha. 


Scrapbook Saturday #10 – UP Siglo!

I was finally able to scrap before leaving for work today and boy! a fast PC makes a helluva difference 🙂

This will go into the same album that I’ve been working on-and-off on for a month now. I can’t wait to finish it so I can move on to the next project(s). 

Credits: Background by MGL Scraps for Love Actually, Silvia Cluster Frame by KimB. Oblation photo by user m_a_r_k_y at Flickr. And Centennial 100 peso bill photo from PhilMoney.

Credits: Background by MGL Scraps for Love Actually; Silvia Cluster Frame by KimB. Oblation photo by user m_a_r_k_y at Flickr. And Centennial 100 peso bill photo from PhilMoney.


Visit other Scrapbook Saturday participants by checking out the SS HQ through the logo, or you may start off by checking out MammaDawg’s halloween pages.

Grumpy Old Men

I never really though it would be fun to watch two old men bickering at each other. And an even older man joking too much about sex. I must admit though, this one was quite fun. Younger people usually see old people as boring, quiet ones, and this movie serves to remind us that they are not. Sometimes they even have more fun than we do. Old Gustafson was so funny, 90-year old grandpa was still referring to his son (in his 70s) as Kid!

I saw this movie on HBO the other night while Alfred was working on my computer. It certainly kept me awake. I’m looking for a DVD to borrow or maybe I’ll check if Surf the Channel has it, I want to watch it again because the HBO version either had cuts, or I wasn’t paying attention in some parts.

I couldn’t help but stare at Ann-Margret, she sure is hot isn’t she? I can only hope to age as gracefully as she has. My mom is approaching 60 but she doesn’t look her age. She really looks very young. Oh, what I wouldn’t give to have that and Ann-Margret’s appeal when I reach that age too. Haha, wishful thinking on my part.

I heard Ann-Margret, and later Jack Lemmon, utter one of our favorite quotes: “The greatest regrets in life are the risks we didn’t take.” Ann-Margret said this to Jack Lemmon when he was trying to get rid of her. He, in turn, used this line to his daughter (played by Daryl Hannah) on Christmas Eve when he was disappointed when she had apparently gotten back together with her good-for-nothing husband. I want to listen closely to those parts again because I didn’t quite catch what they both said right after this line.

As you know, I’ve never experienced snow and there’s heaps and heaps of it in this movie. I have heard of ice fishing before, but I had no idea it was anything like that! I mean, the place itself – the little shacks and their fishing holes. 

Anyway, if you’ve seen this movie too, tell me what you thought of it. And if you’re a movie, or a book fan, go on to the BAM HQ and find out what others are watching or reading 🙂

Online Book and Movie Club at Muthahood Crib

Reasons to be happy – friendship and new tower!

Yep, that is me alright – miss hap-hap-happy! 🙂 

I endured not having the use of my desktop PC for several days, and I am now rewarded with a much faster and reliable system!

Short of dumping my old PC in the trash, Alfred and I bounded to Gilmore Avenue and came home almost two hours later with boxes and boxes that held what would make up my new PC tower. I blabbed about it over there, so if you want to know a little more of the specs of my brand new tower, go there and read up. 😉

Another reason to smile is this poem shared by fellow blogger Dette of Mammadawg and MuthahoodCrib fame:

We need friends for many reasons,
all throughout the season.
We need friends to comfort us
when we are sad,
and to have fun with us when we are glad.

We need friends to give us good advice,
We need someone we can count on,
and treat us nice.

We need friends to remember us
one we have passed
sharing memories that will always last.

Spread the poem of FRIENDSHIP:

1. Everyday Life 2. Words of Love 3. Sheng’s Simple Thoughts 4. Me and My World 5.Real Expectation 6. Muthahood Crib 7. Verabear 8. Add yours here!


I’m only spreading this to one other friend though: Tracy 🙂


I, and the rest of the family, Alfred included, are looking forward to our new fitness equipments. Okay, I haven’t actually confirmed if my parents made the purchase, but my dad is suddenly motivated to exercise. We’ve had this treadmill for years but it mostly just gathers dust, until my dad started using it again daily since last week. 

The treadmill was also my equipment of choice when I used to go to the gym. The ones there are electronic, and were more comfortable for me to use than the one we have here at home. If dad is getting a stationary bike though, there’s something I would definitely make time to use. 

Remember that Alfred and I are supposed to be on a program now? Well I still wouldn’t remove the supposed in that sentence. But you should see how animated our conversation got when I told Alfred about the pending arrival of new workout equipment. I just hope he does get to use it. He says he’s really looking forward to getting rid of his beer belly. I’m not quite confident. I’ve been kidding him and saying that he should probably pop bodybuilding supplements because he needs all the help he can get to have a body that girls would swoon over. 🙂

My favorite part of his body is still his chest and all the way to the shoulders, because of the way I feel so comfortable just snuggled there. I don’t really want that to become rock solid, but lifting weights might just give him the build that I know he wants too.

Me. Family. Others.

I had a good rant yesterday but I still didn’t get right down to the bottom line. It seems that I am easily derailed from my original line of thought. I get easily distracted these days.

My mind is working overtime – I have so many ideas and so many things I want to do. It’s like hearing voices in your head and you don’t know who to listen to first.

So what is the bottom line? I guess it’s that I am not involved in something bigger than myself. It’s that whatever I do now, it’s all just for myself mainly. I can’t even really say I am helping my family.

I’ve had it so easy. My parents were always able to provide for us. The one time or another that we’ve been in crisis – I didn’t truly feel it. They’ve never really put the burden on my brother or on me, to take over support of the entire family. There never really was that pressure. Okay, so maybe I had it easier than my brother did.

When I took my first job with the NGO, I was never required to give any portion of my salary to the family. Except to pay for the water bill – which isn’t that big. Well, for one, my pay – there really wasn’t that much of it. I knew that my mom would’ve just preferred that I save the extra that I got. Which I didn’t do, by the way. When my brother started working at a call center, it was already clear how much of his salary was going to the family. I didn’t hear him complain though.

When it was my time to earn bigger, well, they still didn’t really require anything from me. I don’t know exactly when my dad asked me to eventually give a fixed amount to my mom on a monthly basis – but even that wasn’t strictly implemented. Mom doesn’t remind us you see. She’d take what we’d give. Oh and the amount was less than half my brother’s contribution. For awhile I paid for our ISP, because I really was using it most of the time, but even that sort of was taken out of my hands eventually.

So I was already earning as much as my brother was but he was still was the only one religiously contributing to household expenses. Yet he’s still the one who was able to save up – ugh his savings is probably ten times more than mine!

My dad sort of reminded me about this. And he really does have a point. I should pick up some of the slack (my terms not his). So for the last two months, I’ve been contributing to the family income. Still not much, but at least there’s some.

And I’m thinking of doing a little more.

I’ll probably volunteer to cover the water bill again. No way am I going to shoulder electricity – leave that to the one who has an airconditioned room. Or maybe it should be the phone/Internet bill this time around? We’ll see.

And since I am the last person to leave the house at daytime, I will clean up. Nothing too exhausting – just sweep the flour, dust the tables, and keep everything in order. That way I’ll get my brother off my back too about his having to tidy up when he gets home from work. Maybe I’d be more keen on cleaning up if we had one of those Miele vacuum cleaners. Nah, I don’t think so, not really.

Maybe when I succeed in this, when I do even just a little for my family, I’ll be able to crawl out of  my shell once again and step out onto the bigger world. Maybe then I can reconnect with others and do something for a cause that’s bigger than just myself.

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