So long, September
September went by like a blur. I have pages on my planner that were not written on.
Recall that I have had to go on leave while I undergo therapy for my back. It meant missing three weeks of September. I only left the house to go to the hospital. But I can’t say that it wasn’t time well spent.
Just as I say “So long, September!” I also say Thank You for:
- 12 physical therapy sessions. And getting acquainted with treatments and machines. One of which is this Ultrasound therapy machine:
- Time to read five books from cover to cover. Revolutionary Road. The Return Journey. Dear John. Certain Girls. Evening Class.
- Time to watch a lot of TV. I discovered and rediscovered shows I hadn’t had time to watch. One of them being Jane by Design.
- An opportunity to be treated like a baby again. My parents have been very supportive while I recover. No chores, haha. And at least one or both of them have brought me or picked me up from therapy. They also made sure I got my hot pack whenever the pain got too much to ignore. They made sure I ate and took meds when needed. Thank you God for my parents.
- My first Trollbeads bracelet.
- Books. I spent way too much on books at the Manila International Bookfair. And I don’t care. What makes it more memorable is that I went there when I was still NOT able to walk too far. Alfred was very supportive. Thank you God for Alfred.
- Becoming a godmother to Baby Sab. And seeing my friends Arianne and Y again so soon after the last time.
- Mayeen and Angelo’s first born Andrei. Looking forward to meeting that little cutie in person.
- Still having a job to go back to. And a new appreciation for having a job.
- Being liberated from pain. When August closed I was miserable. I was in so much pain. There was some pain in September, even a different kind of pain brought about by the breakout, but I choose to remember the gradual healing. Discovering that I could walk faster, and straighten my back more. That I could sleep lying down without getting uncomfortable. Freedom from excruciating pain. I never ever want to go back there.
There’s probably a lot more I should be thanking September for. There’s also a lot more that I would have wanted to do but didn’t. But I’m not complaining. It was the time for rest and recovery and I did just that.
How was your September?