About verabear


Posts by verabear:

From my Reader: Geeky Gadgets

My Reader is a collection of feeds from all sorts of blogs. I have scrapbooking blogs, mommy bloggers, tech bloggers, foodies, celebrities, and so much more. Today, let me feature a tech blog – Geeky Gadgets.

From its About page:

Geeky Gadgets is designed to provide up to the minute daily technology news on the latest advances in the technology sector including software, hardware and gadgets from around the world.

Geeky Gadgets features in-depth reviews on the latest devices with impartial coverage of the features and developments of new technology.

Many times I have learned of cool new stuff from this blog. iPhone accessories, cool new cameras, just to name a few. I’m pretty sure I’ve linked up to their posts a couple of times in the past.

They don’t always have long in-depth review articles though, which is actually to their advantage. It’s like they give out feelers and then link you up to relevant reviews. They hook you up on something and send you off. Haha Smile

I read Geeky Gadgets a little differently than the other blogs I’ve so far featured here on From My Reader. I have been following them a little longer than I’ve curated my Google Reader. So Geeky Gadgets isn’t there, instead, I subscribed to their feeds via email. And that works. I don’t read each and every post they have, but when I see a headline or a picture of interest, I click on it and read the whole post.

Today, there are two posts that got me reading:


The Eco-Amp Paper iPhone Amplifier. I have heard this before and even read how simple it is to make a paper ‘horn’ to amplify the sound from your iPhone or iPad. I’ve never tried it though. This paper speaker is made from post-consumer materials – recycled! And costs $7.99 for a pair.

Maybe I can attempt a DIY though. I’ll show Alfred and see if he can fashion one for me Smile



This rollup stylus also seems a good idea. It’s still in development, and the creators are raising funds via Kickstarter, yet another site I receive email updates for.

The pen can lay flat and adheres to the iPad Smart cover. Since my iPad is of the first generation variety, this is no use to me really. Smart covers were created for the iPad 2. I still have my Targus stylus and it is small enough to carry around everywhere (though I hardly ever use it really).

So anyway. If you want to keep updated with tech news and the latest gizmos, checkout Geeky Gadgets! Smile

Happy Birthday Grandma!

This weekend was all about celebrations. On Saturday we celebrated the christening of my newest goddaughter Iverre.

Sunday, the 24th, was my Mom’s day. It was her birthday and we celebrated over lunch at Cyma in Trinoma.


See Amir turning on his charms for Grandma on her birthday Smile


It was a filling lunch and we walked it off right after. Alfred, Kuya and Diane, all had somewhere else they needed to be that afternoon but Mom, Dad, and I, stayed at the mall with the little boy for a while. We had to either take turns carrying Amir around, or chasing after him. He wouldn’t walk because he wanted to run around! 

amir run

Catch me if you can Grandma! Smile

He was all tired out by the time we got in the car and headed home. He slept without asking for milk, nor any of his favorite pillows!

How was your weekend?

Back to School

For most kids in the Philippines, school’s been back for three weeks. Sometimes I wish to go back to that young and carefree life, but then I remember how much I didn’t like school. Really. I may have been a good student in the eyes of classmates and teachers, but deep inside I was itching to be outta there. Homework wasn’t something I cared much about, but they had to be done. And waking up early! My gawd!

Oh okay, it wasn’t that bad. I didn’t hate it. I just really didn’t like studying. I really love reading, just not books for my academics. Although I did enjoy reading school books one summer while I was in elementary school. Guess what they were? The Noli and Fili. It was either my kuya or our kasambahay’s books that I read. So I went through the required reading for Pinoy high school juniors and seniors just because I liked it. But when I had to read along as a high school Senior myself, I didn’t. I read Greek/Roman mythology too, from my brother’s books. But we didn’t tackle them in English class much (bummer).

I further realized how much I didn’t like being in school when I gave up dreams of being a lawyer. Seeing Malcolm Hall regulars with their 4-5 inch thick daily readings turned me off. Spare me the agony. It just wasn’t for me. Years later, when Friendster was all the rave, I went through a crisis. Batchmates in medical school or law school made me envious. That should be me! Instead, I was working at an NGO (I loved my work then, don’t get me wrong). It felt like I wasn’t chasing after my dream.

But then I realized, well, it could be me. If I really wanted it.

It wasn’t a question of whether I could make it through law school, or med school. I’m sure I could. But I had to be realistic. I would be miserable at least half the time!

Now there’s something I really enjoyed while I was studying: Writing. Not copying notes, mind you. Composition writing. Theme writing. To a certain extent, I liked having to do ‘papers.’ Some kids would complain about having to write essays on exams; as for me, I loved it!


Photo Jun 21, 8 49 37 PM

I had no problem getting good essay writing. As long as there was a question to answer, and I was inspired, the words would flow through my pen to the paper. How many “my memorable summer experience” essays did I have to write in my life? ‘Don’t remember. Sometimes I wish they were returned to me, or that I bothered to keep them. I don’t think kids have to write those themes anymore.

No doubt, the yearly journalism workshops we did for the school paper (Young Trinitian’s Voice) were invaluable experiences. They did help me write better. I attended for three years, grades 4 to 6. I missed that when I moved on to (a different) high school. When I look back, I knew more about writing and putting a paper together when I was younger. Now I know zilch. And my writing’s gone bad I can’t make money doing business in research paper for sale. haha!

So there. I guess I didn’t hate school after all and it wasn’t a dreadful experience. Smile

How about you, did you look forward to writing exercises in school?

By the way, photo is mine. Those are my colleagues taking notes during the big meeting we all attended back in April.

Human Nature–Top to Toe Treats

Human Nature is offering a huge price reduction on some of its products, while stocks last:


Image owned by Human Nature.

I am personally using the Balancing Facial Wash and love it. The Hydrating Facial Wash is specially formulated for dry or mature skin. The combination of moringa and aloe vera gives your skin a nutrient boost, at the same time soothes, heals and moisturizes.

I have a small bottle of the Juicy Burst Sanitizer in my bag at all times. I prefer it over the usual gel sanitizers. It smells clean and is multi-purpose too. I even use it to spritz the seat on public toilets, or to just give the room a clean smell. Although I still have a lot of juice in my spritzer, I went ahead and bought the 200mL bottle so I will always have refill available in case I run out. That’s how much I love it!

Now, get a Mega Moisture Blowout from head to toe by taking advantage of the great deals on the Hair Masks, and the Hydrating Lotion.  The hair mask has organic virgin coconut oil and with regular use, is a good substitute to getting hot oil or rebonding treatments. The Hydrating Lotion uses passion fruit seed oil, sunflower seed oil, and avocado oil.

You may order online via the Human Nature website, or you may get in touch with me directly for your orders.

Independence Day 2012

Happy 114th Anniversary of Independence Philippines!



The National Historical Commission of the Philippines and Rock Ed Radio
ARNOLD ARRE directed and animated.


We had work last night/today so everything was normal, no holiday for us. The only thing that seemed different was that it was windy and cloudy. There was no holiday vibe at all. The mall wasn’t even that full of people (my only reference is SM Cubao though). There didn’t seem to be any special Independence Day sale going on, no promo for all brand appliance parts, or back to school sales even. Or I might just have missed the signs.

I was trying to recall how I’ve spent this holiday in the past, hoping I did something meaningful. Sad to say I can’t remember anything. The most I could remember was looking forward to the fireworks for the Centennial celebration. How lame is that?

Maybe one project to add to my 101 list in 1001 (I’ll speak more about that pending project soon) would be to do something meaningful in commemoration of the country’s Freedom Day 2013 (and beyond).

What do you do to celebrate Independence Day?

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