Sarah G. Live!


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Since last Sunday, we’ve been seeing teasers for Sarah Geronimo’s new music variety show. She follows in the footsteps of LoveliNess, Superstar, VIP, and The Sharon Cuneta Show!

Sunday nights are tricky for me because I have to be at work earlier than usual. I’m torn between getting a few hours of sleep, or going to work without any sleep. When this show starts, it’s going to be even trickier. Yes, I’m going to watch and see what she brings!

I really think that songwriters should give Sarah upbeat and danceable originals. She does them so well – powerful voice and great moves. That’s the key for an even brighter star for her, and it will make her conquer Asia and the world. Alfred would probably say that she’s no J.Lo because she lacks the sexy factor, but what the hey, she has talent!


So the latest ‘in’ thing to do is biking. Bike-riding for fitness, and for fun. My brother got himself a new bike:


It’s a second-hand bike he got for about 7000 pesos. He intends this to be Diane’s bike, as soon as he finds another one for himself. Alfred and I are looking to get bikes too.

Kuya’s friends go on bike trips already and someday maybe we can join them. For starters, we’ll bike around the area or around UP. Oh scratch that, for starters, we need to get bikes. Smile It’s been decades since I was last on a bike, but I rode my bike everyday when I was a kid.

If I ever do get into serious biking, I wonder if I’d want those biker suits too? You know how I’d always go in the Nike store because I love their fitness wear for women, and how I admire looking at yoga apparel because they look so comfy for when your exercising. Would I feel the same about getting those figure hugging outfits that bikers use? Maybe not. Haha.

Maybe our friend Ruth is right (she’s gone biking with her husband too), I should make the investment for health. But these bikes are just so darn expensive. We saw bikes on sale at Greenhills last week but I don’t know if that will do. Maybe I’ll borrow this bike first and try it out.

30 Day Challenge: Begin & End Your Day feeling Balanced

The 30-day challenge over at Crystal Wilkerson’s blog starts today, February15th. If I were normal, or if I decided to commit to this last week, I should have started this morning (or last night, as my day really starts at nighttime). But since work schedule is in EST anyway, I’ll be taking the challenge on an EST calendar as well Smile

What is it you ask?



Why is this important to me?

This challenge is important to me because I need it badly. I have never been known to be punctual. I show up. But most times, I’m late. Sometimes I am early or on time, but it isn’t most times. And that’s not something I am proud of. I’ve actually come to accept that about me, but it isn’t a good trait so I want to change. And I need help to change, this might be it. When I die, I don’t want ‘the late…’ to be the biggest joke of all.

I know that the challenge isn’t about being punctual, but a good reason why I’m late for most things is because I don’t heed my own wake up call all the time. I’m in a love affair with the snooze button. An abusive love affair. So though the challenge may not make me punctual for every appointment I make, it will at least help set the tone for my day, and that’s good enough for me.

Also, one of my resolutions (trying to do a happiness project too, hehe) is ‘to have a bedtime’ and to ‘wake up early.’ Two resolutions. So this challenge will actually help me achieve at least three things: get to work on time, all the time, follow a bedtime schedule, and wake up early.

Why should I take the time?

Anything important is worth making time for. I will consider this an investment in time and effort, and the payoff will be big. Hopefully, I won’t even have to wait too long for the ROI. Smile

Why now and not later?

Now is good a time as any. Besides, my word for the year is Start.

Why will this help me?

This will help me in so many different levels, I can’t even begin to list them. But finding balance before my actual day starts is an exciting prospect. Most of the time, I am a zombie as I get ready to leave home, and while I drive to work. I get to my desk, I sit, and it takes me at least 15-20 minutes to warm up and get things in proper perspective. This challenge, for me, promises a new way to start the day. If successful, I can hit the ground running as soon as I arrive in the office.

Why should I not give up?

In some form or another, I have done a similar challenge and I stick to it for awhile but not see it through the end. I have had enough of that. I shouldn’t give up because life is too short. I will think of Papa, and take on this challenge as a tribute to him who always gets up early.

Are you in on the challenge?



Saw a link to this article on my Twitter feed. Scientific explanation of why Adele’s Someone Like You is such a tear-jerker, and a bestseller.

Source: via Vera on Pinterest



After reading it, I had to listen to the song again. Plugged my iPhone to the PC and now I’m listening to the Adele Live at the Royal Albert Hall CD. 

I’m not a true blue Adele fan – yet. I haven’t heard and memorized all of her songs. Before 2011, I think the only song of hers I was aware of was Chasing Pavements. But I really really like her. If she comes to the country and I don’t have moolah for concert tickets, I will be so disappointed, haha! But seriously, that Someone Like You is one heck of a song. I would love to learn to play it on the piano – if I ever get to play again.

So anyway, Adele’s concert CD was one of those five albums I splurged on last month.

Photo Feb 11, 11 57 41 PM

Bamboo’s No Water, No Moon | Adele Live at the Royal Albert Hall | Zia | Anne Curtis Annebisyosa | Noel Cabangon’s Panaginip


That is a splurge because I don’t usually buy CDs. I just listen to what Alfred has, or what my brother has. My Daddy’s the one who buys CDs all the time, but I don’t. Oh and these albums I got are all original – no pirated CDs. Smile

I think I’m finally going to start a music collection. The CDs have been ripped and loaded on my iPhone so Kuya’s gone and taken them home. But I’m sure he’ll keep them safe. He’s got to bring home Noel Cabangon’s CD though because we got a two-CD pack and Alfred only ripped the one CD that contained 4 Christmas songs and not the actual Panaginip album. And I wonder where my Johnoy CD is? His entire album mysteriously went missing from my Itunes library, and I want it back!

Do you buy music CDs? What was your last purchase? Who are your favorite artists?

*This post was drafted several days ago when the article came out, but mysteriously stayed in draft in Windows Live Writer. I must have neglected hitting the Publish button!

From My Reader: The Happiness Project


If you read Between the Covers, you know that I’m currently reading The Happiness Project. When the author embarked on her year long experiment to find Happiness, she also launched the Happiness Project Blog, today’s feature for From My Reader.


Through the blog feed, one can expect bite-sized doses of what the happiness project is all about – cultivating your own happiness. Each post comes with an idea, or a collection of ideas, on how we can find our own happiness, or how we can be happier. Like the book, it’s not all sunshine either. The author is true to her first commandment of ‘being Gretchen.’ When there is something bothering her, or if she is unable to stick to her resolutions – she owns up to it.

If you’d like to find out how you can fill your life with more rainbows and sunshiny days (not to be taken literally!), check out the blog. Then decide if you would like to read the book as well. 

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