Ramblings and Brain farts

Gift List for Christmas 2010

I am not talking about my own Christmas WishList this time around 🙂 This time I’m trying to sound off on who I want to give gifts to this year, and what.

image from iStockphoto

Of course topping my list is our soon-to-arrive baby boy. I still haven’t decided what to get my tiny little nephew as we welcome him to this world, but thank you so much for all your suggestions. Clothes seem to be the most popular suggestion, probably the easiest too. Somehow though, my heart wants something else, I just don’t know what that is yet. Sorry, I’m weird that way. So a gift for the baby would be my gift for his parents too, haha! Or not. I should get something for Kuya and Diane’s new home even if I don’t really want them to move out after the baby comes.

Next of course, is my Mom and Dad. Dad has mentioned that he wanted another chip for his videoke microphone, the Magic Sing. The thing is, I already got him a chip last year and I don’t feel like giving the same thing again (although a different chip, I’m sure). Ma would like something else, for sure. If I was so rich that I could give iPads as gifts, I’d get her one. Maybe an iTunes gift card instead so she can select her own apps and games to enjoy on my iPad. Simple, but something she will definitely enjoy.

For the boyfriend, I mentioned his wishlist on my wishlist post awhile back. By the way, he bought us trainers this morning! We were at our former office and there was an Adidas sale. We got our new shoes for 50%. Yay! So he’s scratched one item from my list, but since it was at half price, he’ll still get me two more items. It will probably both be cameras! Haha. 🙂 I didn’t get the chance to take a photo of our shoes (which actually match!) because he took them up to the room as soon as we got home, but they’ll have their day on the spotlight soon. But I still don’t know what I’ll get him. Probably another pair of shoes from Vans, and something for his photography. Maybe an upgrade to flickr pro. Or a whole new redesign of Badodong.Com as a gallery rather than a blog.

For my Grandpa, what shall I get? A new pair of shoes maybe? It is difficult to get him footwear, I tell you. Haha. I think he still doesn’t want to receive any more shirts/polo shirts because that’s what everyone gives him, hehe. I don’t think he’d like to receive a walking stick though he probably needs it. So what can we get him?

Sigh. I’ve only listed a few people at this point and already I’m exhausted! I haven’t even started shopping yet! Waaaaahhhhh 🙂

Thank You, We have PR3!

Well what do you know? This is a complete surprise. I just checked and found that Where The Moon Shines, is now at PR3!

Page Rank Check

Isn’t that a reason to celebrate? It is, it is! 🙂 The last time this blog had PR higher than 0 was in 2008. Since dropping from 3 to 0 in a few weeks, I tried to stop obsessing over PR, rationalizing that I needn’t hook my happiness on algorithm. Haha. 🙂

Now for those who don’t quite understand yet how Google Search and PageRank works, Hummie has a post up on her blog that explains pretty clearly how Google and linking up works. In the same post she links back to her 2008 tutorial on why Link Love is good for your blog 🙂

Today’s good news spurs me on for the blog giveaway I’m hosting soon (for real, this time :)). It should be reminiscent of last year’s Got Heart Planner Giveaway, but hopefully with more winners and more prizes straight from my heart. Let me caution you though that my blog contests are not about the prize themselves so it won’t be big bucks and not extravagant, but really more of a celebration of another year with everyone, and a thanksgiving for all that we’ve been blessed with this year. 🙂

Emma Geller-Green

Does the name sound familiar? For Friends fans, it will definitely ring a bell. She’s Rachel’s and Ross’ baby girl 🙂

I ran a search on the term “having a baby” because I wanted to write about preparing for my nephew’s arrival next month (SIL is due on December 18, can’t wait!). The YouTube video that came up on top of the Bing search results was a video of Rachel giving birth (watch in Youtube, embedding has been disabled). Funny how I don’t remember seeing that episode, nor the one where they celebrated Emma’s first birthday. And I thought I’d watched every Friends episode. Maybe there was something missing in my DVD or I’m really just that forgetful.

I almost teared up over Emma and Friends. 🙁

My SIL’s friends at work and her team already threw a birthday shower for her so the baby has pretty much all the things he needs when he comes out. They will also be buying him a foldable crib soon, I hear it costs about ten thousand pesos (pricey!). Now what shall I get for our baby boy? I have no idea! I’ve been so used to buying random things for my nieces and nephews (thru cousins) but I’m at a loss for what to get for our coming little angel. Ugh. I’m sure I’ll think of something.

We haven’t locked in on a name yet. Viktor Ethan? Dan Viktor? Vlad? Vito? Hay.

I also have no idea what kind of parents they’ll be. I mean, are they particular about the baby’s things? Like would they prefer organic stuff and do they check lead levels on the plastic/rubber products they’re getting. Will they be getting formula or will it be breast milk all the way?


All of a sudden I know what I’m going to get them! Woohoo 🙂

No complaints here :)

Wow. Have you noticed how many posts I’ve published here and at Between the Covers since yesterday? There’s a couple more coming your way. 🙂 For a brief moment there I wanted to complain: it’s not easy to come up with meaningful posts every time. And then I caught myself in the middle of that thought. Dare I complain about receiving opportunities? No.

I am thankful that there are posts to write. Thankful for the experiences that I can write about. I cannot be more thankful that I have the time and the resources to sit here and type these words. That I had the life and upbringing that allowed me to know about these things and more.

I am thankful for the many opportunities that come my way. For the chance to grow and be better. For the chance to start fresh.

Yes, I may have sounded like I was complaining about my big appetite, but I am thankful that there was all that food to eat 🙂 Reading alli reviews is not a sign that I’m ungrateful for all that food, but actually a sign that I’m interested in taking care of myself all the more by losing weight the safest way possible. 🙂

And finally, I am so thankful for the many reasons I have to be thankful, and I will always be so. For the biggest gift we’ll all be getting this Christmas, thank you in advance Lord! We pray for a safe delivery, as we await the arrival of my nephew 🙂 (have you seen his 4D pictures?)

Ooooohhh I almost forgot. Gee has been pointing out the HyperPromote pop up ads that go with the blog. Can someone out there help me identify where it’s coming from so I can take the code out of my blog? Please? Thank you!

Sunday Morning TV

Since waking up this morning, I’d been seated in front of the TV enjoying Sunday morning TV while also blogging and reading tweets.

Matanglawin with Kuya Kim

Today was Kuya Kim’s first day back after having a heart operation. It was an episode for reminiscing the two years of Matanglawin. He talked about his favorites, and explained a lot of things behind them. Like the story of his infamous hat, his favorite shoes used for the show, and even his trademark short pants.

Kuya Kim is really the trivia king. In fact, when we were stumped for the scrambled letters of the word reception and couldn’t guess what it was, my instinct was to tweet him! Haha. 🙂

Next week, they’ll be showing the procedure done on Kuya Kim, the first time it was ever performed in the country. I’m looking forward to that.

After Matanglawin, they showed Richard Gutierrez and Angel Locsin in Sigaw. I’d seen it already and wasn’t much interested in seeing it again so I pretty much just flipped channels back and forth. I tuned into to ShopTV for awhile, even to a movie with the Pacman on GMA (Dad insisted!). We only really settled again when it was time for the ASAPXV opening number. The gorgeous men of ASAP were at the lobby of ELJ! Right where I could have been had I still been working in the building, haha. It would have been time for a break and I’d be headed down just at that moment! Wahahaha!

But the opening number didn’t have the ooomph that most other ASAP opening numbers have. Maybe it’s the fact that they weren’t singing live. I wish they’d stop pre-recording their songs because they don’t need too! All of them are wonderfully great singers and performers. They should be insulted that they need to pre-record. If an artist can’t sing, then don’t make them. Just have them dance and we’ll still watch them 🙂

How’s your Sunday morning viewing?

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