Meaning to ain’t the same as Doing so
I’ve been meaning to update my blog with my Project 365 photos (because I haven’t done so in a loooooong time) but I keep on getting derailed. I guess the important thing about P365 is that I do get to take photos and they are like prompts that will let me post about things that have been happening to me since the year started. Getting to showcase them, is like icing on the cake.
I’ve been meaning to change my blog layout… I’ve got a number of ideas for the new layout and design but I haven’t made up my mind just yet. I am going to design it myself using available free templates of course. That’s why it’s taking so long and it will take longer to happen 🙂
I’ve also been meaning to put up another blog, but this time one what that will have a specific topic. I’m not fully convinced on its viability though, the reason being when I started blogging, I wanted to be my blog to be a mixed bag of anything and everything that interested me. I wanted this place (and any other place you find me at) to be filled with whatever I was doing and anything that mattered to me. If I setup that other blog I’m thinking of then there’d be at least one less thing to blog here about… That wouldn’t be too bad though. This is not too high on my priority list though…
I’ve also been meaning to print out the planner templates I did before the year ended. I even managed to make month calendars. But one month is already over, and I’ve lived without a planner so I don’t really think I need them anymore. I do however, carrying a notebook around and I’ve gotten so use to having the planner in my bag. So what I’m probably going to do is tweak the templates I made so I can just have a normal noteboook. Or maybe not, having it sectioned off may still be a good idea? Ahh I’ll just print stickers to date them! Yeah maybe I’ll do that too! Okay I’m getting excited about this again…
There are so many other things I’ve been meaning to do but don’t get around to doing. That’s not so good is it? I guess life is full of that and there are some things that, if we always let them go right by us, we might regret in the future. That’s why I’m trying to do more and more of the things I really want to do so that this time next year, I won’t look back and feel any regret for the time I wasted.
Okay, here’s another thing I never really meant to do, but rather something I should: organize/clean up/declutter my computer desk! Look at the picture and tell me, does this look like a desk that a girl could stand to have?
I’m not sure when fixing this up is ever going to get done (if it will by yours truly) but I know I’ll throwing away those soiled napkins right away (sorry, I still have runny nose). Haha. I’m almost tempted to think that I should look at the market for computer desks to find a better replacement for this one. Surely, there’s one out there that can better hide my clutter? 😉
Just to make it clear though – not everything on the desk is mine. In short, it’s not my fault! wahaha!