Ramblings and Brain farts

Meaning to ain’t the same as Doing so

I’ve been meaning to update my blog with my Project 365 photos (because I haven’t done so in a loooooong time) but I keep on getting derailed. I guess the important thing about P365 is that I do get to take photos and they are like prompts that will let me post about things that have been happening to me since the year started. Getting to showcase them, is like icing on the cake.

I’ve been meaning to change my blog layout… I’ve got a number of ideas for the new layout and design but I haven’t made up my mind just yet. I am going to design it myself using available free templates of course. That’s why it’s taking so long and it will take longer to happen 🙂

I’ve also been meaning to put up another blog, but this time one what that will have a specific topic. I’m not fully convinced on its viability though, the reason being when I started blogging, I wanted to be my blog to be a mixed bag of anything and everything that interested me. I wanted this place (and any other place you find me at) to be filled with whatever I was doing and anything that mattered to me. If I setup that other blog I’m thinking of then there’d be at least one less thing to blog here about… That wouldn’t be too bad though. This is not too high on my priority list though…

I’ve also been meaning to print out the planner templates I did before the year ended. I even managed to make month calendars. But one month is already over, and I’ve lived without a planner so I don’t really think I need them anymore. I do however, carrying a notebook around and I’ve gotten so use to having the planner in my bag. So what I’m probably going to do is tweak the templates I made so I can just have a normal noteboook. Or maybe not, having it sectioned off may still be a good idea? Ahh I’ll just print stickers to date them! Yeah maybe I’ll do that too! Okay I’m getting excited about this again…

There are so many other things I’ve been meaning to do but don’t get around to doing. That’s not so good is it? I guess life is full of that and there are some things that, if we always let them go right by us, we might regret in the future. That’s why I’m trying to do more and more of the things I really want to do so that this time next year, I won’t look back and feel any regret for the time I wasted.


Okay, here’s another thing I never really meant to do, but rather something I should: organize/clean up/declutter my computer desk! Look at the picture and tell me, does this look like a desk that a girl could stand to have?


I’m not sure when fixing this up is ever going to get done (if it will by yours truly) but I know I’ll throwing away those soiled napkins right away (sorry, I still have runny nose). Haha. I’m almost tempted to think that I should look at the market for computer desks to find a better replacement for this one. Surely, there’s one out there that can better hide my clutter? 😉

Just to make it clear though – not everything on the desk is mine. In short, it’s not my fault! wahaha!


This is the phone I am gushing over:


It is priced at 12,500 PhP (around 14k at the Automatic Center where it’s available at 0% interest for 12 months intallment). It is not too far from the range of prices of previuos phone I’ve had save this current Sony Ericsson W360i. 

I almost gave in and bought it (on installment) yesterday. But I don’t really want to be spending all my money away when I’m supposed to be saving instead. 24 hours later, I still find myself lusting after it although I must admit, reading the reviews while hunting for this photo has almost got me to think twice, thrice, about this phone.

I’ve withdrawn some money from my Paypal account and that is due to be transferred to my account any time now. I’m also expecting payment for the PDA we sold to Alfred’s cousin really soon. With that money, I have more than enough for an E63 and considering that I can sell my current phone, there’d be enough money to keep. Still, I can keep that money to eventually buy a new oven (that has been pending since end of 2007!) or a DSLR even.


Kuya went to San Benissa on Monday morning to bring the lighthing fixtures and locksets for our units and he saw them already starting with the partition. Yay! They should be done by the end of next week. I can’t wait!

Because I have Sundays off again, I got to watch the show Urban Zone again. Watching that show is kind of a bittersweet experience. You get to see all the beautiful spaces they create, be it in a townhouse, a condo unit, or a big big house. But you also realize how much money they have, and how much you don’t. So last Sunday, they featured the house of a couple whose kids already have families of their own. There are 3 or 4 levels to that house which overlooks a golf course.

There is so much space in that house for entertaining. Their foyer? It can actually be used for a dance floor or they can put tables and chairs there already to serve food! There’s a lounge just for listening to music, and there’s a separate entertainment center/home theater! I didn’t count how many rooms they actually have, or how many LCD TVs, but the TV wall mount they have in the master’s suite swivels so that you can watch from bed, but also turn it 180 degrees and watch from a lounge/sitting area inside the suite!

Anyway, the furnishings aren’t very intricate but the house itself is quite state-of-the-art, with everything being controlled through the main panel as the security system. You don’t see a lot of those in homes in this country.

Testing Media uploads

I was wondering why any photo I upload with my posts were displaying as red x’s. I had thought that it was the directory specified in the Miscellaneous settings in WordPress, but when I checked it,  I didn’t find anything unusual and I felt that it was correct. But days went by and the issue went unresolved, I resorted to uploading my photos via FTP instead and linking to them for the posts. I just read up about it in the WP forums and realized that the path for uploads may actually be wrong! 

I just went in there to check, and yeah, the directory looks incorrect. So here’s testing if it works properly now..

Okay, the first attempt was unsuccessful. The directory I specified was wrong… Let’s change it again and see what happens…



Okay, that took about three or four tries but I finally figured it out! It was a problem with the path. 

I took this photo using Frankie. This was where my mom’s family lived for years. I’m not sure how many years exactly but when I was born until I was around 7 years old, this to me was my grandparent’s home. This was the house we first referred to as sa baba or roughly translated – downstairs, down south, or just down. We called it that way because the house we lived in was located in the same community, but geographically ‘higher.’ The St. Andrew’s Seminary Compound has a geography that I’d call rolling hills, so you’d literally go up and down. Hehe. So Papa and Lola’s place was somewhere lower than ours.

Anyway, the house still stands and a priest who teaches at the Seminary and his family lives there now. The front door was moved to the side, and the pig pens are no longer out back. Aha, I just remembered, I should have shot the avocado tree too, if it’s still there…                                              


When to vacay?

My weekends (referring to my days off work) have been moved to Sundays-Mondays. My boss actually thought I’d be happy with the change but I’m not so enthused about it. One – Alfred and I won’t have the same off anymore. Two – I’ve come to appreciate how the movie houses and malls are practically empty on Tuesday nights 🙂 Three – the days seem to go faster for some reason.

Apart from having my off moved (which already started this week), my shift is being shifted too. Instead of logging in at 10PM, it’ll be 11PM or 12MN starting Sunday. Aw. That will widen the gap between Alfred’s shift and mine. 🙁

Anyway… I took an in lieu leave from work on Tuesday, just because. Originally, I filed for leave for the 19th because that’s our anniversary. Since it was my off already, I figured I’d just take the next day off too. It did me good to spend an extra day off work. Though we had to run an errand on that day, it was still okay for me all in all. Got me to think about taking a longer vacation soon. We have no plans yet for an out of town vacation (because we really don’t have the money to spend on one) but we have been talking about going for a swim either at Ace Water Spa or at Club Manila East. But I’m thinking that I need to de-stress and a day trip wouldn’t be enough to fully reload my guns.

The cold spell also seem to have left Manila already – it is so darn hot! Now would be a very good time to head to Baguio or even Sagada while it’s still cold up there. Or… go somewhere where it’s okay to be hot – the beach! I remember reading about their holiday vacation home from a digital scrapbook designer (Bonnie) and how I was so envious! It was a lovely place and I just know that if my family (the extended one) were given the chance to rent a vacation home and spend even just three days there – we would have the time of our lives! The closest to a vacation home we have ever rented are those private pools in Laguna – and they are NOWHERE near the grandiose and ambiance that vacation homes like those in the Outer Banks in the US have. Ohhh, the place that the XB peeps rented last year for the management team building in Caliraya, that seems real nice too but still not sure if it’s something we can afford. Ugh.

Oh well. 


A sad time for Microsoft.

It’s all over the news – Microsoft announces that 1500 of it’s valued employees are losing their jobs, and 3500 will soon follow. For a company who values employee loyalty just as much customer loyalty, this has got to be very tough for them. I have never been fired, nor retrenched, but I was transferred out because we lost an account. I still had a job waiting for me though, so it isn’t an experience that I can even begin to compare to those people who have been hit hard by this economic crisis.

I know there are a lot more companies who have had to make bigger sacrifices – like the Intel shop that gave jobs to 5000 Filipinos who is completely closing down – but learning about this happening to Microsoft just hit a little closer to home. We deal closely with Microsoft at my line of work, you see. Hay.

Hello, muse?

This feels weird. I finally have a new permanent home for my blog and yet… 

I find no mojo. I know there are a lot I want to write about but they’re just not flowing out of me. I was thinking about reposting all my Project 365 photos but I haven’t even started editing them yet. I wanted to write about our 9th anniversary yesterday (yes, Alfred and I have been together for 9 years!) but I want that post to be special and it isn’t something you’d want to write while you have a nagging headache.

Yes, I’m having another spell. I already popped a pill and that has helped, but I still feel quite heavy. I have errands to run today and we should have actually left this morning but I postponed it to this afternoon until I feel better. But go we must. This was supposed to have been done yesterday but neither Alfred nor I were up to it. Remember the San Benissa unit improvement? Well we have to claim our keys first before they can start that. To get the keys, we need to pay the move-in fee. That fee can only be paid at their head office. Normally, my brother takes care of things like this but his work schedule is a bit crazy this week so he can’t.

Before we leave, I’ll probably just import the posts I made on Blogger during the time that my site was down, or tinker with a new theme that’ll give my blog a more home-y feel 🙂 I’ll also be adding a Dreamhost button that certifies verabear.net as GREEN! Yes, learn more about that when you see the button go up on my sidebar.

I’ve been thinking too much about my work lately and that has also scared away my muse a bit. There have been times when it’s still work that floods my mind even when I’m already home – and even on my rest days. That’s not good. I moved to this job because I don’t want to be that way anymore. I guess I’m still just feeling very stressed about work. I want to stop thinking about handle time and QOS. 

So anyway, I’ll go make myself busy with other things while I also wait for my muse to come back to me.

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