Beware when Taking a Cab!

I heard from a friend yesterday, but I was nursing a very bad headache so I didn’t really understand what her message was about until a few hours ago.

She was robbed by a taxi driver and his accomplice:


She is okay, according to her message, and she just wanted to share the link to the news piece. I said I was glad she’s okay but that I couldn’t load the video so I didn’t know the details. Today I got to see the video, and I am horrified!

I’d taken taxis to and from work at odd hours and one of the things I was fearful for was exactly this kind of modus-operandi. No matter how careful we are, it can get difficult at times. I am just very thankful for her that she had the sense to remember the plate number, and that police acted swiftly and apprehended the thugs on the same night.

I laud my friend for being brave and not letting the bad guys get away with what they did. Others would have given up and just gone home. I want to hug her and reassure her. And to greet her an advanced happy birthday.  But I’ll see her very soon.

To every one else, please stay safe, and beware. Call your trusted cab companies like World/Cord.  Or use that app for iOS/Android called Grab a Taxi or something. I know it’s no guarantee, but it’s a start.

October, Be Super!


October’s here so let’s see how much of my September list’s been crossed out, shall we?


  • Weekly 1-1s with my direct reports xxx
  • Weekly Recognition Day for my business unit (I did three, and missed two for August) xxx
  • Meet scorecard goal
  • Start a regular education/personal development session with my team


  • Edit book collection/audit TBR pile. Will not go to the NBS sale or the MIBF without first doing this.
  • Budget, budget. Budget! xxx
  • Finish my Ripple Blanket and start another crochet/knit project xxx
  • Continue reading
  • Write more
  • Map out home organization project
  • Go to Corregidor
  • Sleep minimum 5 hours xxx
  • Get 15 minutes of daily exercise done
  • Have a 3-day juice fast
  • Get two facials done


Ugh. This is embarrassing. It looks like I actually didn’t get to do so much doesn’t it? Some of the few items crossed out even happened just this week, the early days of October. Oh well.

So I’m keeping the same list this month. Except I’ll be starting a new craft project, this time I’ll be knitting instead of crocheting. Also, instead of the Corregidor trip, we'll go with the family to Bataan in 2 weeks' time.

What about you, do you have your goals listed for October?


*Credits for the Photo (source)

*The strike through isn't showing so I added xxx's on the ones that should be crossed out.

Calling @SkyServes!

I love that I have Windows Live Writer up and running again because in times like this, when my Internet connection is so unreliable, I can write offline and post when the connection gets better. Smile

Sky Cable is our service provider for Broadband. Since re-subscribing to them a few years back we’ve had relatively good customer service – better than PLDT DSL. There have been downtimes but they’ve been quite responsive so we didn’t mind. But as of late, things have been getting crappy and crappier. Like our old DSL woes, connectivity seems to be slower every afternoon until early evening, every single day. We’ve called it in but nothing they do has helped. We even signed up for the 6MBPS trial because we needed help to decide whether to stay with Sky or switch PLDT Fibr. Things improved for a day or two, but it was either faster or intermittent connection. Who needs ultra fast Internet that was unreliable?

What holds us back from switching to Fibr is the high cost of that alternative service and our previous bad experience with PLDT’s DSL.

Perhaps Rowena of SkyServes has psychic powers, she gave me a call just now in response to my SMS this afternoon. According to her, there is a signal problem in our area but it was supposedly corrected on October 1. They did verify if our signal improved after their repairs and she says it shows that it still wasn’t the optimum speed we should be receiving. So whatever needs to be done, still has to be done and our 6MBPS trial will likely be extended at no cost to us.

If things don’t improve tomorrow, we’re to report back. So we’ll see.

Rowena is our dedicated CSR. Instead of calling the Sky hotline, we can SMS her. We haven’t always gone that route though, but of late it’s been more convenient. I was surprised she called on a Saturday, but thankful nonetheless.

So let’s give them another chance. What I hate about this whole scenario is that we don’t have a lot of options and we are left at their mercy. Although we are Globe postpaid mobile users, we can’t use Tattoo because signal is so low in this house. Sometimes I get LTE signal outside, but once I come in, even normal mobile signal is a struggle. Feedback for their wired hi-speed service is mixed so we’re not considering it. I don’t even know about SMART or SUN Broadband, but I doubt if their Wi-Fi sticks will be any better.

Who is your Internet Service Provider? Do you highly recommend them? Why or why not? Do weigh in!


Zalora’s 3-Day Sale

The Zalora 3-Day Sale started yesterday, and you still have until Sunday 9/29 to grab some goodies at 20% off. Here’s how:





Twenty percent off of anything always sounds like a good deal to me. So if you’ve really been planning on getting a new outfit, shoes, and accessories – now’s the time to go shopping. Do it in the convenience of your own home without having to doll up for the mall. Smile


If you miss the 3-day sale, no worries, you can still

shop Zalora for 15% off using this coupon code: ZBAPMzr

(works for first time purchase only).

Grab. Scan. Go.

We have new vending machines at work. The old ones required you to pay first before you get the product, while the new setup lets you grab your food item before you even pay.

Some employees have already taken to calling it an “honesty store.” You could, after all, just grab your snack and leave without paying for it first. But a warning has been posted in the premises: CCTV cameras are activated. But I think it's too public, who would even dare steal from it?

Apart from the novelty of a cashier-less store, what I like about the new vendos are the healthier snack options. There are sandwiches (none today because those apparently sold out already), fresh apples, pears and bananas, and creamy yoghurt.

Pricing is comparable to convenience store prices.

There are two ways to pay. One can register for a card that comes with free PhP 35.00, and you can top it up anytime. I think that's a good way to budget your snack money. If you runout, then you can't get anymore junk food, juice or soft drinks until your next scheduled top up. No need to go far to top up either, you can do it on the same machine. I think free snack card top ups could be a new incentive idea for our agents.

But one can also use paper money and coins with the machine. It works like the classic vendo where you just feed it bills or drop in coins and you're given the appropriate change too.

I was going to try out the machine today, but when I went back to it, the scanner/cashbox wasn't working. I guess there are still bugs. Hope they fix it before tonight's shift (and restock too).

Have you seen or used a Grab-Scan-Go system? What are your thoughts about it?


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