About verabear


Posts by verabear:

I won!

For the first time ever, I won something online! Woot woot! 🙂

Remember me blogging about Dette’s birthday party? Well it has started and what a blast, specially since I won the first giveaway. I’ve almost given up on online contests and giveaways because in all these years I’ve never won anything, but what a suprise I had when I swung by Dette’s this afternoon! 

Now the fun has really just started because she has so much prizes to give away. Thank you to all her sponsors for making it possible, it’s the biggest giveaway I’ve seen so far, I think. 🙂 The updated Everglow Party button on my sidebar will lead you where you can know what exactly I’m talking about. It’s really amazing how so many generous people have come together to help celebrate MammaDawg’s birthday with a very loud bang.

So let’s all head on over there and party!

I got through!

I finished the level I was talking about yesterday! I didn’t get the Super Goal but I did breeze right through the next level, the mini game, and then the last one. So Grandpa has been rescued by Jill and I’m on to the next level. As it turns out, the Egypt level was only the second that I’ve finished, I’m off for the third!


I’m a little sad because my family is going on a picnic to my grandpa’s rice fields in Nueva Ecija tomorrow. I’ve never been there and it looks like I won’t be going with them tomorrow. My shift’s until 9am and I wasn’t able to ask my boss in advance for a leave. I could probably ask to render just a half day’s work but I’m not confident to ask. After all, there’s no emergency. I can’t just follow after shift because the place is at least three hours’ drive away from here. My cousins and their kids are all going. Of course gramps will be there too.

Oh well. Just imagine the photo ops I’d be missing…

Cake Mania 3 – stuck at Day 11, Egypt


I cannot get past this level in Cake Mania 3! See that Anubis to the left? When he appears, he changes everyone in the queue to mummys, and their orders change too! So I get stuck with cakes that no one wants anymore 🙁 I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve retried the level and yet, all I see is this:


See how sad Jill looks? That’s exactly how I look right now. Waaaahhhh! 

I’ve had Cake Mania 3 from Real Arcade Games for awhile now but I’ve only recently attempted to play. I am done with two other ‘worlds’ so this is the third and I am stuck so far. I’ve tried all the tricks I’ve kept up my sleeves, every tactic I learned from playing previous versions of Cake Mania, and I have so far failed to progress from this. I will get you you Anubis you!


This is the phone I am gushing over:


It is priced at 12,500 PhP (around 14k at the Automatic Center where it’s available at 0% interest for 12 months intallment). It is not too far from the range of prices of previuos phone I’ve had save this current Sony Ericsson W360i. 

I almost gave in and bought it (on installment) yesterday. But I don’t really want to be spending all my money away when I’m supposed to be saving instead. 24 hours later, I still find myself lusting after it although I must admit, reading the reviews while hunting for this photo has almost got me to think twice, thrice, about this phone.

I’ve withdrawn some money from my Paypal account and that is due to be transferred to my account any time now. I’m also expecting payment for the PDA we sold to Alfred’s cousin really soon. With that money, I have more than enough for an E63 and considering that I can sell my current phone, there’d be enough money to keep. Still, I can keep that money to eventually buy a new oven (that has been pending since end of 2007!) or a DSLR even.


Kuya went to San Benissa on Monday morning to bring the lighthing fixtures and locksets for our units and he saw them already starting with the partition. Yay! They should be done by the end of next week. I can’t wait!

Because I have Sundays off again, I got to watch the show Urban Zone again. Watching that show is kind of a bittersweet experience. You get to see all the beautiful spaces they create, be it in a townhouse, a condo unit, or a big big house. But you also realize how much money they have, and how much you don’t. So last Sunday, they featured the house of a couple whose kids already have families of their own. There are 3 or 4 levels to that house which overlooks a golf course.

There is so much space in that house for entertaining. Their foyer? It can actually be used for a dance floor or they can put tables and chairs there already to serve food! There’s a lounge just for listening to music, and there’s a separate entertainment center/home theater! I didn’t count how many rooms they actually have, or how many LCD TVs, but the TV wall mount they have in the master’s suite swivels so that you can watch from bed, but also turn it 180 degrees and watch from a lounge/sitting area inside the suite!

Anyway, the furnishings aren’t very intricate but the house itself is quite state-of-the-art, with everything being controlled through the main panel as the security system. You don’t see a lot of those in homes in this country.

Testing Media uploads

I was wondering why any photo I upload with my posts were displaying as red x’s. I had thought that it was the directory specified in the Miscellaneous settings in WordPress, but when I checked it,  I didn’t find anything unusual and I felt that it was correct. But days went by and the issue went unresolved, I resorted to uploading my photos via FTP instead and linking to them for the posts. I just read up about it in the WP forums and realized that the path for uploads may actually be wrong! 

I just went in there to check, and yeah, the directory looks incorrect. So here’s testing if it works properly now..

Okay, the first attempt was unsuccessful. The directory I specified was wrong… Let’s change it again and see what happens…



Okay, that took about three or four tries but I finally figured it out! It was a problem with the path. 

I took this photo using Frankie. This was where my mom’s family lived for years. I’m not sure how many years exactly but when I was born until I was around 7 years old, this to me was my grandparent’s home. This was the house we first referred to as sa baba or roughly translated – downstairs, down south, or just down. We called it that way because the house we lived in was located in the same community, but geographically ‘higher.’ The St. Andrew’s Seminary Compound has a geography that I’d call rolling hills, so you’d literally go up and down. Hehe. So Papa and Lola’s place was somewhere lower than ours.

Anyway, the house still stands and a priest who teaches at the Seminary and his family lives there now. The front door was moved to the side, and the pig pens are no longer out back. Aha, I just remembered, I should have shot the avocado tree too, if it’s still there…                                              


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