I’ve posted Days 6 to 10 of my P365 photos up at the gallery and it happens that I have never showed Day 10 here, so here it is:
That’s my desk on that day, but it doesn’t look quite as crowded anymore because I’ve since moved the in/out tray to a sidetable that I salvaged. Haha 🙂 Yellow M&M is a real M&M dispenser. I took it to work as a treat for my agents on New Year’s. My dad bought it during a trip last year (or was it the year before?). See that table on my screen? It’s a daily report I send to my agents so they know how they did the previous day. That means I must have taken this photo a few minutes after arriving at work that evening.
Anyway, do hop on over to Digital Memories and look at the rest okay? 🙂
I took a nap around noontime amidst the scorching heat and then woke up to see that mail was delivered while I was knocked out on the couch. As soon as I saw the envelope I knew it was mine and I knew what was in it!
Like a kid on Christmas eve, I excitedly opened the envelope, gave Dette’s note a quick read (thanks dear, I did read it first, promise 🙂 ), and turned all my attention to 1/3 of my first ever online winnings.
This travelled many many miles and had to take an airplane to reach me. Mammadawg sent it all the way from her corner of the world.
I checked out the Best Buy online store and was a bit disappointed that they don’t have international shipping, but that has never stopped me from doing any shopping has it? I don’t know what to do with the card yet, but will probably purchase something for a gift to send to a friend/relative in the US or purchase something downloadable. The possibilities are exciting. Haha. 🙂
I’ve been wracking my brain for a Thursday Thirteen post but I just cannot make up my mind. I’m sure if I started writing things will just spill out but I don’t want to do that. Haha 🙂
I thought about posting Thirteen shares from my mailbox but it may be a little too tedious for me to work on just right now. I’d have to download graphics and then post them up here. Because I wanted to browse at the same time, it would take at least an hour to finish off such a post.
Since I was going through my Entrecard visitors, I figured, why not post links to thirteen random blogs in my EC inbox?
Then I had another idea, why don’t I try out all the gym equipment we had around here and then post about my attempts at thirteen ways to use the Nautilus? Okay, I scrapped that – me, do gym equipment? Huh. Oh, then I remembered seeing an ad for an elliptical, and if we didn’t already have a treadmill, I’d totally show it to my dad. I had a chance to try one of those when I was still signed up at a gym (yes, I had that phase too), and it doesn’t look as simple as it looks!
I just setup my photoblog right? I thought of posting thirteen photos up there, ones I have not posted here yet, but I scrapped that idea too. I’m just not up for it. Tomorrow I will definitely add more content there though.
Now, Alfred is currently off somewhere at a job interview. He doesn’t really need a new job, but since the opportunity presented itself, he’s giving it a try. I don’t want him to leave for petty reasons, but I did think about blogging thirteen reasons why he shouldn’ move. Haha. But I’m a supportive girlfriend, so I scrapped that idea too.
Another idea was to post thirteen freebie digiscrapping finds but I want to post only stuff I really liked and also downloaded myself. So like the other ideas, I didn’t have enough time to go hunting. That takes up a lot of time, believe me 🙂
I have twenty agents in my team currently, plus our two techleads, that’s twenty two people I can write about. I could have written about the first thirteen and then the rest on another week, plus other personalities at work to complete the thirteen. Hmm maybe I will do that.
I’ve been thinking of reasons to leave my job, just because I’m so tired of working. But maybe I should think about thirteen reasons not to. You know? After all, I really should be greatful that I have a job in times like these.
Here’s another idea that I just thought of – I could go into my saved conversations from my Windows Live Messenger and post thirteen bits of conversations I’ve had with my contacts. That would be fun!
I’ve been browsing through so many WordPress templates/themes and I thought I’d post thirteen of my favorites, but I don’t think I actually have thirteen. Hmm.
I could pick my top 13 for American Idol’s Season 8, but I haven’t actually been following it this season. In fact this is the first episode I’m going to see. (It’s on right now)
Ahh, I could rant about thirteen headlines from the past couple of days! But that would take too much emotion. And some of those really just frustrate me.
Oh my gawd, there’s 270 million pesos up for grabs on the Lotto tonight, and none of us in this household got a single ticket! I could be ticking off thirteen ways to spend that money right now…
I have yet another online hangout, a new baby even. I’ve setup a photo blog/gallery!
I’ve been trying to keep it under wraps until I’ve uploaded what I wanted to upload, but I couldn’t keep it to myself anymore. So here it is, without further ado, my photoblog/gallery/showroom: Digital Memories!
I used a very simple template for that photoblog which gives me a lot more to improve it as I go. You may want to click on the Archive link at the navigation bar up top so you can select categories (the closest I could substitute for an album like view). My Project 365 photos aren’t actually there yet, because I haven’t quite decided whether to upload them just as the photos, without any embellishments, or do I upload them the way I show them on the blog.
Please don’t be surprised that the photos and layouts are so hugely displayed, haha. I guess in a way it’s to make sure I use as less words as possible there 🙂
Anyway, I do hope you get to visit and share with my digital memories 🙂
For the first time this morning, we saw a trailer for a new series that’s going to be aired on Star World – October Road. Its cast includes Hannah Daniels, the level-headed girl we loved in The 70s Show as Donna. She’s not a red head here though 🙁
Any show that features “hometowns” and homecoming really interest me because I grew up in a wonderful community too. I got so interested on this one that I went online to check it out. Apparently, this show ran on ABC for a year, with the last episode shown in March 2008. The reviews are positive so I’m really looking forward to watching them.
*image credits to sitcomsonline.com
Here’s another show I also saw for the first time on Star World – Dirty Sexy Money. Like October Road, it was also first aired in 2007 and ran through the next year, with around 20 episodes. Though not part of the original cast, Lucy Liu was also part of the production.
When I was a little girl, I loved watching Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous. There was no other show that sparked the dreamer in me. I used to imagine marrying rich because I knew then that that was the only way I’d get to experience those luscious accomodations and lavish lifestyle. Haha.
This is one show that would probably reinforce the idea that having money isn’t all that it’s painted out to be. That one can’t have it all. That money can buy anything, but won’t probably give you all the happiness in the world. But isn’t that a cliche already? Isn’t that what everyone thinks anyway? Aren’t there rich and famous families who truly are happy, and who truly live a fairytale life, and have no illegal sources of their wealth?
Hahaha, am I asking for too much here?
If you’ve seen this shows, what do you think about them? Who is your favorite character? I’d love to know.