Project: Ripple Pattern Blanket

This is what’s keeping me busy outside of work:



Well, okay. It’s not exactly that, but that photo links to the pattern I am following for a blanket I’m working on. My colors are not nearly as bright as what the original pattern maker used.

I fell in love with the ripple pattern when I first saw this image on Pinterest (follow my boards @verabear!), so much that I completely forgot about the original pattern I intended to work on.

This is the first time I’m attempting a blanket. Or maybe I should call it a throw or afghan or something? It’s just going to be big enough to throw over the love seat, our living room couch that has been doubling as my bed too. Hehe. My previous crochet projects (from years and years ago) were nowhere near this big. I’m excited!

I got my set of crochet hooks about two weeks ago and I knew I really wanted to work on something. In time, I found the perfect ripple pattern. And then last week, we went yarn shopping!

Alfred helped me pick out the colors. Initially I wanted a summer theme – so I had in mind a very light and sunny palette. But the colors available weren’t so bright and sunny. Also, the boyfriend gravitated towards the colors he knew I loved – purples and pinks.

I would love to someday use cotton yarns and specialty yarns, but for now, I settled with the readily available Cannon mercerized cotton brand.

Before I actually started on the blanky, I stitched a sample patch so I can get used to the pattern. It was fairly easy to get used to. After the second row I already stopped reading the pattern. The patch allowed me to also visualize what the final product will look like, and also to measure how many chains I will need.

Photo Mar 10, 8 57 21 AM

I used a 3.0 mm hook for the trial patch, but decided to use the smaller hook for the actual project. The main project will be 10 times the width of this one, still don’t know much taller or how many rows it’ll take. So far I’ve done 6.5 rows on my blanky and I’ve had to unravel my stitches twice. First one was on the first row (I had excess chains!) and the last one was for the 7th row – I missed two stitches early in the row and I was at the end of that row before I realized it. Confusing? Never mind, it’s not important. Smile

While I was going through fabulous crochet works on Pinterest, I couldn’t help but think about my grandmother who taught me this craft. I miss her. I bet she could show me how to work any complicated pattern out there.

Anything I crochet, will always be done in her memory.

Hay. Moving on…

Apart from crocheting, I also sneak in some reading. I am currently going through book 2 of the Millenium Trilogy, The Girl Who Played with Fire.

So the short story is that, this is why I haven’t written a review of Oz, The Great and Powerful. Also the reason why I haven’t mentioned anything about meeting up with friends for dinner on Sunday night. That same dinner where my friend commented about the streets being relatively safer thanks to BPOs working round the clock giving commuters in general a lesser need to log on to for pepper spray or mace purchases. Smile

Potable Water from Air

The social media is all about sharing stories. A lot of times, there’s crap out there, but there are rare gems. There are stories that inspire, and give hope. There are stories that, when told properly, spark a revolution. We choose which stories to share and read. We choose which stories survive.

One story I found on my Facebook timeline today is about this collaboration between a Peru University and an advertising company. They setup a billboard that actually generates potable water out of air. Details are found in this linked article, but I am also embedding a Youtube video of this project below.



We probably thought that water was  an unlimited resource. After all, about 70% of the Earth’s surface is made up of water right?

But not all water is readily usable, much less drinkable. There are areas all over the world where clean, potable water is a life-or-death issue.

The technology they used in this billboard project is something that can be replicated in many parts of the world. Granted, currently the cost of maintaining the setup might be too expensive, but harnessing the power of the sun (solar energy) could make it more affordable, and sustainable.

This is the kind of innovation and innovative-thinking we need to solve the country’s problems.


What do you think?

MARCHing On!

As predicted, Feb was definitely Fab SmileI must admit though that I still wasn’t able to translate it’s fabulousness into blogging. Still need to work on that. Smile

Blessings still keep on coming, so I must remember to be grateful, and to share the love whenever and wherever possible.

Thank You for work that continues to challenge me.

Mostly, I’ve been keeping busy at work. I can’t say that we ended the month with more fabulous scores than January, but we did rally and got to a better standing than where we were at start of month. I can only hope the team Marches on for March.

Thank You for putting sense into my head and getting me on the road to financial maturity and security.

I added to my savings and increased my portfolio in February. Really feel good about that. Signed up for Bo Sanchez’ Truly Rich Club before the month closed. Maybe I’ll get to write a review in a few weeks. For now, I’m still trying to see my way around. The downside is that this month we ate out a lot. We should definitely get back to having lunch at home or at our more affordable eating places, aka Becky’s Place.

Thank You for family time, and short trips. And for opportunities to appreciate the beauty of Your creation.

Five years ago, my parents and I took Esban to Paradizoo. On the same day this year, we went back, but with Amir in tow! It was such a fun, fun day.

We stopped by Rose and Grace Bulalo at Sta. Rosa, Laguna for lunch. Amir didn’t eat much but was happy to try feeding himself. He loved the soup of the bulalo though, he had a lot of it!


When we (finally) arrived at ParadiZoo, he was raring to go! He walked and ran a lot that afternoon and didn’t seem to get tired. He had all three of us struggling to keep up!


It took him awhile to warm up on the mini-pony ride, but he definitely loved having to feed the animals. He even walked straight up to a goat, but then backed off when it jumped up to meet his face hehe.

Thank You for good food, with good company.

There was the Pan de Amerikana brunch. A Valentine’s dinner (Eastern Time, because it was actually brunch time of the 15th Manila time) at Banapple. Dinner at the Chocolate Kiss. And a very satisfying lunch at our new favorite, Greeka Kouzina. It was our second time here, and we were not disappointed.

Photo Mar 05, 5 09 57 AM

And the countless fast food drive thru take outs.

Thank You for friendships and the occasions to see them. Oh, and for photobooths too! Smile

February was a month to celebrate many things, friendships included.

Rico and Jallen got married! We finally met Rico’s better half, on their wedding day on 2/23.  It was such a fun reception. Beautiful wedding. While we were all decked out, we went for coffee and movie at Resort’s World after the reception. All but three of us fell asleep while watching Bruce Willis!


The next day, Alfred and I went to my goddaughter Popot’s first birthday. Of course there had to be a picture with all of the original members of the YP-ACSEC core group SmileWe couldn’t fit anymore, not only have we all grown up, but all of them have had kids too. Ako na lang ang wala!


Alfred and I rarely have photos together. But we love photobooths!


We even got to connect with Arianne, a good friend from college, after the party. She lives in the area so I asked her out for coffee after the party. We spent a good three hours or so just chit chatting and catching up. Alfred didn’t complain about the time, good boy. Smile


Thank You. Thank you, my dear readers for taking the time to visit!

I feel like there is so much more in February, that truly my cup runneth over. There were definitely times when I’d pause and think if this is the life I would have chosen given another chance, but then I realize I am better off than others. That I should be thankful for the life chosen for me. So I MARCH on, I MARCH forward!

What happened to your February?

Nokia Lumia 920

I love my iOS devices. I suffer from serious Mac-envy. But I am definitely a Windows person. Perhaps I developed a loyalty to the brand due to working for them for over five years, but maybe it’s also because it’s just that easy to use and it’s available. I love Windows 7, and am interested in trying out Windows 8. (Oh, and did I mention that I blog with Windows Live Writer on my PC?)

As for mobile devices, I can no longer imagine a life before Smart phones. Can you? Yet in the early years of the mobile invasion, we were all content with the green screens and brick phones. My first few phones were all Nokias. The sturdiest phone I ever owned was the first one I ever got – the Nokia 3210. I remember dropping that phone on the bleachers outside the UP Gym and the resulting scratch was barely noticeable. My last Nokia was from the 82 series, not sure if it was an 8210 or an 8250. I bought it second hand, and with a camera attachment.

nokia 8210

(image source)

But I’ve since moved on from Nokia. Moved on, and never looked back.

The Lumia line, boasting its PureView camera technology, is something worth checking out.

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A smart phone with a great camera, Windows 8, and full version of Microsoft Office? This really sounds good. Send me a red one will you?

Read up on its features on the Lumia 920 product page. I got the iPhone initially because of it’s camera, and Instagram. Had I learned of PureView before falling into the iOS trap, I really probably would have considered getting a Lumia.

If you like what you’re reading so far, you can also head out to an Abenson store near you, and experience the Nokia Lumia 920 for yourself. I hear the Trinoma branch (so does Shangri-la Plaza and The New Glorietta) let’s you test the phone, so I might swing by one of these days and check it out. Shopping for this and other gadgets at Abenson comes with perks too – the store frequently has promotions that give freebies for your purchase, plus all major credit cards have 0% interest installment deals!

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So there you have it. If you’re in the market for a new phone, don’t leave Nokia out of the running. The Lumia 920 might just be the phone for you. Smile

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